

Study on Modeling and Solution Method for Transmission Expansion Planning in Electric Power Market

【作者】 谢敏

【导师】 段献忠; 陈金富;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 电力系统及其自动化, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 本文对电力市场环境下的输电网规划模型及其求解方法开展了研究。其内容涉及到不同市场模式下计及阻塞管理的启发式输电网规划方法,以及任意规模单目标动、静态输电网规划建模及优化求解和多目标输电网规划的建模及优化求解等。在计及阻塞管理的启发式输电网规划方面,论文以POOL 交易模式为大环境,首先针对单一买方市场和双拍卖市场两种市场模式下的阻塞管理特点,建立了模糊阻塞调度模型,并根据最大隶属度原则,采用极大熵方法进行求解。随后,结合阻塞调度模型,分别针对单一买方市场和双拍卖市场两种市场模式提出新的灵敏度指标,进行启发式输电网规划,较好体现了输电网扩建投资相对阻塞消除的有效性。在单目标输电网规划建模及优化求解方面,论文首次将序优化理论引入到输电网规划领域,分别开展对输电网静态规划与动态规划的研究。建立了综合考虑发电厂商、输电网所有者以及用户等市场成员利益需求的单目标静态优化模型,并采用序优化进行求解,确保以足够高的概率求解到足够好的解,同时使最终规划结果的优劣程度得以量化。在单目标静态规划的基础上,论文进一步建立了适应市场环境需要的动态规划模型,并将序优化拓展到单目标动态规划领域,在彻底避免维数灾和组合爆炸的前提下,以足够高的概率求解到足够好的动态优化解,具有相当的工程应用价值。在多目标输电网规划建模及优化求解方面,论文将序优化理论的分支——向量序优化理论引入到输电网规划领域,分别开展了对多目标输电网静态规划与动态规划的研究。建立了分别考虑发电厂商、输电网所有者以及用户利益需求的多目标静态规划模型,并采用向量序优化求解。在多目标静态规划的基础上,论文进一步建立了多目标动态规划模型,并将向量序优化拓展到该领域,以求取足够好的全局非劣解。最后,论文以美国加州ISO 提出的输电网经济评估TEAM 框架为具体应用背景,介绍了分别反映市场各成员利益的四个TEAM 指标。随后,针对发电厂商采用线性函数报价和常数报价两种形式,分别提出了快速计算该四个经济指标的新算法。在此基础上,建立了以TEAM 指标为优化子目标的多目标输电网静态规划模型,充分考虑了用户、发电厂商、输电网所有者以及全社会的经济利益,并采用向量序优化求取

【Abstract】 This thesis concentrates on the transmission expansion planning modeling and its solution method. It covers the following major contents: the heuristic transmission planning method considering congestion management under different power market modes, single-objective static transmission planning method, single-objective dynamic transmission planning method, multi-objective static transmission planning method and multi-objective dynamic transmission planning method. After overview of transmission planning modeling and solution methods in Chapter 1, the heuristic planning method considering the optimal congestion management is proposed in Chapter 2. POOL is taken as the basic background. Fuzzy congestion management models are built for the single-buyer and bi-auction transaction modes respectively. Then sensitivity indexes are defined to trade off between the economic investment and relief of network congestion. Chapter 3 introduces the ordinal optimization theory to solve the single-objective static transmission expansion planning. The model considering the benefit of market participants is built. Ordinal optimization is used to slove it. The ordinal optimization can guarantee to get good enough planning schemes with high probability. And at the same time, it can also quantify the goodness of the final solution. Then in Chapter 4, multi-objective static transmission planning method is investigated. Three sub-objectives considering the benefit of producers, transmission owners and customers are used to set up the multi-objective planning model. Vector ordinal optimization is introduced to solve it. It can also guarantee to get the good enough non-inferior solutions with high probability, and quatify the goodness of the final solutions. In Chapter 5, dynamic transmission planning is investigated. The single-objective dynamic transmission planning model and multi-objective dynamic transmission planning model are both built, based on Chapter 3 and Chapter 4. The ordinal optimization and vector ordinal optimization are both extended to solve them respectively. Then Chapter 6 introduces the framework of TEAM (Transmission Economic Assessment Methodology) proposed by California ISO. Taking the framework of TEAM as practical background, an improved method is developed to make quick and accurate evaluation to the TEAM indexes. These indexes are then used as sub-objectives to multi-objective transmission expansion planning. Vector ordinal optimization provides the global non-inferior solution. Finally, Chapter 7 draws conclusion for the whole thesis. And future work in the field of transmission planning under electric power market is presented.
