

The Theory Studies and Realization of Synthetic Wideband on Millimeter-Wave Seeker

【作者】 贺志毅

【导师】 郝祖全;

【作者基本信息】 航天第二研究院 , 飞行器控制、制导与仿真, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 合成宽带技术是目前雷达技术研究的热点之一,利用合成宽带技术可以降低距离维高分辨雷达系统实现的难度,使一维距离成像及在一维距离成像基础上的高分辨角跟踪成为可能。利用合成宽带技术来实现距离维的高分辨可以有多种方式,本文着重探讨了步进跳频及脉内调频、脉间步进跳频技术的理论分析和实现研究。本文分析了步进跳频信号实现合成宽带的理论,系统的分析了工程设计过程中,跳频间隔、发射脉冲宽度、采样间隔及起始采样时刻间必须满足的相互关系,对不同参数选取所造成的合成宽带性能的影响进行了研究,给出了明确的结论,并对运动速度的影响进行了分析。论文对脉内调频、脉间步进跳频信号进行了深入的分析研究,推导了文献中基本未涉及的该信号的模糊函数,得出了这一信号具有距离维高分辨能力的结论;还分析了利用此信号实现合成宽带的可行性,对目标回波特性及信号处理采样实现进行了分析;对跳频间隔与发射信号带宽间的关系进行分析,得出了系统设计必须考虑的限制条件;对运动补偿的实现方法进行了广泛的探讨,提出了几种可以实用的补偿算法。论文结合实际对以脉内调频、脉间步进跳频理论为基础设计的毫米波主动导引头的几个特殊问题进行了分析研究。详细分析描述了三通道幅相一致性的校正方法、分析了I、Q 支路幅相及直流偏置误差对合成宽带的影响、数字比相对角跟踪性能的影响及小目标检测的实现方法。探讨了毫米波导引头三维成像机理,进行了仿真和实际处理,得到了实际目标的三维图像。论文最后分析探讨了毫米波导引头的设计与实现,论述了总体设计参数及主要分系统的设计参数,给出了总体及各主要分系统的实现框图。对国内首次研制完成的宽带导引头系统进行了一系列的试验,给出了实测结果,验证了本文所论述理论的正确性。

【Abstract】 The synthetic wide-band technique is a hot point of radar system research. Making use of the synthetic wide-band technique can decrease difficulty of realization of the whole radar system and it can achieve high range profile of targets. Based on high range profile, the angle tracking of high resolution can be obtained. There are several ways to achieve high range resolution. In this dissertation ,not only the theory analysis ,but also engineering application study of both a stepped frequency and an intra-pulse chirp and inter-pulse stepped frequency are completed. In this dissertation, it’s focused on the theory and application study of both a stepped frequency and an intra-pulse chirp and inter-pulse stepped frequency signals. the theory of stepped frequency is firstly discussed. The inter-parameter relationships of frequency interval, pulse width, sampling interval and sampling time are analyzed and some analysis results are given. Besides above all, speed effect on synthetic wide band is discussed. Future more, the signal of the intra-pulse chirp and inter-pulse stepped frequency is analyzed and its ambiguity function is derived to show that the signal can obtain high range resolution. Feasibility of making use of the signal to achieve synthetic wide band is proved and the way of engineering realization is discussed. The relation between frequency interval and bandwidth is analyzed and analytical results are given. The compensation methods for moving target echoes are widely described and some new methods are put forward. Then several concrete questions to realize millimeter seeker based on the theory of the intra-pulse chirp and inter-pulse stepped frequency are described in detail, such as the correction method of amplitude and phase for three channel receiver, the error research for I/Q detector, the effect study of digital phase detector on angle tracking, the detection methods for small targets and so on. Concerned with actual seeker system, the radar three-dimension imaging is discussed. Some results of simulations are shown for three-dimension imaging and several actual millimeter three-dimension images are given. At last the design and realization of millimeter seeker are described. Some systematic parameters and chief sub-systems are briefly analyzed and the realization diagrams are given. A series of tests are finished for the developed millimeter seeker and the main test results are given. The results show that the theory of intra-pulse chirp and inter-pulse stepped frequency is correct and feasible.
