

Research on the Key Issues in the New-style Highway Survey and Design Based on Geotechnology

【作者】 陈楚江

【导师】 李德仁;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 摄影测量与遥感, 2004, 博士


【摘要】 中国经济和社会的发展,促进了高速公路的建设和发展。中国的东部及部分中部地区,高速公路的路网已完成。公路建设现正在向中、西部地区延伸。当今公路建设主要集中在崇山峻岭地区,面临的地形条件恶劣,地质条件复杂,大多数地区基础资料空白,公路建设要求的技术含量高、周期短、任务重,并且对土地利用,生态环保提出了更高的要求。公路建设的这些发展形势和特点,给公路建设的前期工作——公路勘察设计带来了新的巨大挑战。 近年来,以3S(GPS、RS、GIS)技术为代表的地球空间信息技术取得了突飞猛进的发展,使人们对地球的探测和研究上升到一个全新的境地。3S技术与其它技术融合、渗透、集成,极大的促进了技术进步与经济社会的发展。 研究应用地球空间信息技术,在关键技术上进行突破,改进传统的公路勘察设计与模式,才能适应现代公路建设发展的特点,满足当今公路建设的需要,有效地促进公路交通建设跨越式发展和可持续发展。因此,“基于地球空间信息技术的新型公路勘察设计中的关键问题研究”非常及时,很有必要,并且具有重大的现实意义。 论文针对当代公路建设的特点,研究了1m高分辨率的Ikonos卫星图像高精度三维测量、地质活跃地区多时相地表变迁分析、工程精化似大地水准面模型等工程建设面临的重大关键技术问题,以及在此基础上形成的现代高新空间信息技术为核心的全新公路勘察设计技术体系。论文的研究成果已成功地应用于世界公路建设的极限地区、我国唯一不通公路的西藏墨脱县的墨脱公路建设项目,改变了我国公路勘察设计模式,实现了公路勘察设计手段与方法的重大突破与创新。 论文深入研究了高分辨率Ikonos卫星图像的高精度立体测量的理论与方法。Ikonos是世界上首颗分辨率小于1m的商业卫星。不同于其它遥感卫星图像,Ikonos卫星图像具有可应用的量测精度。Ikonos卫星传感器采用线扫描成像,其立体图像为同轨立体。1m分辨率的Ikonos全色黑白图像等价于1:20,000的航空摄影。出于商家利益及应用的方便,严密的Ikonos传感器模型得不到,商家提供有理函数模型系数(RPC)作为替代。 目前,高分辨率Ikonos立体卫星图像空间变换最合适的通用模型是有理函数模型,DLT变换、仿射变换、多项式变换等空间变换均为有理函数模型的不同形式。Ikonos卫星图像的有理函数模型空间变换在两藏墨脱的应用研究表明: (1) 在得不到商家RPC参数时,采用一次有理函数对Ikonos卫星图像进行空间变换,点位精度达到了±0.800m。 (2) 利用商家提供的RPC参数,无控制点时,Ikonos立体图像定位的平面误差在10m左右,高程误差小于10m。 Ikonos卫星图像受轨道误差、姿态角误差、星历误差及坐标基准的影响,图像坐标存在误差。基于商家有理函数系数(RPC),加入附加参数,能够显著提高Ikonos立体卫星图像的定位精度。Ikonos卫星图像的附加参数区域网平差能减少野外控制点的数量。西藏墨脱的应用研究表明: (1) 各景Ikonos卫星图像均存在偏移和飘移误差,且各不相同。起主要作用的还是偏移误差。 (2) 区域内加入一个控制点,可以极大地提高成果的精度:用于加密的控制点位置分布可

【Abstract】 The development of economy and society in China accelerates the highway construction and development. The network of highway in the east and partial middle region of China has been accomplished, and it has been extended to the middle and the west of China. Nowadays, the highway construction mainly converges at the mountain areas with lofty and precipitous peaks, where the terrain condition is awful and geological conditions is complicated, and the basic data is almost empty. In the highway construction, technology required is more, the period is shorter, and the task is heavier. More strict requirements for land use and ecology-environment protection have been brought forward. These new trends and characters challenge greatly the prophase work of highway construction-highway survey and design. These years, exploration and research about the earth comes to a new era while the geotechnologies, especially 3S (GPS、 RS、 GIS) technologies, are advanced rapidly. Great progress in society, economy and technology is made with the combination or integration of 3S with other technology.Only studying and applying geotechnologies, making a breakthrough on the key issues, and improving traditional manner of highway survey and design can the characteristic of modern highway survey and design be fit, the demand of its construction be met, and sustaining development and spanning development of transportation be realized. Therefore, Research on the Key Issues in the New-style Highway Survey and Design Based on Geotechnology is timely and necessary, and the reality significance of this research is great.The paper aims at the characters of highway construction in the present age, researches on several significant key techniques, i.e. the three dimension high accuracy surveying of Ikonos satellite imagery with 1m resolution, the multi-temporal terrain transformation analysis in the active area of geological environment, and refining engineering quasi-geoid model and so on, and the new highway survey and design system with modern geotechnology based on the key technologies studied above. The research results have been applied successfully to the Mutuo Road construction in Mutuo county, Tibet, where it is the terrific area all over the world and no road county only in China. The mode of highway survey and design has been changed, and a significant breakthrough and innovation of means and method in highway survey and design have been made.The paper lucubrates in the theory and method of high accuracy survey of Ikonos satellite imagery. Ikonos is the first business satellite whose resolution is less than 1m in the world. Differing from others, the accuracy of this satellite imagery can satisfy the need of engineering. Ikonos imaging is line-scanning and forms stereo images along-track. The resolution of Ikonos imagery of panchromatic black and white is 1m, which is equal to an aerial photograph with a scale of 1:20,000. The rigorous sensor model isn’t provided, but Rational PolynomialCoefficient (RPC) is substitute for benefit of Space Imaging and the convenience of application. At present, the most suitable general model for spatial transformation of high resolution imagery of Ikonos is rational function model. DLT transformation, affine transformation and polynomial transformation etc. are all different formation of rational function model. The practical research on spatial transformation of Ikonos stereo satellite images with rational function model in Mutuo, Tibet, shows that:(1) The accuracy of Ikonos satellite imagery reaches +0.800m with the first order rational function for spatial transformation when the PRC coefficients can not be gotten from vendor.(2) Without control points, the plane error of Ikonos stereo imagery is around 10m and its height error is less than 10m when the vendor’s RPC coefficients are used.Ikonos satellite imagery can be affected by orbit error, attitude error, ephemeris error and coordinates datum, so that there are errors in image space. Based on the RPC, the geoposition precision of Ikonos stereo images can be improved evidently by added appended parameters. By block adjustments with parameters, the amount of field control points can be reduced. The practical research in Mutuo, Tibet, shows that:(1) There are both bias error and drift error in each Ikonos image. They are different from image to image, and the bias error is the main factor.(2) The accuracy is improved prominently by adding one control point in the image, and the control points can be distributed random. When there are two control points distributed in south-north direction in each Ikonos image, better precision can be gotten.(3) The precision of the Ikonos triangulation in Himalayas, Tibet, reaches: ±0.945m in plane, ±0.517m in height, ±1.076m in total, and ±0.3 pixels in RMS of image space.(4) When the interval of control points is 15km, the point RMS is around ±1.5m. When the interval is 20km, the point RMS is around ±2.0m. Interval of control points further, the accuracy of point worse.(5) The precision of DOM produced with Ikonos stereo images reaches ±0.70m, the precision of DEM reaches ±1.153m, the precision in plane, height and annotation of DLG reaches ±1.28m, ±1.14m, ±0.64m respectively. They all meet the demand for mapping with the scale of 1:2,000.The paper researches data terrain transformation analysis based on multi-source and multi-temporal roundly. Relative stabilization area in complicated geologic area has been found out so as to put forward a scientific, reasonable and economical project scheme for highway construction. By processed multi-temporal remote sensing data, Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and Digital Orthography Map (DOM) can be generated. The transform analysis of object on DEM is to analyse the differences between multi-temporal DEMs. The transform analysis on DOM uses the method of the sum of absolute value of gray difference and covariance of gray between multi-temporal DOMs to detect the changed area. The combined analysis based on DEM and DOM will improve the accuracy and reliability of results greatly. The research results of the terrain transform analysis with remote sensing data in 30 yearsinterval show that the production of combined analysis based on DEM and DOM is more accurate and reliable. It can satisfy the requirement of project. Not only the amount, size and scope of the terrain transformation, but also its trend and law can be found out when the terrain transformation associates with geological phenomenon such as mud-rock flow and landslip. Therefore, the valuable scheme can be put forward. The effect and power of geotechnology are more evident in engineering.The paper researches the theory and method of refining engineering quasi-geoid model. The refining engineering quasi-geoid model is the basis for realization of unitary surveying in plane and elevation. To meet the requirement of project, the relative accuracy of refining engineering quasi-geoid model should be under ±5cm, and its resolution should be l’x 1’ at least. The refining engineering quasi-geoid model is related with the arithmetic and the quality, resolution, and precision of the data to be used. So, a gravity field model suited for local region should be selected, the gravity data measured in the ground and terrain data with high accuracy and high resolution should be adopted fully, and optimize arithmetic should be used. The l’x 1’ refining engineering quasi-geoid model is formed by using gravity field model, terrain data and gravity data. The height anomaly is considered as the co-contribution one of earth gravity model, close region gravity anomaly and terrain correction, and vertical grads of full-Bouguer gravity anomaly. By using DQM2000B, l’xl’ average gravity anomaly, l’x 1’ terrain data calculated from Txl" digital terrain model, all possible gravimetric points, GPS-leveling points and some effective gravity points aboard, l’xl’ refining engineering quasi-geoid model of Motuo, Tibet, is researched. The field check results show that the relative accuracy of this model reaches ± 2.5cm , the maximal error is not more than the twice of ±3cm which is the specification of height RMS in rule. The accuracy meets the fourth order leveling requirement of project in mountain area. It can replace leveling and be used for height control of the large scale mapping and engineering survey.On the basis of the study of 3D high accuracy survey of the high resolution satellite imagery, multi-temporal analysis of terrain transformation and refining engineering quasi-geoid model, a new highway survey and design system is researched and applied. While geotechnology is integrated into highway CAD, the integration, automation and visualization of highway survey and design are realized. A multi-scale route selection by terrain, geology and ecology-environment with computer assistant is come true, and the quality and technique of highway survey and design are improved.The research and application of the new-style highway survey and design system based on geotechnology in Mutuo Road, Tibet, show that:(1) The new system can acquire high accuracy data of terrain and geology rapidly for highway design, and the data gap of terrain and geology with large scale in Mutuo, Tibet, has been filled up.(2) 43km is shortened by route optimization, comparison and selection, and 1.1 billions yuan in this project is saved.(3) About 7,000 yuan per kilometer is saved and about 10 times of the total work efficiency is increased with the new system by comparing with traditional highway survey and design. The innovations of this paper are listed below:(1) A brand-new highway survey and design system with geotechnologies based on 3D high accuracy survey of high-resolution satellite imagery, multi-temporal terrain transform analysis and refining engineering quasi-geoid model by using GPS, RS and GIS technologies is formed(2)The theory and method of both spatial transformation with rational function model for the high-resolution satellite imagery and block adjustment with parameters are studied thoroughly. The practical research of lkonos-2 satellite imagery among large difficult area in China is for the first time. The accuracy of lkonos-2 imagery satisfies the requirement for mapping in difficult area with scale of 1:2,000.(3) A set of schemes for control distribution and triangulation of lkonos-2 satellite imagery are put forward, and the technique specification can be used to direct production of terrain digital data.(4) The terrain transform analysis based on multi-temporal data to find out relative stabilization area is researched for the first time in highway survey and design. With this method, the scheme of highway design can be the most optimum one.(5) VxV refining engineering quasi-geoid model is formed and applied for the first time in pratical project located at difficult area in Mutuo, Tibet. The relative accuracy of the model meets the fourth order leveling requirement of project in mountain area. Unitary surveying of plane and height is realized, and the separation of traditional survey in plane and height becomes history now.(6) The integration of geotechnology and advanced highway CAD is researched in a creative way, and multi-scale, integration, automatization and visualization of highway survey and design are realized.The new highway survey and design system based on modern geotechnology is advanced intechnology. Its economic benefit, society benefit and ecologic benefit are all prominent. It’s arevolutionary breakthrough for the method and manner of highway survey and design.The theory and method in this paper will direct the highway survey and design of China in the21st century, and its research results are the examples of highway survey and design of Chinain the new era.In the subsequent work, the significant key technique and the brand-new system of highwaysurvey and design will still be undertaken test in practice. The method should be enriched,perfected and developed so as to accommodate the survey and design to different area anddifferent condition.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 11期