

Research on the Techniques of Information Integration for Digital Assembly and CAD

【作者】 李春书

【导师】 彭商贤;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2000, 博士

【摘要】 实现产品设计与产品装配规划信息集成是实现产品计算机辅助自动装配的重要基础。研究特征信息在设计域与装配域中的转换,不仅可以在理论上丰富和完善特征技术,而且可以提供一种通用的获取装配分析所需信息的方法,基于装配域信息,对产品装配进行并行规划。本论文在介绍课题研究的背景及意义的基础上,对特征信息的分类与表达技术、特征映射数学模型的建立、特征映射的实现方式、以及产品装配顺序规划的方法进行了比较深入的研究。 针对产品设计、产品装配工程活动的需要,研究了产品设计特征、产品装配特征的分类与表达技术,用零件的设计信息和装配意图信息表示产品的设计特征,用零件级特征、关联功能级特征、装配工艺级特征表示产品的装配特征,建立基于特征映射的产品装配分析集成系统结构。 应用集合论,探讨了特征映射原理,创建了产品从设计域到装配域多层映射的数学模型,系统地分析了特征信息在不同层次映射中转变的过程,应用直接映射系统完成产品从设计域到装配域的映射。 以特征映射模型为基础,描述了特征组成面的分类及表示方法,采用基于约束匹配方法实现零件几何形状特征的映射,探讨了零件级特征映射的实现方法和具体步骤。 基于几何检测、几何推理研究解决了产品中零件间的相互运动约束关系、关联关系的确定方法,针对零件几何形状特征及零件间相互约束关系,提出了基于特征的推理规则,确定了零件间的几何匹配及装配操作方式,实现了关联功能级特征、装配工艺级特征的映射。 应用装配域信息,从几何优先约束、特定零件优先约束和装配工艺优先约束三个方面研究产品零件间存在的优先约束关系,初步探讨了装配工具可行性检验方法。综合拆分法与优先约束法的优点提出了一种并行环境下的装配顺序规划分析方法,并通过实例验证。

【Abstract】 The information integration from the initial design of the product to assembly planning is an important foundation to realizing automatic and flexible assembly. Study on feature information conversion from design domain to assemble domain not only enriches and prefects feature technology, but also presents a general way to acquire assembly feature in assembly process analysis. Applying assembly features, the assembly planning is studied. Based on the introduction of the project background and an overview of interrelated research, these problems are researched such as features classification and expression , the mathematical model of feature mapping, the mapping approach, and assembly sequence planning in this thesis.Analyzing engineering activity in design domain and assembly domain, the features classification and representation in design domain and assembly domain are discussed. The product’s design features express as part’s design information and an information of assembly intention, and the product’s assembly features express as the set of part’s feature, liaisons’ feature and technological feature. An integration system based on feature mapping is proposed.By the set theory, the principle of features mapping is studied. Through the features’ multiple mapping, the mathematical model of feature mapping from design domain to assembly domain is constructed. The conversion of feature information in different levels has been described systematically. The feature mapping is implemented through a direct feature mapping system.On the basis of the feature mapping model, the classification and representation of feature facets are described. Parts’ form feature mapping is proposed by a constraint matching approach. And some key issues of part’s feature mapping and practical steps of feature mapping are studied.By the geometric test and geometric reason, the constraint relation and liaison relation between parts are determined. From this, the reason rules are studied, and the mating type between parts and the operation to assemble these parts are determined. The mapping approach of liaison’ features and technology features are research.Applying assembly features information, the precedence constraint for parts’ connection is described by three classes: geometrical precedence constraints, special component precedence constraints, and technological precedence constraints. Thefeasible of assembly tools is discussed preliminarily. Combining the advantages of the decomposition method and precedence constrain method, a generation of assembly sequence in concurrent engineering is proposed and verified by the example.The project is supported by Robotics Laboratory, Chinese Academy of Sciences foundation (No: RL199905).

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 11期