

【作者】 黄鹂

【导师】 吴廷俊;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 新闻学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 美国的新闻教育从它的诞生之日到现在,一直走在全世界新闻教育的前列。职业性(Professional)是美国的新闻教育最为明显的特征。职业性就是在培养人才的过程中注重实务技能的训练,使培养出来的人才能尽快地满足实践工作的需要。而职业化(Professionalization)又是一个从职业(Occupation)发展到职业主义或者专业主义(Professionalism)的动态的过程。由于约定俗成的说法,在全文中我们统一采用“职业化”这个词语,它既包括了职业性的特征,又包括了职业化的过程。本文认为,新闻教育的职业化涵义由三个要素组成,职业技能的训练、职业精神的培养和学术性的形成。技能训练是基础,在任何时期新闻工作都必须要以实践工作为主,满足实务工作的需要。这就需要新闻工作者在大学教育中掌握牢固的采、写、编、评等业务知识。但技能训练决不是职业化的唯一涵义。职业化还应该具备相应的职业精神与职业道德,在美国,这种职业精神或道德被提升到了“新闻专业主义”的高度。新闻专业主义的精神从个体的角度来说,就是一系列内化了的专业信念、价值观、职业道德和从业行为标准规范,从行业规范的角度来说,这些包括专业实践的资格认可,彰显专业精神的范例,确认这些范例的行业内部机制、行业组织的自律、道德准则和职业信条等等。随着时代的发展,职业化被融入了第三个要素:学术性。社会的不断进步对于职业化的要求也越来越高。职业化必须要与一定的学术性相结合,才能具有长久的生命力。在新的历史时期,单一的技能训练已经不能满足复杂和多元的社会的需要,在新闻教育的过程中,需要灌输文学、历史、社会、经济、哲学、自然科学等各门学科的知识和理论,进行通识和通才教育,所培养的人才才能胜任不断发展的社会变革的要求。不过,需要明确的是,学术性最终不可能取代职业化,在职业化发展进程中,实用性的技能训练始终是主体,过于学术化或者过于实用化都会导致新闻教育走入误区。美国的新闻教育沿袭一条职业化的发展轨迹,是有着它的历史原因和社会条件

【Abstract】 Journalism Education in US has been keeping ahead among those in all other countries since it has born. The most obvious character of Journalism Education in US is the “Professional”and the main purpose of that so-called “professional”is to train the skilled journalists to meet the needs of the practical work in media career. Meanwhile, professionalization refers to a developing process from the meaning “Occupation”to “Professionalism”. In my opinion, the conception of “Professional”includes three factors: Skill training, Professional Spirit and Academism. Skill Training is the foundation of those three factors and which was required in all kinds of media career and all historic periods. In that case, journalists should firmly handle all kinds of practical skills such as reporting, interviewing, editing and criticize, etc. However, skill training is by no means the only one ingredient, besides, the professional sprit and the ethics codes should be regarded as same important as well. In the US, this professional spirit or code of ethics has been elevated to the height of "media professionalism." From the angle of individual entities, media professionalism represents a series of internalized professional perceptions, beliefs, value systems, professional ethics, and norm of practitioners’ conduct. From the angle of institutional norms, these include recognition of eligibility for practice, examplars of manifested professional spirit, institutional internal mechanisms for setting up the norms, self-regulation by industry organizations, as well as rules and regulations for ethical criteria and principles. Academism was later integrated into the former two components as the third factor of ‘Professional”accompany with the higher requirements to journalists from the continuing developing society. Since the journalists are required to have more and more ability, the sole skill training is gradually showing less and less predominance in media career. No other than skill training gets along with academy then the professional will have a long last life. Therefore, in their teaching process, educators should combine more theories and knowledge like philosophy, psychology, linguists, history, economy, Nature Science together to join into journalism education and so that the students they trained will be qualified enough to adapt to the continuing developing society. However, we should always make clear that the Academy can not replace to skill training, instead, Academy should keep the balance with skill training, decline to either of which will fall journalism education to the crisis. Nevertheless, the shaping of professional in US was based on its own social background, though it sometimes deficient, it is indeed successful. Compared with the Journalism Education in Europe which emphasis more on Academy and those in Japan which emphasis more on Quality Education, the professional journalism education has its own advantages. In China, journalism education related to American congenitally and we may to some extent accelerate our own Journalism Education by using the reference of US. The dissertation is divided into 8 chapters. The preface introduced the research purpose, meaning, background, innovation and research method; Chapter 2 is the review of history which shows how and why professional journalism education formed in the American history; Chapter 3 is the core of the whole paper and it goes deeply into the thoughts of professional and analyzed the reason why the thoughts constructed; Following that, chapter 4-6 described the current situation of how professional has been put into practice from three aspects as Teaching Content, Teaching approaches and Methods, Educators. Further, we dispose the pitfalls that the Journalism Education in US would most likely to meet and then will make efforts to solve those problems. In chapter 7, we explored a series of new issues that could be put forward in new century and predicted the future prospect of Journalism Education in US; Finally, based on the rethinking of professional in Journalism Education, we drop an evaluation to the professional of Journalism Education in US which includes the relationship among three factors that we mentioned; how Journalism Education in US compared with those in other countries; and whether or how it can really influence the Journalism Education in China.

  • 【分类号】G219.712
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】1334
  • 攻读期成果