

Properties of Equal-power Higher-power Squeezing for Multi-state Superposition Multi-mode Superposition Light Field

【作者】 许定国

【导师】 安毓英; 杨志勇;

【作者基本信息】 西安电子科技大学 , 光学工程, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 本文根据量子力学的态叠加原理,构造了五种不同的多态叠加多模叠加态光场。利用新近建立的多模压缩态理论,研究了上述五种多态叠加多模叠加态光场的广义非线性等幂次高次压缩特性。得到了上述多模叠加态光场的广义非线性等幂次高次压缩的一般理论结果和具体的压缩条件,由此获得了一系列不同于现有报道的新的结果和结论。并在上述研究的基础上,提出了一种制备多模叠加光场并使该光场产生压缩效应的实验方案。 本文的研究结果,对于多模压缩态光场领域的实验技术探索工作具有重要的指导价值。具体主要工作内容如下: 1.根据量子力学的态叠加原理:1)构造了由多模(q模)偶相干态和多模(q模)虚偶相干态的线性叠加所组成的四态叠加多模振幅-相位混合Schr(?)dinger-cat态光场|ψe(4),Ⅲ>q;2)构造了由偶数模(2q模)多模偶相干态和偶数模(2q模)多模奇相干态的线性叠加所组成的四态叠加多模振幅-相位混合Schr(?)dinger-cat态光场|ψoe(4),Ⅰ>2q;3)构造了由偶数模(2q模)多模偶相干态和偶数模(2q模)多模虚偶相干态的线性叠加所组成的四态叠加多模振幅-相位混合Schr(?)dinger-cat态光场|ψe(4),Ⅱ>2q;4)构造了由5个不同的多模相干态的线性叠加所组成的五态叠加多模叠加态光场|ψ(5)>q;5)构造了由5个不同的多模泛函相干态的线性叠加所组成的强度不相等的非对称五态叠加多模泛函叠加态光场|ψj(5)(fj)>q。 2.利用多模压缩态理论,分别研究了态|ψe(4),Ⅲ>q的广义电场分量和广义磁场分量的等幂次N次方H压缩(即高次和压缩;下同)特性,分别得到了态|ψe(4),Ⅲ>q的广义电场分量和广义磁场分量的等幂次N次方H压缩的一般理论结果。经过理论分析和解析计算,分别得到了态|ψe(4),Ⅲ>q的广义电场分量和广义磁场分量的等幂次N次方H压缩的压缩条件和等幂次N-H最小测不准态的条件。详细讨论了光场的经典强度、经典振幅以及经典相位对态|ψe(4),Ⅲ>q的广义电场分量和广义磁场

【Abstract】 In this thesis, according to the superposition principle of state in the quantum mechanics, five newly different kinds of muliti-state superposition multimode superposition state light field was constracted. The property of the equal-power higher-power squeezing of which was sdudied utilized the multimode squeezed state theory which is advanced newly by Prof. Yang Zhi-yong and Prof. Hou Xun. It is obtained that the general theory of squeezed and conditions of generation squeezed for multimode superposition state light field which is different from the past literatures. Based on these ,one newly experiment prepare plan for generation of multimode squeezed state light field is raised.Above positive results have important guidance value for explore work of the experiment technique about research realm of the squeezed in multimode superposition state light field. The major results obtained are as following:1 、 According to the superposition principle of state in the quantum mechanics : 1) a newly type of four-state superposition multimode mixing amplitude-phase Schrodinger-cat state light field |ψe4,III>φ composed of the multimode (q-longitudinal modes)even and multimode (q-longitudinal modes) imaginary-even coherent state light field is constructed. 2) a newly type of four-state superposition multimode mixing amplitude-phase Schrodinger-cat state light field |ψ0e4,I> composed of the even-number mode(2q-longitudinal modes) multimode even and even-number mode (2q-longitudinal modes) multimode odd coherent state light field is constructed . 3) a newly type of four-state superposition multimode mixing amplitude-phase Schrodinger -cat state lightfield |ψe4,I>2q composed of the even-number mode (2q-longitudinal modes)multimode even and even-number mode (2q- longitudinal modes) multimode imaginary-even coherent state light field is constructed. 4) five state superposition multimode superposition state light field |ψ5>q which is made up of five differentmultimode coherent states is developed. 5) a kind of multimode functional superposition state light field |ψj5(fj)>q which is made up of five different multimodefunctional coherent states is developed.2> By utilizing the multimode squeezed states theory which was established newly , the properties of generalized nonlinear equal-power N-th power //-squeezing (higher- power sum-squeezing;the same below) of generalized electric field component and generalized magnetic field component in the state I*/";,111) has been studieddifferently. It has been obtained differently that the general theory of generalized nonlinear equal- power N-th power //-squeezing of generalized electric field component and generalized magnetic field component in the state ^’4^,IIl) .Squeezed conditionsof generalized nonlinear equal-power N-th power //-squeezing and of generalized nonlinear equal-power N-H minimum uncertainty state for generalized electric fieldcomponent and generalized magnetic field component in the statewasobtained differently . The influence of classical intensity, classical amplitude and classical phase of the light field on the properties of generalized nonlinear equal-power N-th power H squeezing of the generalized electric field component and generalized magnetic field component in the state y/4’,IIl\ is studied differently.The equal-1 power N-th power H -squeezing effects displayed by the generalized electric fieldcomponent and generalized magnetic field component in the state y/^\ III) can alwaysdisplay the relation of periodical reciprocation.3 -. By utilizing the multimode squeezed states theory which was established newly , the properties of generalized nonlinear equal-power N-th power X-squeezing (higher-power difference-squeezing;the same below) in the state y/£\l) -The generaltheory of generalized nonlinear equal-power N-th power A’-squeezing of the state roe ?V 1S chained .It is found that, under certain conditions, two perpendicular phasecomponent of the state y/:J,l) can present generalized nonlinear equal-power N-thpower X-squeezing effect which changes periodically at the same time. This is a newly kinds of nonclassical physics phenomenon .and which was named generalized nonlinear equal-power N-th power X-complete squeezing effect.4> By utilizing the multimode squeezed states theory which was established newly , the properties of generalized nonlinear equal-power iV-th power ^-squeezing inthe state. It is found that, l)under the certain conditions, statecan1qpresent generalized nonlinear equal-power iV-th power X- complete squeezing effect as well, the result show clearly that generalized nonlinear equal-power N-th power X-complete squeezing phenomenon is widespread phenomenon in realm of even number modes (2^-longitudinal modes) multimode superposition light field. 2) It is found further ?under same conditions of squeezing, two different multimode superposition state light fields which may be distinguished in macroscopic can present generalized nonlinear equal-power N-th power X- complete squeezing effect, that has the same squeezing characteristic.squeezing amplitude and squeezing depth. Which was named the generalized nonlinear equal-order iV-th power X complete degenerate squeezed. (2) under same conditions of squeezing, two different multimode superposition state light fields which may be distinguished in macroscopic can present generalized nonlinear equal-power N-th power X- complete squeezing effect, that has the alike squeezing characteristic, but has’nt alike both the squeezing amplitude and squeezing depth. Which was named generalized nonlinear equal-order N-th power X- similitude complete squeezed.Besides, it is defined strictly three newly physical conception finded in thesis which are generalized nonlinear equal-order N-th power X-complete squeezed , generalized nonlinear equal-order iV-th power X- complete degenerate squeezed,and generalized nonlinear equal-order JV-th power X similitude complete squeezed.5 ^ By utilizing the multimode squeezed states theory which was established newly , the properties of generalized nonlinear equal-power N-th power K-squeezing(higher-power amplitude-squeezing;the same below) in the state. It has beenthe light lield on the properties of generalized nonlinear equal-power N-th power y-squeezing of the state ^5’) has been discussed, and generation characteristic aboutthe generalized nonlinear equal-power N-th power y-squeezing of the state u/^\ hasbeen brought to light that. The reseach results in the past on generalized nonlinear equal-power N-th power y-squeezing for the two states, three states and four states superposition multimode superposition light field are the special case of generationreseach results of the statebeen used on the stateat different case. Besides, the research method hasQcan fourth be popularized to research the generalizednonlinear equal-power N-th power y-squeezing of any multimode coherent state superposition multimode superposition light field .6 ^ By utilizing the multimode squeezed states theory which was established newly , it has been studied that the properties of generalized nonlinear equal-power N-th power //-squeezing of the unsymetry insensity five states superposition multimode functional superposition state light field V7 (//)) -It has been obtained that the general theoryand squeezing conditions of generalized nonlinear equal-power N-th power H-squeezing of the multimode functional superposition state light field? Theinfluence of classical intensity, classical amplitude and classical phase of the light field on the properties of generalized nonlinear equal-power N-th power //-squeezing of thestateYj\fj)) has been discussed. The reseach results in the past on generalizednonlinear equal-power N-th power //-squeezing for the two states, three states and four states superposition multimode function superposition state light field are the special case of generation reseach results of the state y/f’(//)) at different case. Therefore,the research results on generalized nonlinear equal-power N-th power //-squeezing ofstatecan ke popularized,to study any multistate superposition multimodefunctional superposition light field.7^ By improved the experiment plan of generation single-mode SCS light and double-mode SCS light, a kind of the experiment plan of generation multimodesuperposition state light field has been advanced by utilizing interaction between the atom and multimode light field . At the same time , through making bette light source and detector of multiple squeezer which was developed by Institute of Opto-Electronics at Shanxi University in China ,the multiple squeezer can be popularized and used to generation and detection of multiple squeezed states light field. Lastly, an overall experiment plan has been gived to generation and preparation the multimode squeezed light field.
