

Study on Coordinating Action Theory of Ground, Foundation and Structure of Building in Mining Area and its Application

【作者】 谭志祥

【导师】 邓喀中;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学 , 大地测量学与测量工程, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 在现场实测、相似材料试验、数值模拟和理论分析的基础上,本文综合应用矿山开采沉陷学、矿山岩体力学、材料力学和数理科学等多学科的知识,建立了采动区建筑物地基、基础和上部结构协同作用力学模型,该模型将采动区建筑物移动变形和各种附加应力如地基反力、弯矩、剪力及水平应力等的计算集于一体,并编制了相应的计算程序,为今后采动区建筑物的保护和设计提供了理论基础和计算工具; 本文还系统地研究了采动区建筑物移动变形与地表移动变形之间的关系,分析了不同因素影响下建筑物各种附加应力的变化规律; 基于现场实测资料建立了不同类型建筑物裂缝宽度与地表变形之间的各种关系式,绘制了不同长高比建筑物破坏等级评定诺谟图,并提出了房屋裂缝角的概念。基于研究成果,本文提出了采动区建筑物保护的新措施,并进行了实例应用研究。

【Abstract】 Based on field survey, similarity material experiment, numerical simulation and theoretical analysis, this dissertation synthesizes the knowledge of many disciplines such as mining subsidence, mine rockmass mechanics, material mechanics and advanced mathematics and etc., and establishes coordinating action mechanic model of ground, foundation and structure of building in mining area. This model can be used to calculate the movement, deformation and various additional stress such as ground reaction force, bending moment, shearing force and horizontal action of building in mining area. The corresponding calculation programs have been developed so as to provide theoretical base and calculation instrument for future building protecting and designing in mining area. This dissertation also systematically studies the relationship between building movement deformation and ground movement deformation, analyzes the varying pattern of building various additional action force under the effect of different factors. Based on field surveying data, the dissertation establishes many relation formulas between different kinds of building fissure width and various kinds of deformation of ground surface, draws relation figures for different length-height ratios building damage grade evaluation and puts forward the concept of house fissure angle. On the basis of the above research findings, new protective measures concerning buildings in mining area are proposed and application study of practical case is conducted.
