

Control Factor on Form Oil Pool of Complex Fault Block Oilfield

【作者】 孙冲

【导师】 汤达祯;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 矿产普查与勘探, 2006, 博士


【摘要】 断陷湖盆中发育的复杂断鼻、断块油田在我国东部的中新生代盆地内有广泛的分布,因其地质条件的复杂性使其勘探开发难度很大。随着石油勘探理论研究的深入和勘探新技术的应用,尤其是对复杂断块油藏详探程序的完善,大大提高了解决地下复杂构造问题的能力及对复杂断块油藏预测精度。但复杂的断裂、沉积条件,进一步加大了油气成藏机理及聚集规律的研究难度,制约了复杂断块油气勘探的进程。为了解决油气成藏过程中的理论和实际问题,搞清影响复杂断块油气成藏的控制因素,总结断陷湖盆斜坡上断鼻、断块油气成藏的规律,本文以泌阳凹陷北部斜坡带为例,应用系统论的研究思路及动、静态相结合的研究方法,以现代石油地质理论为指导,应用层序地层学、地球物理新技术、油藏地质方法及各种计算机预测技术,站在整个凹陷的高度,对其构造演化、沉积微相、储层特征、油气成藏规律等方面进行了综合研究。总结出了复杂断块油田的油藏特点,建立了复杂断块群油气运聚模式,解剖了北部斜坡带构造形成机制。从分析生、储、盖、圈、运、保等基本条件入手,归纳出具有复杂断块油田特色的油气成藏控制因素,并结合实践提出了复杂断块油田的认识方法。取得了如下地质认识和成果:1、从构造、沉积演化及其时空配置关系研究入手,分析断裂形成机制、断裂作用幕式活动期次、应力场演化,沉积演化规律、控制因素,解剖了北部斜坡鼻状构造形成机制:断陷湖盆边界断裂的关联—走滑形成的张扭应力场导致北部斜坡一系列鼻状构造的发育,且关联角的大小控制鼻状构造及砂体的展布形态:钝角~宽缓,锐角~狭窄;后期的沉积差异压实扩大了鼻状构造的规模。2、提出了边界断裂联合张应力切割鼻状构造,形成不同的圈闭类型;不同模式构造运动形成的断层及断层活动对油气成藏有不同的控制作用:早期断层的持续活动,断层两盘互相研磨、挤压,导致断层的封堵性好;晚期断层则控制油气的运聚,并对早期形成的油藏有重新分配作用;在油气涌流与渗流作用下,活动期的断层为油气提供了运移通道,静止期则封闭油气而成藏;且断层封闭的相对性控制油藏的充注高度。3、利用不断完善和发展的含油气系统方法和油气成藏理论对北部斜坡油气成藏条件、成藏作用过程的各要素时空配置关系及成藏控制因素进行研究,进而探讨油气运移、聚集机理、优势路径和动态演化规律。系统地总结出北部斜坡油气成藏规律,建立了复杂断鼻带油气运聚模式:继承性发育的断鼻状构造斜坡是油气运移的指向区,鼻状构造汇聚油气,断层调控油气成藏;断层与鼻状构造切割关系控制油气运聚模式:①顺切:“翼~片”型运聚模式;②横切:“轴~线”型运聚模式。油气运移主要遵循以下规律:第一,总体上从南向北,由构造低部位向高部位运移,局部构造上首先向鼻状构造轴部运移;第二,油气主要沿连通性好的砂体向砂体根部运移,遇到断层遮挡聚集成藏或作调整运移。4、形成了一套独具特色的浅层复杂小断块油藏勘探配套技术:采用新的构造解析技术,整体、系统揭示了北部斜坡复杂断块群构造特征及浅层复杂小断块油藏特征。评价出王集—新庄、古城、杨楼、付湾四个有利勘探目标区;拓展出两个有利勘探新层系—核三下段和浅层。为东部老区增储稳产提供新的接替资源。达到了以较小的代价,较短的时间探明、开发这类油田,并指导同类复杂断块油田勘探开发的目的。

【Abstract】 Complicated faulted nose﹑fault block field in fault basin are widely spread inEastern China in the mid-Cenozoic, inasmuch as the complexity of its geologicalcondition results to the difficulties of exploration and development. With thedevelopment of oil exploration theory study and application of new explorationtechnologies, especially to the completion of the complicated fault block reservoir’sdetailed prospecting program, have enhanced the ability to resolve the complicatedsub-surface structures and predicting accuracy of complicated fault block wherehydrocarbon pools are found.However the complex ruptures and the complex sediment depositional patterns,largely increases the study difficulties of oil pool forming mechanism and hydrocarbonaccumulation rules. These factors have restrained the successes recorded in oilexploration of complicated fault block.In order to solve pool forming theory issues and practical problems, to draw clearpictures of controlling factors for pool forming in complicated fault block, tosummarize rules of oil pool forming in the place where fault nose and fault block areon the slope of faulted basin, this thesis has taken the BIYANG depression as a casestudy, taking the research thoughtway of system theory together with dynamic andstatic combination researching method, guided with modern geology theory, applyingsequence stratigraphy, the latest geophysical technology, oil-reservoir geology methodand all kinds of computerized prediction technology, standing in the position of entiredepression, to have a integrated research in structure evolution, sedimentarymicro-facies, reservoir characteristics, oil pool forming rules.Summarize the character of complicated fault block oilfield, establish thehydrocarbon accumulation mode of complicated fault block pool, and anatomize thestructure forming mechanism of northern slope zone. Analyzing from oil generation,reservoir, caprock, trap, migration pathway and storing, conclude the controllingfactors of pool forming with characteristic of complicated fault block, combined withpractice, draw conclusion of realizing method of complicated fault block. Thepublication has stated geological conclusions and realisations amongst which are:1. From structure、sediment evolution and its spatio-temporal configuration,analyze the forming mechanisms、faulting tectonism episode period、stress-fieldevolution、sediment evolution、controlling factor, anatomized the mechanisms of nosestructure on northern slope: It has been realized that transtension stress-field formed byassociated action—strike-slip of the marginal rupture in fault basin, result in thedevelopment of series nose structure, together with angle of conjunction control thenose structure and spread style of sand body: obtuse angle~wide, acute angle~narrow;The upper (over-burden) sediment difference compaction increases the scaleof nose structure.2. Brought forward the joint transtension-stress of margin-fault cut nose structurewhere formed the different trap styles;fault from different tectonic movement andfaulting activities have different controlling function: older faults is active continually,the downthrow and upthrow(fault interfaces) grind and extruded, which leads toexcellent sealing ability, while the younger fault are non-sealing and control petroleummigration-accumulation, and have the function of reallocation to the early formedpools;fault provides the channels(pathway) for petroleum migration in the function offlow and seep at active tectonic stage, whenas it will enclose oil and gas to formreservoir at stillness phase;The relativity of fault-sealing ability at the fault planecontrol oil column height.3. To probe the mechanism of oil migration and accumulation, the preponderantpath, and rules of dynamic evolvement by making full use of the developing theoriesof oil reservoir and systemic methods of petroleum to study the dominated factors ofreservoir forming and time-space relations of element on forming condition ofreservoir and process of forming on northern slope zone.To summarize the rules oil pool forming of northern slope, to establish thehydrocarbon accumulation model of the complicated fault-nose as below: inheriteddeveloping fault-nose slope is the point to zone of petroleum migration, detailedly,nose-structure accumulates hydrocarbon, faults adjust and control the reservoirforming, the cutting relations between nose-structure and faults dominate the modelsof petroleum migration and accumulation. There are two models: one is wing-piece(along cutting), another is axes-line (cross cutting). Petroleum migration keep to twomain categories rules: ①as a whole, petroleum migrates from south to north and fromdeep to shallow levels, locally migrates firstly to axes of nose. ②mainly, petroleummigrates along sand body with good connectivity to its root part, in the case ofencountering faults, it begins accumulate or adjust migration.4. To form a systemic petroleum exploration technology aim at complicated smallfault block on shallow-stratum. To uncover the reservoir property of complicated smallfault block on shallow-stratum and the tectonic character of northern complicatedcluster fault block by utilizing the updated construction analytic technologies. A totalof four profitable exploration target fields (Wangji-Xingzhuang, Gucheng, Yanglou andFuwan) were evaluated;Two profitable formations (shallower formation and lowerpart of H3) were discovered. To add more succeed resources to the eastern old oilfield.The technology accomplished the goal of exploring and developing this kind of oilfield in a short time and low cost, and will be useful to guide oil field exploring anddeveloping with similar complicated fault block.

  • 【分类号】P618.13
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1071