

Study on Environmental Cost for Sustainable Management of Commerical Plantation

【作者】 李智勇

【导师】 郑大豪;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2001, 博士

【摘要】 森林是陆地生态系统的主体,在维持地球生物圈的生态平衡中具有不可替代的重要作用。工业文明以来,世界森林资源遭到了极大的破坏,目前仍以每年2000 万公顷的速度消失。森林资源的破坏性开采,在给人类的经济增长带来巨大贡献的同时,也使人类面临着土地退化、水土流失、荒漠化、水资源短缺、生物多样性丧失、大气污染和温室效应等巨大的生态环境危机。大力发展人工林是恢复植被,缓减天然林木材采伐压力,保护生态环境的重要途径,并为世界许多国家的政府所重视。中国是世界森林破坏最严重,森林资源最贫乏的国家,也是人工林面积最大的国家,目前人工林保存面积达4600 万公顷。我国人工林事业在取得巨大成就的同时,也正面临着人们往往不愿正视的水土流失、病虫害、地力衰退和长期生产力下降的生态环境危机和经济危困。这种人工林危机在以木材提供为主要使命的商品人工林发展中尤为突出,商品人工林纯林化所造成的森林生态系统的脆弱性以及不合理经营造成的病虫危害和地力衰退,在对周边生态环境造成损害的同时,也使得商品人工林经营的木材收获等预期经济目标难以实现。针对上述问题,本文以商品人工林可持续经营的环境成本研究为题,就商品人工林环境成本发生的经济学背景、经济理论、成本对象、成本测度计量指标及方法,商品人工林环境成本测度计量的案例,以及商品人工林环境成本控制的政策途径展开了系统、全面的分析研究。本项研究所取得的初步研究成果主要表现在以下4 个方面: (1)提出了商品人工林经营中的环境成本概念。环境成本是环境经济学研究领域中的难点,国内外的相关研究重点是对工业污染以及天然林资源采伐利用的环境经济损失进行分析计量,对商品人工林经营的环境成本相关研究尚属空白。本项研究针对商品人工林经营过程中林地清理、整地、抚育、采伐所造成的水土流失、病虫害、生物量移出和地力衰退等生态环境危害,纳入环境成本中并进行了成本测度和成本控制的研究。(2)构建了商品人工林的环境成本分类体系。本文在系统评述了环境成本产生的经济学背景、SEEA 中的虚拟环境成本、SNA 中资源利用(含森林资源)的环境经济损失(环境成本)、自然资源定价中的边际外部成本的类别、特征、规律和评价计量方法的基础上,针对商品人工林的长周期、多轮伐、生态脆弱性和影响广泛性等特点,提出了商品人工林环境成本中的显性环境成本和隐性环境成本的概念和类别,以及显性和隐性环境成本中的内敛环境成本和外溢环境成本的概念和类别。(3)进行了商品人工林环境成本的测度计量。本文以我国南方主要商品人工林树种杉木和马尾松为对象,通过地力衰退所造成的不同世代林分生长量损失对商品人工林经营中的隐性环境成本进行了案例研究;通过病虫害所造成的林分材积损失对商品人工林经营中的显性环境成本进行了案例研究;通过整地所造成的林地水土流失的养分损失对商品人工林经营中的内敛环境成本进行了案例研究;通过杉木收获所造成的生物量移出损失对商品人工林的外溢环境成本进行了案例研究。(4)提出了商品人工林环境管理的概念。本文在森林永续利用理论、森林生态系统经营理论、近自然林业理论、新林业理论等森林经营理论分析研究的基础上,阐述了商品人工林环境成本控制的可持续经营模式,提出了发展人工林业、加速市场化进程(政府逐步退出市场和企业稳步进入市场)、发展可持续经营的标准和指标以及建立环境认证体系的我国商品人工林环境管理策略。关键词:环境成本,人工林,可持续经营,林业,经济

【Abstract】 As the major component part of the terrestrial ecosystem, forest plays an irreplaceable role in sustaining ecological balance for ecosphere of Earth. However, worldwide forest resources have been destructed seriously since the Industrial Revolution, still disappeared at the speed of 20 million hectare each year at present. It had made great contribution to economic growth destructive exploiting forest resources on one hand, and the man face serious environmental crises like soil degradation, erosion, desertification, shortage of water resources, biodiverstiy decline, air pollution and green-house effect, on the other. It was an important way to restore vegetation, reduce pressure on natural forest logging and protect ecological environment to make vigorous effort to develop plantation, has been given much more attention by more and more states in the world. China is a country deficient in forest resources and one of that whose forest was devastated seriously. Meanwhile, the accumulative area of established plantations in China reached 46 million-hectare and ranks the first in the world. It is no doubt that China has get a great achievement in plantation development, in the same time, many of the ecological environmental and economic crises China has to confronted with, such as soil erosion, pests and diseases, long term degradation of productivity were not desired. Those crises were particularly serious for commercial plantations whose main task was to supply timber. The fragility of forest ecosystem and pests and diseases and degradation of productivity result from pure stand and irrational management of commercial plantations have not just brought about harm to peripheral ecological environment but also made the expected economic goals like timber harvesting of management of commercial plantations can hardly be reached. In light of the above problems, and targeted with environmental costs for sustainable management of commercial plantation, the economics background, economic theory, cost elements, cost accounting and indicators and methods, cases of environmental costs accounting for commercial plantations, policies and approaches of environmental costs for commercial plantation have been systematically and comprehensively studied in the dissertation. The dissertation has obtained 4 aspects of preliminary achievements, which are: (1) Conception of environmental costs for commercial plantation management has been put forward. Environmental costs was a difficulty in the field of environmental economics study, both in oversea and domestic the relevant study focuses were to analyze and account economic losses on environment from industrial pollution and using natural forest, the study on environmental costs for management of commercial plantations was still a gap yet. In the light of environmental damages such as soil erosion, pests and diseases, biomass losses and degradation of productivity caused by land clearing, site preparation, tending treatment and harvesting in the process of commercial plantation management, all these factors have been incorporated into environmental costs and cost accounting and control for them were also conducted in the dissertation; (2) A classified system of environmental costs for commercial plantation has been set up. The economics background of environmental costs, virtual environmental costs of SEEA, environmental economic losses (environmental costs) in using resources (including forest resources) of SNA, types, natures, laws, assessment and accounting methods of marginal external costs in pricing natural resources were systematically commented, and on the basis of that, in view of the characteristics of commercial plantations like long cycle, various cutting cycle, ecological fragility and widespread influence, conception and types of both dominance and recessive environmental costs for commercial plantation as well as conception and types of convergence and overflow environmental costs of dominance and recessive environmental costs have been put forward in the dissertation. (3) Accounting of environmental costs for commercial plantation has been conducted. Targeted with the main commercial plantation species of Chinese fir (Cunninghamia laceolata) and Mason pine (Pinus massoniana) in Southern China and in view of stand growth losses of different generation ones caused by degradation of productivity, stand volume losses by pests and diseases, fertility losses with soil erosion by site preparation and biomass losses by harvesting, case studies on recessive, dominance, convergence and overflow environmental costs for commercial plantation management have been conducted in the dissertation respectively; (4) Conception of environmental management for commercial plantation has been advanced. On the basis of analysis and study on forest sustainable harvesting, forest ecosystem management, near nature forest and new forestry theory, sustainable management models for controlling environmental costs for commercial plantation have been elaborated, and environmental management strategies for commercial plantation, developing plantations, speeding up market orientation process and establishment of environmental certification system and drawing up criterion and indicators for sustainable management have also been put forward in the dissertation.

  • 【分类号】F326.2
  • 【被引频次】8
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