

Tectonic Evolution and Petroleum Accumulation of South Song Liao Basin

【作者】 杨明达

【导师】 温长顺;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 构造地质学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 本文对松辽盆地南部地区的区域构造特征、构造演化史和典型探区构造带进行了系统研究,并结合油气生成、运移及时空配置关系,进行了盆地构造演化、构造带类型、构造样式等与油气聚集关系等研究。松辽盆地属中、新生代板内变形较强烈的地区,盆地演化具有挤压—伸展两种机制的更迭,经历了晚侏罗世的早期断陷,早白垩世的中期坳陷和晚白垩世—古近纪的晚期褶皱与抬升三个主要演化阶段。 松辽盆地自晚侏罗世至古近纪末期经历了多期伸展与挤压改造过程。如在伸展体制下主要包括火石岭组—营城组和登娄库组—嫩江组两个主要的伸展阶段;在挤压体制下主要包括明水组末期和古近纪末期等挤压隆升阶段。 断裂作为油气垂向运移、聚集的重要场所之一,也是为油气由凹陷向盆地边缘运移提供了通道,断裂既可形成对油气遮挡,但断裂对油气聚集又起分割作用,又是油气逃逸的窗口;正反转构造有利于油气聚集,是油气成藏的重要区带之一;构造不整合面是油气聚集的主要场所之一,又是构成油气横向运移主要通道;构造活动对油气热演化具有控制作用;构造运动改善了岩石的储集性能;构造运动形成的隆升剥蚀、断裂作用对盖层具有破坏作用;向斜区在一定的条件下有利于油气聚集;继承性古隆起构造有利于油气的聚集;在单斜的大背景下,由于构造活动,也可成为重要的油气聚集场所,如鼻状构造等。最后,主要依据上述构造控制油气的基本原理,结合其它石油地质条件,对德惠断陷中的有利于油气聚集的构造进行了预测。

【Abstract】 The author systematically studied the area structural features, the structural evolution history and typical structure belts in the exploration area. Combined with the oil-gas generation, migration and time-space distribution relation, the author studied the evolution of basin structure, the types of the structure belts, structure styles and their relations with the accumulation of oil-gas. Song-Liao basin belongs to the area that was intensely deformed in the plate during Mesozoic and Cenozoic. The evolution of the basin has a mechanism that alternated between extension and contraction. The basin experienced three main evolution stages, which were the early fault depression in the late Jurassic, the middle depression in the early Cretaceous and the late uplift and folds in the late Cretaceous or Paleogene Song-Liao basin experienced a multi-period of extension and contraction from late Jurassic to late Paleogene. For example, under the extension setting it mainly contains two main extension periods that are Huoshiling-Yingcheng group and Denglouku-Nenjiang group. Under the contraction setting it mainly contains Late Mingshui group period and late paleogene and others, which are the uplift and dome period. Fault, as one of the important oil-gas vertically migration and accumulation places, provided channels that migrated the oil from the depression to the basin margin. It can block off the oil-gas. It also has a division effect on the oil accumulation. It is the escaping window for the oil-gas too. The positive round back structure is benefit for the accumulation and it is one of the important oil-gas reservoir belts. The structure disconformity plane is one of the important places for oil-gas accumulation, and it also is the main horizontal migration channel. Structural activities controlled the oil-gas thermo evolution and improved the rock’s storage capacity. The uplifting erosion and fault formed by the structure activity can deform the roof rock. The syncline is benefit for the oil-gas accumulation under definite conditions, so are the successive pale-domes. Because of the structural activities, the monocline setting such as nose-structure can become the oil-gas accumulation place. At last, based on the principle that structures controlled the oil-gas, combined with other petroleum geological conditions, the author predicted the structures that are benefited for the oil-gas accumulation in the Dehui fault depression.

  • 【分类号】P548.2;P618.13
  • 【被引频次】18
  • 【下载频次】1482
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