

【作者】 李亚洲

【导师】 王韶兴;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 科社与国际共运, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 俄罗斯联邦共产党成立于苏联时期的1990年6月,是迄今为止俄罗斯社会政治生活中最有影响的左翼反对派政党。它的兴衰、起伏几乎贯穿了俄罗斯十年巨变的整个历史时期,并对俄罗斯的社会政治发展产生了重大影响。由被禁止活动到重新崛起,由体制外政党到成为议会第一大党,尤其是在它发展的极盛时期,俄共对现政权发起了强有力的挑战,而且几乎改变了俄罗斯社会的发展进程。然而在短暂的辉煌后,它又走入低谷。自从普京执政以来,由于多方面因素的综合作用,在与现政权的较量中俄共的影响逐渐衰弱。尤其是在2003年12月举行的第四届国家杜马选举中,俄共受到重创,沦为杜马第二大党。对此,人们不禁要问,导致俄共迅速崛起却又迅速走向衰弱的主客观因素是什么?它的存在对俄罗斯社会产生了什么样的影响?作为共产党,它承认多党制并参加议会选举是否符合马克思主义理论?应当如何评价它的理论创新和政策主张?它将何去何从?要回答这些问题,就必须对俄共进行深入的研究,加强对俄共的研究具有重大的理论意义和现实意义。 首先,加强对俄共的研究具有重大的理论意义。马克思主义政党理论是研究无产阶级政党产生、发展和自身建设规律的科学。它不是僵死的教条,而是随着实践不断发展的科学。随着国际共产主义运动的深入发展,马克思主义的政党理论也必将得到发展和完善。目前,俄共作为前苏东地区党员人数最多、影响最大的共产党组织,它的活动是国际共产主义运动的重要组成部分,它的理论探索是马克思主义政党理论发展的重要组成部分。尤其是目前,国际共运仍处于调整时期,并且随着和平与发展成为时代的主题,暴力革命已不符合现实,在新形势下,俄共通过选举夺取政权的理论探索和实践活动具有重大意义。虽然俄共目前遭受暂时的挫折,但是我们有理由相信,在不远的将来重整旗鼓的俄共会重新赢得人民的信任,俄共将以自己的行动和理论创新为发展和完善马克思主义做出自己的贡献。 其次,加强对俄共的研究具有重大的现实意义。第一,要把握世界社会主义运动发展的最新动态,就不能忽略对俄共的研究。俄共不仅是前苏东地区最大的共产党组织,而且是体系完整、坚定地坚持社会主义的政党。衡量一个政党的性质,不仅要看它的名称和口号,更要看它的行动。俄共的可贵之处就在于它的名符其实,在于它的口号与行动保持一致。俄共多次重申,俄共是坚持社会主义的党,决不实行社会民主化,鲜明地

【Abstract】 The Communist Party of the Russian Federation was founded in June, 1990 and has been the most influential left-wing opposition party so far. It has witnessed the great changes taking place in Russia in the last ten years and exerted great influence on the Russian social and political development. It has gone through ups and downs from being banned by then government to rising again, from becoming once the largest party in the Russian parliament to becoming weaker and weaker in challenging the current government after Russian President Vladimir Putin took office, and it became now only a second largest party in Duma in the national Duma election held in December, 2003 and suffered a great loss. Then people just raised their questions, such as "What factors have brought about such great changes of the Russian Communist Party?", "What effect has it exerted on Russian society?", "As a communist party, did what it has done as recognizing multiparty system and attending the parliamentary election conform to related Marxist theories? ", "So how should people evaluate its theoretical renovation and its actions in practicing them?" and "What course will it follow in the future?" These questions are hard nuts to crack. Therefore, if we try to answer them, we have to make deep research into the Russian Communist Party. And such research has its own theoretical and realistic significances.To begin with, to study the experience of the Russian Communist Party has a great theoretical significance. Marxist Party Theory is a science concerning the study of the origin, development of and the self-building rules for the proletariate parties, and it is a science developing with its practices. With the further development of the international communist movements, the theory will develop and improves itself consequentially. At present, as the most influential communist organization having the most populous members, the Russian Communist Party plays a very important part in the international communist movement and its theoretical exploration has become a large portion of the development of Marxist party theory. Especially at present situations when the international communist movement is at its self-adjustment period and with the peace and development having become the trend of present world, violent revolution is outdated, so such theoretical exploration and practice ofseizing power by election has a universal significance. Though at present the Russian Communist Party is suffering some difficulties, we are still strongly convinced that in the near future it will win the confidence of the Russian people and will definitely contribute a lot to the development and improvement of Marxist theory by its actions and theoretical revolutions.Secondly, to study the experience of the Russian Communist Party has a great realistic significance. For the first place, if one wants to understand the latest developments of the world’s socialist movement, one should not neglect the study of the Russian Communist Party, because it is not only the largest Communist Party in the former USSR and Eastern European countries, but also has a complete system and still sticks to socialism. And it is widely acknowledged that the judement of a party is not by its name and slogans but by its actual activities. And what the Russian Communist Party has done matches its name, and it has reiterated that it stoutly sticks to the socialism and will not conduct social democratization. For the second place, such a study is a key to study the Russian political situations. The Russian Communist Party is a party of complete system and has gained large populace among the Russian people and has exerted great influence on the Russian society. It has enjoyed the fame of the only party with complete system in Russia. It once became the largest party twice in the Duma election in 1995 and 1999 respectively, and many municipal prefects in Russian republics are Russian Party members or its sympathizer. For the third place, it represents and safeguards the benefits of the lower and middle classes, and its experience can benefit the communist parties in different countries, including the Communist Party of China. And the Chinese central Party leaders are also very concerned about the development and future of the Russian Communist Party.Considering this, I have been collecting information and materials about the Russian Communist Party and have consulted many specialists and scholars about such issues. And such issues have also become a great concern both in and outside China. Lots of research papers and translations about the Russian Communist Party have been published and have greatly widened its research area. However, up to now there is not a comprehensive and systematic monograph about such issues, and the related research materials are, if there are some, only some papers and parts of writings. Even so, there are some improper things in thestudy on the Russian Communist Party, such as unilateral trend, concrete but not theoretical study. Those publications about this issue almost share the view that the Russian Communist Party, which is seen as a party composed of elders and pensioners, is to wither. Under such unfavorable conditions, it is necessary that we should do a deeper study of it so as to avoid the unilateral study and try to make an objective judgment and a scientific prediction.And under such conditions and the guidance of his instructor, the writer has decided to choose "Research on the Basic Theories and Policies of the Russian Communist Party" as theme for his striving for the doctorate degree. Therefore, this thesis is to be fulfilled on the basis of such similar study and research on the Russian Communist Party by his forgoers and senior researchers.This research takes the Marxist ideological methodology as its basic guiding principle, which is also the premises for studying any issue to get its essence. And what is considered as the marrows of such methodology are what is called seeking truths from the facts and dialectical analysis. This means that the research should be done through a comprehensive, interrelated and developing point of view. When this is applied to the study of the Russian Communist Party, we should have an all-round study of its present situations and its future, not merely considering its achievements in its scientific exploration in the socialist theories and practices on the one hand and its shortcomings and faults on the other hand. And I will adopt the positivist method to study the Russian Communist Party, and this will make full use ofmy advantages as a Russian major so that I can get the latest and first hand information on the Russian Communist Party through internet and by reading original Russian materials. A third method of quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis is taken for the study of the Russian Communist Party. The former is to make a concrete study on the actual situations of theories, guiding principles and concrete actions, and based on it, the latter is to make a conclusive decision.The thesis aims at achieving the following goals: a. to have a comprehensive and systematic knowledge of the Russian Communist Party by utilizing all the possible means of positivism and latest, related first hand materials;b. to evaluate the theories and practices of the Russian Communist Party according to the "three favorables" standards, that is, whether what the Russian Communist Party has done is favorable to the strengthening of the world’ssocialist forces, whether it is favorable to the stability and development of the Russian society and whether it is favorable to the advancement of the human civilization. Then the writer tries to offer some advice on how to innovate its theories, shake off its past burdens and on how to adjust its struggle strategy to adopt itself to the ever-changing situations both in and outside Russia so as to achieve its goal of reviving socialism in its country;c. to sum up its experiences and lessons for the communist parties of all nations, including China, and especially for those which are striving for state power.There are 11 chapters altogether in the thesis. Among them, Chapter One mainly traces the history of the Russian Communist Party, and it also brings forward some suggestions about how to divide its developing stages according to its roles in the paradigm of the national power, namely, the creation and prohibition period, re-emergency and revivlement period, short glory and the present set-back period.Chapter Two reviews the arduous process of exploring the communist theories by the Russian Communist Party. It makes a comment on the highest achievement that the Russian Communist Party has ever made—the Common Guiding Principles for Russian Communist Party, and besides this, in this chapter the writer also makes an analysis of the difficult situations the Russian Communist Party has ever faced in its exploring the communist theories and forecasts its future. The paper holds that though the Russian Communist Party has made further endeavor on its guiding theories since its creation, especially after its re-creation in 1993, a muture and systemetic theory is still around the corner. As the embodiment of the collective theoretical achievement of the Russian Communist Party, the Common Guiding Principles for Russian Communist Party can be rendered as a commucist document and a Maxist document, though there are still some shortcomings and weknesses. Presently, due to the restrictions of many historical and realistic conditions, the Russian Communist Party is in a difficult time facing dilemmatic choices for a theoretical breakthrough. If the Russian Communist Party can make a breakthrough in its search of a scientific theory and adjust itself according to the changing situation, it will not only survive but also play an important role in the Russian socialist movement as well as the development of Russia.Chapter Three makes an analysis on the social foundations of the Russian Communist party and proposes some ideas on how to strenthening and enlarging its foundations. Theauthor believes that the Russian Communist Party must make breakthroughs in the following aspects in order to break the restrictions of the traditional theories and strenthening its social foundation:the Russian Communist Party must strive for maintain the leadership of the working class;the Russian Communist Party must enhance its work in the countryside;the Russian Communist Party must re-inforce its political work to win supports of the people;the Russian Communist Party must try to win the support of the middle-class, etc.Chapter Four illustrates and evaluates the basic views and their theoretical basis on political affairs, economic and social development. Chapter Five to Chapter Seven discusses and analyzes the relationship between the Russian Communist Party and other parties under the Russian political mechanism;the Russian Communist Partyand the parliament;the Russian Communist Party and the ruling party.Chapter Eight tackles with the historical development of the united front policy of the Russian Communist Party. The author clarifies the theoretical basis of the Russian Communist Party and elabrates on its praiving problems and its development in the future.Chapter Nine discusses the Russian Communist Party’s policies on religions and its influences on the Russian Communist Party. The author tries to evaluate the Russian Communist Party’s policies on religions objectively in the end.Chapter Ten focuses on the international policies and its theoretical basis of the Russian Communist Party’s policies on religions. After an introductory remarks on its evaluation, the author dwells on the basic ideas of the Russian Communist Party on the two international focuses_-—globalization and terrorism. In the end of the chapter, the author discusses the relationship between the Russian Communist Party and Chinese Communist Party, as well as the relationship between the,Russian Communist Party and China under the leadership of Chinese Communist Party.Chapter Eleven deals with the modernization of the Russian Communist Party and its importance. The author analizes the problems met by the Russian Communist Party in its modernization and forecasts its development in the future.Based on the information mentioned in the previous chapters, the author presents in the concluding part the current situations the Russian Communist Party is now under. He points out the major effective factors in the future but also puts forward his views on thedevelopment trend. Then the author draws the conclusion as follows: a. The Russian Communist Party is still a party adhering to socialism and will not averts to a social democratic party;b. The Russian Communist Party is still an important political power in Russia;c. The division of Russian Communist Party has resulted in its debility, and it still provides a good opportunity for its renovation and future development;and d. the Russian Communist Party has to properly handle its relation with President Vladimir Putin.The writer believes that there are three points which are inventive. First, according to the information the writer has gathered, there is not a complete, all-round and systematic monograph on Russian Communist Party. Therefore, the writer tries to make a breakthrough in this area to further the study of the Russian Communist Party. Second, the writer studies the Russian Communist Party from the standpoint of the Marxist methodology, and adopts the positivistic method to make a deeper research about the Party on the latest first hand materials. Third, as for the evaluation standards, the writer puts forward the "Three Favorables", that is, whether what the Russian Communist Party has done is favorable to the strengthening of the world’s socialist forces, whether it is favorable to the stability and development of the Russian society and whether it is favorable to the advancement of the human civilization. The writer adopts this standard to evaluate and analyze the theory and activities of the Russian Communist Party, and points out that the Party’s theoretical exploration and its actual practices are of universal guiding significance.The writer makes clear another very important fact that the Russian Communist Party has its history of only about 14 years and it has been in changes because of many factors intertwined to affect one another and that he welcomes any question about his research on this subject.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 07期