

The Fine Description of Reservoir and the Distributing of Remaining Oil of the Upper S2~(2+3) in Southern Pucheng

【作者】 雷利安

【导师】 邓宏文;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 能源地质工程, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 论文针对濮城南区沙二上2+3厚层块状非均质油藏的地质特点和开发现状,综合应用各种勘探开发资料,以石油地质学、现代沉积学、储层地质学、开发地质学和油藏工程等学科理论为指导,运用高分辨率层序地层学、油藏三维建模技术、神经网络技术、油藏数值模拟技术等现代油藏描述技术和方法,以计算机技术为手段,对濮城南区沙二上2+3油藏进行了精细描述和剩余油分布研究,提出了相应的挖潜思路。论文在濮城构造形成和演化分析研究的基础上,利用三维地震、钻井和生产动态等资料对该区沙二上2+3油藏进行了构造精细研究,建立了三维精细构造模型,编制了大比例尺小间距等值线的微构造图,逐步搞清了区内小断层的发育分布规律和小幅度微构造的分布特征。在前人研究的基础上,通过岩芯观察、沉积背景和沉积特征分析,进行了储层沉积微相研究,认为该区位于三角洲前缘相带,沉积微相主要有辫状河道(分流河道)、河道间、席状砂和浅湖相,储积砂体主要为河道砂体,河间和席状砂次之。运用高分辨层序地层学的原理和方法,建立了研究区的高分辨率层序地层格架,在骨架剖面对比的基础上,将沙二上2层系划分为2个中期旋回,9个短期旋回;沙二上3层系划分为2个中期旋回,10个短期旋回,为储层的精细描述奠定了基础。针对研究区储层泥质含量高,岩石分异差、岩电关系不明确、物性解释难度大的特点,在测井曲线区域化校正的基础上,应用BP算法按照单井物性分段解释的思路,建立了该区储层解释模型,进行了单井物性参数解释。在储层物性参数解释基础上,对储层的非均质性进行了研究,认为该区沙二上2+3为层内强非均质,层间、平面非均质相对较弱的中渗透储层,层内矛盾是开发生产面临的主要矛盾。综合以上研究成果,应用三维地质建模技术,建立了南区沙二上2+3油藏的三维地质模型。在石油地质储量计算基础上,对流动单元进行了储量分类评价,开展了宏观剩余油定性和半定量分析研究。同时分析研究了微观剩余油的分布模型、控制因素及形成机制;建立了南区沙二上2+3油藏孔喉网络仿真模型,进行了仿真过程模拟,揭示了储层不同孔喉网格模型中不同含水阶段,油水在流场中的运动状况和分布特征,为剩余油的分析和油藏数值模拟提供了依据。在剩余油宏观和微观研究的基础上,进行了油藏数值模拟,对剩余油进行了定量研究,分析了剩余油的分布特征,提出了进一步开发剩余油的思路。通过研究,形成了一套非均质厚层块状油藏高含水期油藏精细描述、剩余油分布及挖潜的研究思路和技术方法,对濮城南区沙二上2+3油藏改善开发效果,提高采收率有重要的指导意义,可供同类油藏的开发借鉴。

【Abstract】 Considering the geological characteristics and development of thick andheterogeneous block reservoir of upper S22+3 in southern Pucheng oil-field, applyingexploration and development data, guided by the theory of petroleum geology,sedimentology, reservoir geology, development geology, and reservoir engineering,adopting the technical means of high-resolution sequence stratigraphy, reservoir 3Dmodeling, ANN and reservoir numerical simulation, fine description and distribution of theremaining hydrocarbon of upper S22+3in southern Pucheng oil-field have been studied, adevelopment is proposed.Based on the research of the tectonic formation and evolution, applying computer and3D visual modeling technology, the fine structural of upper S22+3 has been studied, a fine3D structural model and a large-scale (1:5000), small gap contour micro tectonic graph arepresented, the recognizing of the minor fault growing distribution and low-amplitude microtectonic are discussed. Analyzing the background and characteristics of sedimentary andcore, the micro facies of the formation are studied. The conclusion is that this area is at thefrontal delta zone, micro facies are mainly braided channel(distributary channel),inter-channels, sand sheet, and shallow-lake facies, the main reservoir sand is river sandand the rest is of channel and sand sheet. Applying high resolution sequence stratigraphy,the high resolution sequence stratigraphy hack is concluded. Comparing the frameworkprofile, Upper S22 is divided into two medium-term cycles and 9 short-term cycles. UpperS23 is divided into two medium-term cycles and 10 short-term cycles. This is very helpfulfor fine reservoir description. Considering the high shale content, poor rock difference andlitho-electric, difficult physics interpretation in this area , a better reservoir interpretationmodel for this area is presented by using the calibrated logging , BP calculation and singlewell sectional physic interpretation. Analyzing the attributes of the formation, theheterogeneous interpretation is studied. The conclusion is upper S22+3 is stronglyheterogeneous for intra-layer, weakly heterogeneous for inter-layer and plane of middlepermeability, the inter-layer treatment is the main task for development. The 3D geologymodel for southern upper S22+3 is build by applying 3D geology modeling.Calculating the geology reserves, the flow unit is evaluated on reserves and the qualityand semi-quantity research on macro remaining hydrocarbon is discussed. Themicro-remaining hydrocarbon distribution, control factors and formation mechanism arealso studied. A pore throat net simulation model for southern upper S22+3 is built andsimulated, this simulation shows the movement and distribution characteristics of theoil-water in the flow field with different water cut and different models, which is necessaryfor remaining hydrocarbon analysis and development. On the research of macro and microremaining hydrocarbon, the reservoir numerical simulation, quantitative research anddistribution of remaining hydrocarbon are discussed, the further development is proposed.This research suggested a way of remaining hydrocarbon distribution and developmentby fine reservoir description for heterogeneous thick block reservoir at high water cut, thistechnology is very effective to improve the development and recovery for upper S22+3 andalso very helpful for the similar reservoir development.

  • 【分类号】P618.13
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】781