

The Competitiveness Reinventing and Promoting of Resource-based City in China

【作者】 吴奇修

【导师】 陈晓红;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 建国以来,在大规模推进工业化的进程中,一大批资源型城市伴随着资源的大规模开发而相继兴起,这些城市为国民经济乃至国家安全做出了重大贡献。但是经过多年的高强度开发,资源型城市的资源储备逐渐枯竭,开采成本急剧上升,竞争力严重削弱,富余下岗人员大幅增加。主导产业的衰退不可避免地影响到这些城市的经济和社会发展,一些情况严重的城市已经陷入举步维艰的地步。因此,根据资源型城市经济发展的自身规模、特色和优势,通过调整产业发展战略,在推动资源型城市经济、文化和环境改造的同时重塑与提升其竞争力,对实现资源型城市的可持续发展具有重要意义。 本文对资源型城市竞争力重塑与提升的研究分为四部分(共十一章): 第一部分(第一、二章):第一章在对国内外相关研究现状进行总结和评价的基础上,主要阐述研究资源型城市竞争力重塑与提升的目的和意义,以及本文的研究方法和创新点。第二章对我国的资源型城市进行界定和分类,在详细分析其特点后指出资源型城市重塑与提升竞争力的必要性及存在的困难,并总结了国外资源型城市的成功经验。 第二部分(第三、四、五、六章):第三章总括性的提出资源型城市竞争力重塑与提升是一个系统工程,最终要依靠产业转型、社会转型、环境改造这三大支柱在无形的力(开放和文化)和有形的手(政府)的共同促进下更为协调的互动。第四章指出产业转型包括衰退产

【Abstract】 A resource-based city is one that sets up and develops gradually which relies on exploitation and management of natural resources-as exhaustible mineral resource in this paper. The industrial structure of resource-based city in our country and the forming of urban function are results of specific endowment of natural resources, traditional heavy industrial development strategy in our country and special condition of geographical location working together. Under the long-term planned economic system, the industrial policy makes most resource-based cities pursue the growth of the quantity of the resource products, ignore the protective, intensive and comprehensive development of resources, so that those relevant industries can not be developed for a long time which help to improve the comprehensive utilization degree of resource and the rate of resource transformation. The single leading industry makes the resource-based city form the ability of comprehensive development difficultly. If regional resources are exhausted and market demand changed, it is extremely apt to produce the structural decline of urban economy. The contradiction is conspicuous among single industrial structure and urban function which are based on resource exploitation and early stage processing, and market-oriented process which our country accelerates day by day. At the same time, quite a few of resource-based cities have already entered the stage of decreasing return to scale. The disparity of the development level between urban economy and the national urban economy is expanding constantly. So it is significant to push the reinvent of economy, culture and environmental reconstruction of resource-based city at the same time and promote its competitiveness by adjusting industry’s development strategy, according to its own scale, characteristic and advantage of economic development of resource-based city.The research on the competitiveness reinventing and promoting of resource-based city is divided into 4 parts (Amount to 11 chapters):Part 1 (including chapter 1 and chapter 2): Chapter 1 mainly explain purpose and significance of the research on resource-based citycompetitiveness reinventing and promoting, and the research approach and innovation of this paper which based on summarizing and appraising current situation of domestic and international relevant research. Chapter 2 define and classify the resource-based city of our country, point out the necessity and difficulty existing of the competitiveness reinventing and promoting after analyzing its characteristic in detail and summary the successful experiences of the foreign resource-based city.Part 2 (chapter 3-6): Chapter 3 brings forward that the change and promotion of competitive of resource city is a system program, which depends on change in industry, social, environment and government. Chapter 4 points out that the transforming include two courses: output of old industry and the input of news. The old industry can be confirmed by three dimensionalities: the lifecycle, the competitive of industry and the restriction of resource, and the new can be chose by ’3+4’ rules. Chapter 5 puts forward the "ADIC" model by constructing the pattern of social transforming of resource city, and the ’3T’ model of human resources. Chapter 6 emphasizes the government should be the environmental restrict of the Game of the economy with social development.Part 3 (chapter 7-9): Chapter 7 establishes the evaluate index system of the competitive of resource city, which including ascertain and impact factors. Chapter 8 introduces the data envelopment analysis, then puts forward the index model of competitive of resource city based on the DEA, which checked up by some cities. In Chapter 9, we firstly get the three stages of LengShuijing city by the cluster assay of the competitive, then analyzing the impact factors of competitive of LengShuijing by relevance research. Depending on the research, LengShuijing can do good choice in course of development.Part4 (including Chapter 10 and Chapter 11): It is indicated in Chapter 10 that resourceful cities (resource-based cities) must select reliable transforming route according to their own characteristics, and It proposed suggestions on different schemas-selecting respectively. Furthermore, universally, it gives to-be-considered transforming method of resourceful cities on improving city competitive strength; also, it advanced some support policies that should be issued by our government.After giving a conclusion of the whole thesis, Chapter 11 proposed problems that under improving and some future works.Based on previous researchers’ contributions, this paper takes some originalities below: (1). Content originality: firstly, this thesis gave a across-the-board and systematic research on resourceful cities, based on current known theories and analysis, it proposed a theoretical schema of transforming method of resourceful cities. Secondly, this thesis carried estimate and empirical analysis on city competitive strength of certain resourceful cities, as a result, the theoretical schema had been validated. Thirdly, this thesis gave a deep case study on City of Leng shuijiang both from landscape orientation and lengthways orientation. (2) Method originality: This thesis used game theory to analyze Sustainable development of resourceful cities, together, in the empirical analysis, DEA method was used to analyze the competitive strength of certain resourceful cities.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 06期