

Historical Research on Petroluem Supply of Comtemporary China

【作者】 潘如龙

【导师】 杨树标;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 中国近现代史, 2006, 博士


【摘要】 石油是工业的血液,是用途广泛的特殊商品,更是一种极其重要的战略物资。石油供应是经济、社会前进不可或缺的一个经营环节。当前我国的石油需求出现历史性的高速增长势头,国产石油供不应求,缺口达40%以上,石油供应短缺正成为经济发展中最重要的问题之一。开展当代中国石油供应史的研究,并提出供应体制存在问题的对策思路,将对改革和完善石油供应体制,保障石油供应具有一定的理论价值和现实意义。 本文由绪论、六章正文和结语组成,共八个部分。 绪论部分阐述了本文选题的缘起、目的意义、研究现状,简单介绍了基本文献资料资料,交代了文章涉及的相关概念、主要内容及研究方法和研究创新。 第一章介绍了1949年以前的中国石油供应。包括我国古代石油的初步应用、近代“洋油”的输入、“洋油”在浙江的销售、外商对石油市场的垄断、抗战开始后我国的石油供应以及中国近代石油工业。 第二至第四章:以浙江为个案,从不同角度阐述了中国当代石油供应的历史,是本论文的核心部分。第二章论述了当代中国石油供应的管理体制沿革,从机构的建立与沿革、石油商品的计划管理、石油商品的价格管理等三个角度进行讲述;石油管理机构,从商业系统管理到商业和石化总公司双重管理,再到石油集团和石化集团一体化管理,清晰地反映了管理机构的沿革;新中国成立后相当长时期内,石油产品实行严格的“两统一定”(统一收购、统一分配、定量供应)的计划管理,直到现在,石油的零售价格仍然由国家发改委管理。第三章论述了当代中国石油的流通体系与仓储建设,从石油的流通(购、销、调、存)、油库建设与管理、加油站建设和管理等三个方面,对石油商品的收购和销售两大业务体系作了较为详细的介绍。第四章论述了当代中国石油市场的演进,分为国营石油公司统购、允许私商销售阶段(1950—1956年)、国营石油公司独家经销阶段(1957—1982年)、“双轨制”阶段(1983—1993年)、初步竞争阶段(1994—1998年)、寡头垄断阶段(1999—2004年)等五个阶段进行讲述。 第五章:以世界石油市场为背景,对中美两个石油市场进行比较。把中国的石油市场放在世界石油市场的大背景下考量,并通过同美国石油市场体制的比较,可以更加清楚全面地认识我国石油供应体制。 第六章:阐述中国石油供应安全存在的问题,并提出对策。根据我国石油产量和市场需求的实际情况,以保障石油安全为目标,论述了当前供应体制中的问题,提出打破垄断,建立现代石油市场等对策。 结语部分:主要阐述了如何确保石油供应,为经济社会发展提供“血液”的思考,介绍了除体制以外的与石油供应相关的一些问题,如能源政策、石油外交以及处理好与欧佩克(OPEC)、国际能源机构(IEA)等国际关系诸方面。

【Abstract】 Petroleum, like the blood of the industry, is a kind of special commodity widely used, as well as important strategic materials. The petroleum supply is a necessary link in the development of economy and society. Currently, the demand for petroleum in our country is increasing very rapidly. The domestic petroleum is short of demand and the insufficiency is already more than 40%. The insufficiency of petroleum is becoming one of the most important problems in the economy development. The research on petroleum supply of contemporary China and bringing up the countermeasures against the existing problems on the supply system, should be of current significance with theory value on reforming and perfecting supply system and guaranteeing petroleum supply.This dissertation includes 6 chapters besides the Introduction and Conclusion.The Introduction sets forth the reasons and meanings of the topic selection, research status quo, simply introduces the basic literature and material and explains the related concepts, research methods, contents and innovations.Chapter 1 mainly introduces Chinese petroleum supply before 1949, including the preliminary application of petroleum in ancient China, input of imported oil in modern age, imported oil’s sale in Zhejiang province, foreign company’s monopoly in Chinese petroleum market , Chinese petroleum supply after Anti-Japanese war and modern Chinese petroleum industry.Chapter 2 to 4 is the core of this thesis which expounds the history of the contemporary Chinese petroleum supply from various points of view, taking the example of Zhejiang province. Chapter 2 discusses administrative system origin and development of contemporary China petroleum supply on administrative organization establishment and development, plan administration of petroleum commodity and price administration as well. The range from the sole commercial administration , dual administration by commodity system and SINOPEC to integrated administration by SINOPEC and CNPC, clearly reflects the evolution of administration organization. During a long period after PRC was established, the supply of petroleum performed strict ’two unification an one ration’system(sole purchase, sole allotment, rationing), and still now , the petroleum’s retail price is set by the China development and reform committee. Chapter 3 discusses the petroleum circulation system and warehouse development of the contemporary China, explaining both purchase and sale bodies from three sides: the petroleum’s circulation (purchase, sale, transfer, stock), construction and management of oil depots and gas stations . Chapter 4 discusses the evolution of contemporary Chinese petroleum market, including five periods: the firstis about sole purchase by national petroleum company with permission of sale by private company(1950-1956), the second is about sole sale by national petroleum company(1957-1982), the third is ’dual track system’(1983-1993),the fourth is about preliminary competition (1994-1998), the fifth is about oligarch monopolizing.Chapter 5 mainly deals with the differences between Chinese petroleum market and American’s, under the background of world petroleum market. Our country’s petroleum supply system can be more clearly understood under the background of world petroleum market and by the comparison with American petroleum market system.Chapter 6 maily expounds the existing problems on the safety of Chinese petroleum supply and brings forward countermeasures. According to the actual circumstances of national petroleum output and market demand, it discusses the existing problems in supply system, proposes the break of monopoly and establishing of modern petroleum market with the aim of guaranteeing petroleum security, etc.The conclusion maily deals with the considerations on how to guarantee Chinese petroleum supply so as to provide the ’blood’ to the development of economy and society, and discusses the problems of energy policy, petroleum diplomacy and how to deal with international relations between China and OPEC, IEA.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 06期
  • 【分类号】F429;K25;K27
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1343