

Study on the Post Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Landslide Control

【作者】 郑明新

【导师】 殷宗泽; 吴继敏;

【作者基本信息】 河海大学 , 岩土工程, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 本文将传统滑坡勘察地质理论、抗滑结构设计理论与现代系统理论、灰色理论、模糊数学理论相结合,首先从滑坡工程地质观点出发,探讨了滑坡防治工程效果后评价的主要内容、评价原则和评价标准。进而从滑坡防治后评价角度着手,通过分析大量已整治滑坡工点资料,系统研究了对滑坡性质认识、滑带土强度参数选择、滑坡推力计算和抗滑结构设计计算的方法并对其合理性进行分析,提出了工程效果的地质评价法与工程评价法;其次以川藏公路二郎山K2730段1#滑坡整治工程效果评价为主线,重点对成昆铁路沙北1#滑坡、甘洛2#滑坡等大中型复杂滑坡整治工程结构的受力、位移进行长期监测,提出滑坡推力实测比R_t来评价结构抗滑效果;同时依据结构位移变化提出抗滑桩桩顶水平位移灰色预测模型GM(1,1),结合临界位移速率开展了抗滑结构稳定的时间预测。再次,通过接触单元有限元计算探讨了不同工况下抗滑桩的工程效果,提出了锚索预拉应力最佳值。最后在以上基础上,筛选出防治工程效果的11项后评价因子,首次建立了防治工程效果的模糊综合评判模型。初步建立了一套比较完善的后评价体系,为滑坡防治标准的确立提供了重要依据。主要包括以下工作: (1)定义了滑坡性质的范畴并阐明了对滑坡性质认识程度的评价方法,提出了滑带土强度参数、滑坡推力取值合理性的校核评价方法。 (2)系统分析了滑坡防治工程的类型,提出了对抗滑、减滑措施适用性的初评方法,重点研究了抗滑桩设计合理性的评价方法,并提出了合理的改进方法。 (3)通过现场对抗滑结构受力、位移长期观测,探讨了滑坡推力的基本类型,提出滑坡推力实测比R_t=T/E_T这一后评价指标。 (4)将灰色系统理论应用于抗滑结构桩顶水平位移预测,进而利用水平位移灰色预测模型GM(1,1),依据本文提出的抗滑结构稳定的评判指标——临界桩顶位移速率,尝试预测了抗滑结构达到稳定所需的时间。 (5)在前人研究基础上编制接触单元有限元程序,开展了抗滑桩在不同工况下抗滑效果的计算评价;针对桩下端锚固且不考虑桩前滑体抗力工况,提出了预应力锚索抗滑桩防治效果最佳时的锚索预拉力相对值。 (6)通过筛选,提出了滑坡防治工程效果的11项后评价因子;利用系统工程中的“特尔菲法功能重要度系数法”提出了评价因子的功能重要度系数权重确定法;进而采用模糊数学理论,建立了滑坡防治工程效果的模糊综合评判模型。

【Abstract】 In this dissertation, combining the traditional geological survey theory, structure design theory with the modern Systematic Theory, Grey Theory and the Fuzzy Theory, the post evaluating principle and criterion of the effectiveness of landslide control are put up firstly. Furthermore, on the basis of analyzing a great deal of controlled landslides, how to evaluate the cognitive degree of character of landslide, how to determine the strength characteristic of landslide slip and how to determine the landslide thrust are discussed; Moreover, types and applicability of landslide control, and the designing methods of anti-sliding engineering are probed, and the optimum design of anti-slide pile are set forth. Then series post evaluation methods are presented, such as the check method of the landslide thrust, etc.Secondly, several large and complex landslides, such as K2730 I~# landslide of Elangshan along Chuanzang highway are surveyed; And the soil-stress box, reinforcing steel bar meter are buried in the retaining wall, anti-slide pill, and beam with pre-stress cable; And the displacement of anti-slide pile top, and ground displacement are monitored for a long time. Then, a new evaluating criterion of the effectiveness of landslide control, which is the ratio of in-situ thrust to the design-thrust (n=T/E_T), is put up primarily. In the same time, a Grey Model GM (1,1) of predicting displacement of pile top is set up. Furthermore, using the critical velocity of pile top’s displacement, which is presented in the paper, the time when the anti-sliding pile becomes stable is attempted to forecast.Thirdly, using the Contact FEM source program completed by the authors, numerical calculation of the effectiveness of anti-sliding piles with different factors of landslide itself and different of controlling engineering structure, is analyzed respectively. And the optimum pre-stress of anti-sliding piles with cables, concerning the pile’ end is fixed and without anti-force before pile, is put up.Finally, on the basis of above research, according to the engineering scale, construction process, the degree of using anti-slide ability in geo-body, the changing character of slip, etc., the eleven evaluating factors are chosen. In addition, using the Forced Decision of Systematic Theory, the method of determining weigh of evaluating factors is put forward. Then, using the Fuzzy Theory, a comprehensive evaluation model of the post evaluation is set up for the first time, which lays a foundation for establishing the criterion of landslide control.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 04期