

Study on Integrated Method’s Application in Provincial Flood Control Consultation Decision Support System

【作者】 何斌

【导师】 周惠成;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 水文学及水资源, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 我国洪水灾害频频发生,每年的防汛任务十分艰巨。就当前重点防洪地区的实际情况而言,在努力提高江河防汛能力的同时,应加强防洪减灾的非工程措施建设,以防洪信息化建设为背景,在防汛指挥系统建设的基础上,结合高新技术建设一个高效、可靠、实用的防汛会商决策支持系统,这对防洪减灾具有十分重要的现实意义。本文分析了我国防汛会商决策支持系统发展状况和已取得的研究成果及在集成化管理方面的研究现状,针对当前防汛会商决策支持系统集成化应用研究中存在的主要问题,结合黑龙江省防汛决策支持系统的研究与开发实际工程背景,紧紧围绕防汛会商决策支持系统集成化展开应用研究工作。本文运用元数据、工作流、B/S网络体系结构、Oracle数据库管理系统、Web GIS,JAVA编程等先进计算机信息技术和管理方法,研究了防洪信息元数据理论、防汛会商集成化方法、防汛抢险决策方法集成技术、防汛业务集成化方法以及技术方法的综合应用和推广取得了如下成果: (1) 根据省级防汛会商决策支持系统集成的总体目标,分析归纳了在系统集成化应用研究过程将采用的技术和方法,包括元数据、工作流、网络体系结构、Oracle数据库管理系统、Web GIS、JAVA编程等先进的计算机信息技术和管理方法的基本概念、功能、特点以及在系统集成中应用的原因和要求。通过对比分析,确定了系统总体集成方案,利用不同的技术与方法将解决不同的系统集成中出现的问题。 (2) 针对防汛系统中资源信息开发利用所面临的问题,从元数据的基本理论研究出发,研究了防洪信息元数据理论。首先,将元数据的描述对象——“数据”拓展到系统任意层次的资源对象,扩展了元数据的定义范围。然后,通过对防洪信息元数据的内容体系分析,参照有关元数据标准和防洪信息资源的应用情况,重点研究防汛决策支持系统内各个层次资源信息的元数据,主要包括数据元数据、数据库元数据、模型方法元数据和系统模块元数据的定义及其描述的标准框架体系结构。最后,以上述理论研究为基础,分析元数据互操作的需求,应用B/S网络体系结构和元数据应用工程框架构建了防洪信息元数据管理系统的体系结构,用以对防汛决策支持系统中的各类元数据进行获取、检查、转换、存储、处理和应用等元数据生命周期的管理。 (3) 针对目前防汛会商系统在集成管理及其应用方面存在的主要问题,通过对防汛会商的特点和流程分析,提出了防汛会商系统集成化管理的设计思想极其实现方法。首先,根据该设计思想,应用B/S网络体系结构建立防汛会商集成化管理体系结构,并对其中应用的Web、模块元数据、Java和Web GIS等新技术的应用进行可行性分析,从而形成防汛会商系统集成化管理的总体设计方案。然后,应用模块元数据的定义和描述标准分析会商集成信息的元数据项,设计相应的元数据库;以全省范围内防汛会商分

【Abstract】 Flood disasters happen frequently in China. So the task of emergency flood control is very difficult. According to actual situations of the main flood arer, the best way to control floods is to adopt the strategy of combining structural measures with non-structural measures. And the flood control consultation decision support system (FCCDSS) is a very important part of non-structural measures, which play an impoitant role in flood control and disasters reduction. On the basis of brief review of application and tendency of FCCDSS and its integration management, this paper points out the main system integrationproblems in the application of FCCDSS. And making good use of advanced computer information technology and management method including matadata, workflow, B/S architecture, Oracle, Web GIS and JAVA, it mainly researches on five aspects, such as flood control information metadata theory, flood control consultation integration methods, flood control emergency decision integration technolog, flood control task integration method and their application. And it gets the following results:(1) Basing on the general integration goal of provincal FCCDSS, the paper analizes the advanced computer information technology and management methods in the procedure of system integration, such as metadata, workflow, system network architecture, Oracle, Web GIS, JAVA. And it determines system general integration proposal through a comparative analysis, which be used to solve different problems in the system integration.(2) In allusion to the problems of resource information development in flood control system, the paper reserches on flood information matadata theory relying on the metadata fundament. Firstly, the "data" of metadata is extended to resource objects, which expands the defining category of metadata. Sencondly, the research on definition and its standard framework architecture of the resource information meatadata is emphasized on, which include data metadata, database metadata, model metadata and module metadata. Finally, on the base of research above and requirement of metadata interactive manipulation, it applies B/S architecture and metadata apllication structure to manage metadata’s lifecycle in flood control decision support sytem.(3) The thought of FCCDSS integration and application is brought forth after analyzing the primary problems and the features and flow of flood control consultation in integration management and application of FCCDSS. First, the author analyzes the applicaiton feasibility of Web, module metadata, Java and Web GIS, and determine integrated design proposal of FCCDSS Integeration.Then the author analyzes the Consultation information metadata using the difinition of module metadata and characterization standard to design correspondent metadata database.And it designs and develops templates about integration management of flood control consultation System. In this system, the information oriented to the hotspots of flood control decision making is effectively managed by the flood-control consultation templates. In terms of consultation management platform, the visual thematic information can be sent to the consultation screens rapidly to support the flood control decision making. Through a case study on a flood control consultation meeting, the effect of these techniques is illustrated.(4) The abundant information about emergency flood control, such as flood emergency, terrain, social economy, materials warehouse, road network, vehicle, and so on, should be considered while a decision is made in the process of levee emergency repair. The integration research of flood emergency decision model comprises DEM, flood inundation analysis model, earth-rock volume calculation, space interpolation method, the shortest path analysis. According to the research of basic model, it studied earth-rock integration model, emergency material operation integration model, and 3D-scene visualization integration method. From deciding the main determining factors, and analyzing the concrete decision process and combining with the three above middle-granularity models integration, it researches the flood emergency repair integration model and implements in corresponding software system.(5) Currently, Flood control decision support system (FCDSS) is short of the synthetical integration oriented to flood control decision and task flow. And in this paper a model about flood control task integration management is presented to solve this problem. Firstly, through requirements analysis in for aspects, such as flood control task workflow, flood control organization model, FCCDSS modules and FCCDSS security problem, the conclusion is made that it is very important and necessary to realize the task integration management in flood control system. Secondly, according to the relationship amony security access control, workflow, information resource and information system, the flood control task integration management model is studied. And on the basis of workflow model and RBAC model, elements and their interrelation in this model are defined and described in detail, and are stored into the integration management database. lastly, adopting some advanced techniques, such as B/S network structure, Java, Oracle, JSP, and so on, flood control task integration management system is researched and developed to to support the flood control task integration and portal integration of FCDSS.Finally, the above system integration techniques and methods are applied to the three subsystems of Heilongjiang provincial flood control decision support system, such as information service subsystem, flood control consultation subsystem, and flood organization management subsystem. And the extensibility is analysed and researched in other systems. Then a summary is given and some problems to be further studied are discussed.
