

【作者】 王清雷

【导师】 王子初; 刘绪;

【作者基本信息】 中国艺术研究院 , 音乐学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 在中国文化史上,周代文化占有着极其重要而特殊的地位。特别是西周初期开始建立的礼乐制度,对其后近3000年的中国社会及文化产生了非常深远的影响。其中,乐悬制度是西周礼乐制度的核心内容之一。乐悬,“其本意是指必须悬挂起来才能进行演奏的钟磐类大型编悬乐器。”周代统治者赋予钟磬类大型编悬乐器以深刻的政治内涵,形成了以钟磬为代表、严格等级化的乐悬制度。关于其形成过程,从它的萌芽孕育到略成雏形,从初步形成到发展、成熟,经历了一个漫长的发展过程。 西周乐悬制度的形成有着深刻的社会基础,其源头可以追溯到史前时期。龙山文化时代的陶寺铜铃和石磬,昭示了千年以后,以钟磬乐悬为代表的“金石之乐”时代的到来,西周的乐悬制度自此开始孕育萌芽。到商代末期,以可悬之钟与可悬之磐为特征的乐悬制度,已成雏形。西周早期,以钟磐为代表、严格等级化的乐悬制度初步确立,并在西周中期得到进一步的发展,至西周晚期臻于成熟。本文着重从音乐考古学的角度出发,对西周乐悬制度作较为系统的考察与研究,借以探索西周乐悬制度的真实历史面貌,以补文献记载的不足。

【Abstract】 The culture of Zhou Dynasty ,especially Li Yue system of Western Zhou, occupied an extremely important and special place on the history of Chinese civilization. The system made a far-reaching influence on the society and culture of China for nearly 3,000 years. Yue Xuan system was an important component of Li Yue system in Zhou Dynasty. "Yue Xuan was originally referred to a kind of large-scale bian-xuan instruments belonging to Zhong Qing category which must be hung to play." The rulers of Zhou Dynasty entrusted abstract political content to Zhong Qing bian-xuan instruments contributing to the formation of Yue Xuan system with the characteristics of Zhong Qing and strict ranking. The formation of Yue Xuan system was quite a long process from shoot to appearance and from development to maturity.Its rudiments could be traced to New Stone Age. Tongling and Shiqing of Taosi Culture, which indicated the nearing era of "Jinshizhiyue" after one thousand years, was the sources of Yue Xuan system of Western Zhou. Yue Xuan system appeared in an embryonic form as early as the last stage of Shang Dynasty. In the early stage of Western Zhou, Yue Xuan system with the characteristics of Zhong Qing and strict ranking was the primary stage of formation, and further developed in the middle stage of Western Zhou. To the later stage of Western Zhou,Yue Xuan system had come to the mature period. It was a meaningful subject for musical archaeologists to carry on a systematical research on Yue Xuan system in Zhou Dynasty in view of musical archaeology. Author intends to probe into the essence and original appearance of Yue Xuan system in Western Zhou, thus counteract weaknesses of historical documents.

  • 【分类号】J609.2;K224
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1336