

The Multi-wave and Multi-component Seismic Exploration

【作者】 隋荣亮

【导师】 余钦范;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 地球探测与信息技术, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 为提高油气勘探的成功率,对多波多分量地震勘探技术做进一步研究及应用。在充分了解多波多分量勘探技术国内外研究现状基础上,对多波多分量勘探基础理论进行学习研究。开展多波多分量地震波探测工作过程中,不可回避地震各向异性对它的影响。本文对各向异性介质多波处理技术进行了详细论述。然后,对多波资料解释方法开展了进一步综合研究。在以上研究基础上,取得了如下创新成果:(1) 根据多波多分量地震波场传播特性,建立高空间采样和三维勘探的野外施工设计方法与技术;(2) 通过三维多波多分量地震勘探实施,结合各向异性地震波场理论,建立多波多分量处理技术与理论,其中包括多波速度分析、多波动校正、P-P、P-SV 地震成像方法与技术;(3) 借助于各向异性介质中 AVO、AVA 岩性参数反演技术的研制,建立了多波多分量解释技术与理论;(4) 应用于实际地震资料处理、解释,取得明显地质效果。这些成果的取得以及应用,使多波多分量数据处理、解释技术更加丰富、更加完善,为全方位、多方面地开展多波多分量地震勘探工作提供了平台,同时满足了油田勘探开发的实际需要。

【Abstract】 We have made the further research and application in the multi-wave–and–multi-component technology of the seismic exploration for the purpose of arising inthe returns ratio to the exploration activity, and have finished a thorough study on thebasis of the sufficiently comprehension of the present situation in the multi-wave –and–multi-component technology home and abroad.The multi-wave –and –multi-component seismic exploration cannot avoid theaffection of the aeolotropic seismic-wave. Therefore, the paper detailedly expoundsthe aeolotropic multi-wave processing, and then make the further comprehensivestudy of the multi-wave data interpretation.The innovations in the thesis are as follows:(1) According to the seismic wave field’s propagation of themulti-wave–and–multi-component, we establish thehigh-interspace-sample and the designing–and-demonstrationtechnology of triaxial multi-wave–and –multi-component layout.(2) With the practice of the multi-wave–and–multi-component seismicexploration, we establish technology and theory of themulti-wave–and–multi-component associating with the nonisotropyseismic field theory , which includes multiwave velocityanalysis ,multi-wave calibration, the technology of the P-P、P-SVimagery.(3) We call on the technology of the lithologic parameters in AVO、AVAwith the nonisotropy media, establish the theory and the technologyof multi-wave–and–multi-component processing and interpreting.(4) With its application in the processing and interpreting ,we obviouslyget the geology effect.The study makes multi-wave –and –multi-component data handling andinterpretation technology more abundance and consummate, which provides aplatform for the multi-wave –and–multi-component seismic exploration and satisfisedthe needs of the exploratory development.
