

【作者】 陈振福

【导师】 焦津洪;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 国际法学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 本论文研究主题为“金融混业经营中利益冲突的法律规制”。本论文在介绍国外关于规制金融混业经营中利益冲突问题的一些成熟的经验和法律手段的基础上,分析了各种法律规制手段的作用和地位,进而对我国在这方面的法律现状进行检讨,最后结合中国实际就将来这方面的法律修订与完善提出自己的见解。本文的主要内容简要介绍如下:引言部分首先介绍本文的论题及研究动机、研究范围,并交代本文的研究方法及研究限制。第一章是本文的重要内容。本章对金融混业经营中利益冲突问题的现实可能性进行了分析(包括对我国的分析)。本章同时对金融混业利益冲突的概念、特征及成因进行了理论上的分析。第二章关注于规制利益冲突的理论基础,结合英美法上信义义务的存在所产生的启示分析了规制的必要性,并比较了解决利益冲突问题的几种主要规制手段。第三章探讨了规制利益冲突的民事规则,主要包括英美法及大陆法中规制利益冲突的一般性民事规则(以英美法下信义义务概念中的利益冲突规则为重点),以及规制特殊类型的利益冲突滥用行为的民事责任制度,最后总结这些规则及其对我国的启示。第四章分析了规制利益冲突的行政监管措施,主要是防火墙制度和信息披露制度,最后总结这些制度的作用及其对我国的启示。第五章介绍了规制金融混业利益冲突自律机制的中国墙制度在国外的发展及其具体内容,并总结了其作用及对我国的启示。第六章是本文的核心部分。本章分析了以法律方式规制我国金融混业经营中利益冲突的意义及必要性,并分析了需要考虑的特殊国情及相关对策。最后本章检讨了我国有关法律法规在规制金融行业利益冲突方面的现状,并就完善相关法律措施的具体内容提出建议。本文的结论部分阐明了作者对于如何综合运用各种法律手段规制金融混业中利益冲突问题的观点。

【Abstract】 The topic of this thesis is “Legal Regulation of Conflict of Interest in Universal Banking”.It first introduces the long practiced experience and legal measures adopted by foreigncountries to regulate the issue of conflict of interest incurred under universal banking, andevaluate the function and status of various legal regulatory means. It further reviews theexisting regulatory regime of the People’ Republic of China (“PRC”), and raises hisproposals on how to revise and improve Chinese laws in the future in this regard.The main content of this thesi is briefed as follows:The preamble part introduces about the topic, initiative of study and study scope of thisthesis, and states the study method as well as restrictions on such study.Chapter One is a substantial part of this thesis. This chapter evaluates the real threat of theissue of conflict of interest due to universal banking, including the applicability of such apossible threat in China.. This chapter analyzes the concept, characteristics and reasons forthe conflict of interest under universal banking from a theoretical point of view.Chapter Two focuses on the theoretical basis of regulating conflict of interest. Based on theenlightment from the existence of fiduciary duties under the common law system, it pointsout that it is necessary for such regulation, and compares the main regulatory means tosolve the issue of conflict of interest.Chapter Three explores civil rules on regulating conflict of interest, including those generalrules on regulating conflict of interest under Common Law and Continental Law(particular focus is given to the conflict of interest rules contained in the concept offiduciary duty under Common Law), and the civil liability system on regulating specialtypes of abuse of conflicts of interests. At the end, this chapter summarizes these rules, andaddresses its enlightment for the PRC.Chapter Four evaluates the main administrative supervisory measures for regulatingconflict of interest, namely the firewall system and information disclosure system. It alsoassesses the function of such systems as well as their enlightment for the PRC.Chapter Five elaborates on the development and main content of Chinese wall systemwhich functions as self-discipline system for regulating conflict of interest under universalbanking operation. It also briefly evaluates Chinese wall’s function as well as itsenlightment for the PRC.Chapter Six is the key part of this thesis. This chapter elaborates on the significance andnecessary nature of regulating conflict of interest under universal banking operation bylegal means, and points out the special Chinese situation and proposes the relevantsolutions. Finally, this chapter reviews the quo status of the relevant Chinese laws andregulations on regulating conflict of interest due to universal banking, and raises concreteproposals on how to improve the relevant laws and regulations.The last part of this thesis is its conclusion which states the author’s view on how tocomprehensively use various kinds of legal means to regulate the issue of conflict ofinterest under universal banking.

【关键词】 金融混业利益冲突规制
  • 【分类号】D912.28
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1076