

Research on the Embeddedness Structure and the Cooperative Relationship of Supply Chain

【作者】 艾上钢

【导师】 李海婴;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 经济史学家卡尔·波拉尼(Karl Polanyi)指出:“人类经济嵌入并缠结于经济与非经济的制度之中。将非经济的制度包容在内是极其重要的”,“经济作为一个过程,是嵌入在经济与非经济制度之中的”。这对于我们从事供应链管理的研究,具有重要的指导意义。 随着IT技术突飞猛进的发展,消费者需求的日趋多样化,以及竞争环境的日益复杂,企业已越来越无法单独面对激烈的市场竞争,纷纷通过组织供应链、加强供应链的管理来加以应对。 供应链是由供应商、制造商、分销商、零售商、直到最终用户连成的一个供需网络,是网络组织的一种具体表现形式,其上下游节点企业间的交易主要表现为一种持续重复的关系性交易。因此,对于供应链,仅从经济技术的角度进行研究是不够的,还应从社会性的角度——嵌入性视角来开展研究,才比较全面、完整。 本文共分为十一章。 第一章是导论部分。该部分主要介绍论文选题的由来及意义,评述国内外的有关研究现状,拟订全文的分析框架,确定研究的目标与内容,阐明研究的思路与方法,指出预期的创新点。 第二章是供应链与嵌入性研究的理论基础。该部分主要介绍供应链与关系性交易、嵌入性与嵌入性结构、关系契约与古典契约、交易特征与治理结构、网络组织与战略联盟等概念理论,为本文后面几章的论述打下理论基础。 第三章是供应链嵌入性结构的概念、特征、模型及构成因素。该部分阐述供应链嵌入性结构的概念、基本特征、结构模型及构成因素。供应链嵌入性结构包括关系性嵌入和结构性嵌入,其构成因素包括外部环境因素、经济性因素和非经济性因素。 第四章是供应链嵌入性结构的互动整合。该部分阐述供应链嵌入性结构互动整合的涵义、特点、过程、机理、机制、本质以及产生的效应,互动整合的五个机制的具体内容安排在第五至第九章进行专题系统论述。 第五章是供应链嵌入性结构互动整合中的信任机制。该部分介绍信任的定义和构成要素,并在对信任的嵌入性进行分析的基础上,阐述供应链节点企业之间信任的特点、作用、类型以及供应链企业间信任关系的产生机制和维持与加深机制。

【Abstract】 Economical historian Karl Polanyi pointed out: " The humanity economy is embedded and tangled into the economical and the non-economical systems. The contained non-economical systems are very important ", "The economy as one process, is embedded into the systems of economy and the non-economy". This has the important instruction significance for us to research the supply chain management.With the rapid development of IT, the diversification of consumer’s demands and the complexity of the competition environment day by day, enterprises are unable alone to face the intense market competition more and more. So they begin to organize the supply chain and strengthen the supply chain management.Supply chain is the network of supply and demand consisted of the supplier, the manufacturer, the seller, the retailer and the end user. It is one kind of network organization, which the transaction between the two nodal enterprises from head to foot shows mainly a relational transaction. Therefore, it is more comprehensive to research supply chain not only from the economical technical angle but also from the social angle ------the view of embededdness.This dissertation has 11 chapters.Chapter 1 is the introduction. This chapter answer the question "why the author choose to study this topic", through literature review of study from domestic and foreign researchers, puts forth the main contains, methodologies of this dissertation, gives the questions to be resolved, and innovation of the dissertation.Chapter 2 is the research rationale of supply chain and embededdness. This part mainly introductions the concept theories of supply chain and relational transaction, embededdness and embededdness structure, relational contract and classical contract, transaction characteristic and governance structure, network organization and strategic alliance and so on. They are the rationale to the several chapters behind this dissertation.Chapter 3 is the concept, the charactics, the model and the integrant of the embededdness structure of supply chain. This part describes of the concept, the model and the integrant of the embededdness structure of supply chain. The embededdness structure of supply chain includes the relational embeddedness and the non-relational embeddedness, and the integrant includes the exterior environment factors, the economic factors and the non-economic factors.Chapter 4 is the interaction conformity of the embeddedness structure of supply chain. This part sets forth the implication, the characteristics, the process, the mechanism, the mechanism system, the essence as well as the effects of the interaction conformity of the embeddedness structure of supply chain. The five mechanism system-made concrete contents of the interaction conformity are arranged to discuss specially in from Chapter 5 to Chapter 9.Chapter 5 is the trust mechanism of the embeddedness structure of supply chain. This part introduces the trust definition and the integrant, and on the foundation of the analysis the embeddedness of trust, sets forth the characteristic, the function, the type as well as the production mechanism and the maintenance & deepening mechanism between the enterprises in supply chain.Chapter 6 is the communication mechanism of the embeddedness structure of supply chain. This part first introduces communication general concept, the essential factors, the process and the type, then sets forth the implication, the characteristic, the type, the channel, the function and the influence factors between the enterprises in supply chain, finally discusses specially the establishment procedure as well as the conflict and its processing way of the communication mechanism of the embeddedness structure of supply chain.Chapter 7 is the coordinated mechanism of the embeddedness structure of supply chain. This part introduces the coordination meaning and the essential factors to influence the coordination between enterprises in supply chain, sets forth the establishment pattern, structural model and the movement mechanism and effect of the coordinated mechanism between enterprises in supply chain.Chapter 8 is the study mechanism of the embeddedness structure of supply chain. This part first introduces the background significance and the definition of organization study, then sets forth the connotation, the characteristic and the function of the study in supply chain, finally discusses emphatically the mechanism of the study and the production, sharing and shift of knowledge, the form of the study mechanism and the barrier of the study and the knowledge shift between the enterprises as well as the enterprise and its overcome mechanism in supply chain.Chapter 9 is the integrated mechanism of the embeddedness structure of supply chain. This part first discusses the integration mechanism from the goal integration, the information integration, the resources integration, the knowledge integration, the cultural integration and the process integration separately in supply chain, finally points out the relations of these six integrations. By these integrations, the whole supply chain can be integrated and forms one integrated supply chain.Chapter 10 is the evolution of the relationship between enterprises in the embeddedness structure of supply chain. This part first introduces the pattern of the relationship between enterprises, then sets forth the influence of the interaction conformity to the relationship between enterprises in supply chain, the implication the strategic partner relationship in supply chain, each kind of theory explains on it and differences between it and the traditional enterprise relationship, finally analyzes the achievements and the risk to establish the supply chain strategic partner relationship from the theory and the real diagnosis angles.Chapter 11 is the Summary and the expectation of the dissertation. This part gives a summary and innovations of this dissertation, and points out the future study directions.

【关键词】 供应链嵌入性关系性交易机制
【Key words】 Supply ChainEmbeddednessRelational TransactionMechanism