

A Study of Related Issues Concerning Mongolian and Manchu Relationship During the Qing Taizu Period

【作者】 白初一

【导师】 齐木德道尔吉;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古大学 , 专门史, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 许久以来,蒙古民族与女真(满洲)民族是在中国乃至东亚、内亚历史舞台上产生最重要作用的诸民族中的两大民族。在明清之际,这两大民族又历史性地相遇,并经过持续、反复的斗争与联合,最终形成统一的、多民族的、地域广大的清朝。详细考察本阶段女真(满洲)、蒙古民族间的政治、经济、文化等各种关系,对于理解清朝国家的性质与中国国家的历史,对于理解中华民族的形成及各民族共同繁荣的中华文明,具有重要的价值和必要性。鉴于清初相当长的历史阶段,不能在一篇学位论文中完成的实际,本文则只探讨清太祖当政的这一阶段。 本文由五个部分组成:导论部分介绍选题意义及研究概况、主要依据的史料、研究方法和各章节主要内容。第一章首先论述元亡之后明朝、北元的对立状态及它们对女真地区的控制,认为明廷、北元、朝鲜均想政治上控制女真地区,但三方始终没有成功。其次研究女真地区受蒙古文化影响的过程,认为女真人受蒙古文化影响比汉文化、朝鲜文化更为深刻,其主要表现在语言文字的借鉴和应用上。接着研究明中后期达延汗左右两翼的扩张、蒙古封建割据的形成及女真各部的崛起,认为达延汗及其继承者们的扩张活动,最终确立了达延汗子孙对东蒙古的完全统治;但蒙古贵族传统的分封制,导致了蒙古地区封建割据的形成和泛滥;与此相反,同一时期女真各部却得到了空前的发展壮大。最后分析认为明代满蒙两族,具有经济市场需求的相同性、文化习俗的相近性。第二章先介绍金国政权的建立过程及其受蒙古文化的影响:认为金廷的汗号、台吉及文武官员的巴克什、巴图鲁、扎尔固齐等名称都是深受蒙古文化影响的结果。其次研究内喀尔喀五部的形成及其封建贵族的驻牧地;认为内喀尔喀五部的地域一直在漠南,有其发展壮大的过程。兀良哈三卫的许多部民是组成内喀尔喀五部属民的主体。最后考察努尔哈赤时期的满蒙立誓联盟、联姻关系,认为满蒙贵族刑白马、乌牛祭天地的习俗是北方各民族共有的古老习俗,他们盟誓的主要目的是联合对付明朝和察哈尔部林丹汗政权。努尔哈赤时期满蒙联姻的特点是:前期以科尔沁、扎鲁特嫁女为主;后期以满族贵族嫁女为主,但所嫁的均是已归顺的蒙古贵族。第三章先考察努尔哈赤时期满蒙经济关系即满蒙贵族之间的“献礼”与“回赏”;认为金廷已取代明朝在辽东地区唱市赏主角,辽东边外的科尔沁、内喀尔喀五部等蒙古开

【Abstract】 Mongolian and Manchu plays an important role in Inner Asian history. It is important to systematically states the relationship between Mongolian and Manchu during the late Ming Dynasty and the early Qing Dynasty. This article analyzes the influence between the two nations in social politics, economics, and culture etc..This dissertation consists of three parts: firstly, after the fall of Yuan dynasty, Ming court, the North Yuan state, Korea wanted to rule the Jurcin area respectively, but could not accomplished. Mongolian culture’s influencing Jurcin area was deeper than Chinese culture and Korean culture, it manifested in language and writting script. In the middle and late Ming dynasty, with the expansion of Dayan Khan’s east and west wing, his successor’s expansive activity result in Dayan khan and his descendants ruling of the full eastern Mongol area. The tribute system of Mongolian aristocracy formed and increasing feudal separated jurisdiction in Mongol area. One the contrary, Jurcin tribes developed increasingly. The two nations have similarities in economic demands and traditional customs. Secondly, In the process of founding Jin state, Jurcin’s traditional culture influenced by Mongolian culture, for example, Jin court’s khan title, Taiji, bakhshi, batulu, jarguci etc. officials title. The author talks about the formation of the five tribes of Inner Khalkha, and feudal aristocratic jurisdiction area. The author also discusses the two nations alliance, form a alliance by marriage. The two nations alliance each other was to cope with Ming dynasty and Lindan Khan of Chahar tribe. Thirstly, talks about the economic relation between Monglian and Manchu, the system of tribute and grace, Khorcin and Inner Khalkhafive tribes depend on Jin court’s market. Nurhaci violated to Mongol area have two aims: plundering live stocks, to supplement war horse and plough cattle; Delerring Mongolian aristocracy to found military alliance. He also occupied Liaodong area, Manchu state’s policy concerning politics, economics, culture and religion.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 内蒙古大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 03期
  • 【分类号】K249.1;K281
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1168
  • 攻读期成果