

Research on Agricultural Modernization of Heilongjiang Reclamation Area

【作者】 陈枫

【导师】 李友华;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 在世界中等发达国家普遍实现了农业现代化之后,作为农业在国民经济中占重要地位的发展中国家——中国,应当如何加速实现农业现代化?这是当前和今后我国农村改革和发展面临的一个重大课题。党的十五届三中全会指出:“农业、农村和农民问题是关系改革开放和现代化建设全局的重大问题。没有农村的稳定就没有全国的稳定,没有农民的小康就没有全国人民的小康,没有农业的现代化就没有整个国民经济的现代化。”充分体现了我国对农业现代化的高度重视。 黑龙江垦区既是我国最大农业企业,也是我国重要的商品粮基地。黑龙江垦区实现农业现代化,既是我国农业发展的客观要求,也是垦区农业发展的必然趋势,不仅具有重要的现实意义,而且具有深远的历史意义。 论文以黑龙江垦区农业现代化问题为研究对象,坚持以辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义为指导,坚持理论联系实际的原则,运用农业经济学、发展经济学、劳动经济学、区域经济学、可持续发展等理论,对黑龙江垦区农业现代化问题进行探讨和研究,并着重把握黑龙江垦区在实现农业现代化过程中遇到的主要问题,进而明确应当采取的具体措施。论文主要内容包括以下几个方面: 1.农业现代化理论产生于农业现代化的实践,同时,吸收借鉴了关于现代化的一般理论,而且将进一步推动农业现代化的实践。相比较而言,国外的农业现代化理论更多地从发展的角度入手,属于发展经济学的重要内容;我国的农业现代化理论,一般多从实践切入,可以划到应用经济学的范畴。 2.农业是受资源禀赋严重制约的产业,其中耕地和劳动供给是最重要的两个因素,这两个因素之间的关系通常被称为人一地比率。在世界各国及地区农业现代化过程中,依据人—地比率的不同,形成了以美国等新大陆国家为代表的“劳动节约型”模式,以日本等亚洲国家为代表的“土地节约型”模式,和以法国、德国等欧洲国家为代表的“中间道路型模式”。二次世界大战以后,世界各国农业现代化迅速发展,其特点虽然有所不同,但基本都可归属到这三种模式之中。 3.早在新中国成立以前,中国共产党就对未来新中国农业的发展提出了初步看法。新中国成立以后,随着社会主义建设事业的全面展开,中国农业现代化建设也进入了一个崭新的发展时期。从1949年到1966年,属于新中国农业现代化的探索和初步发展时期。这一时期,中央和中央人民政府形成了关于农业现代化的初步构想,农业生产在经过短暂的恢复之后,进入了蓬勃的发展时期,在此期间,虽然经历了很多困难和挫折,但是农业生产依然取得了举世公认的成就。“文化大革命”的十年,是新中国农业现代化停滞和徘徊的十年,农业现代化理论没有新的进展,农业生产也遭到巨大的冲击。党的十一届三中全会后,新中国农业现代化进入全面推进时期,农业现代化思想不断发展与完善,农业现代化建设突飞猛进、硕果累累,形成了规模空前的农业现代化热潮。 4.黑龙江垦区是我国社会主义大农业的典型代表。多年来,黑龙江垦区的农业现代化

【Abstract】 After the world’s moderately developed countries have fulfilled the modernization of agriculture, how could China accelerate hers since she is a developing country whose agriculture is of vital importance in her national economy? This is a critical topic in the face of the countryside reformation and development for the moment and for the years to come. It was pointed out in the Third Plenary Session of the Thirteenth Central Committee of Chinese Communist Party that "The problems of agriculture, the countryside and peasants are the key ones which can decide the overall situation of the reform and opening, and the construction of modernization. The nation’s stability can not be achieved without that of the countryside’s; without the peasant’s being well-off, there will not be the being well-off for the whole country; and without the modernization of agriculture, the modernization of the national economy can by no means be achieved", by which we can see great importance has been attached to the modernization of agriculture in China.The Heilongjiang Reclamation Area (HRA) is not only the biggest agricultural enterprise in China but also the country’s main commodity-grain base. The modernization of agriculture in HRA is both the objective demand of agricultural development of China and the inevitable tendency of the agricultural development of the Reclamation Area, which is of vital significance in reality and of profoundly historical point.This paper takes problems involved in the modernization of agriculture in HRA as research subjects and continues the discussion and research firmly under the guidance of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, adherence to the integration- of- theory-with-practice principle, and by the use of theories from agricultural economics, developmental economics, labor economics, regional economics and sustainable development, etc. The study concentrates on the major problems that appeared in the fulfillment of the modernization of agriculture in HRA. Further, specific measures that should be taken are clearly illustrated. The main idea of the paper can be summarized as follows:Ⅰ. The theory of the modernization of agriculture originates from the practice and has taken the general theory of modernization as a reference, and will further push the practice. Comparatively speaking, theories of modernization of agriculture are developed more in terms of development and falls into the main content of developmental economics, while that of China largely puts more emphasis on practice and falls in the scope of application economics.Ⅱ. Agriculture is a industry which is severely restricted by sources, among which land thelabor supply are the two most important factors. The relationship between the two factors is usually called the man-land ratio, hi the course of the modernization of agriculture in different countries and regions all over the world, different man-land ratios have resulted in different models: New-Land countries like U.S.A. take the labor-saving model; land-lacking Asian countries like Japan take the land-saving model; and European countries like France and Germany take the medium-way model. After World War II, the rapid development of modernization in the different countries might have diverse features, but they can be classified into the above three models.Ⅲ. Before the establishment of the New China (1949), the Chinese Communist Party had already put forward the preliminary ideas of the development of the coming New China’s agriculture. After the establishment of the New China, the construction of Chinese modernization of agriculture stepped into a brand-new development stage with the comprehensive construction of the socialist cause. From 1949 to 1966, it was the exploration and preliminary development phase, during which the Central Committee and the People’s government had many preliminary ideas about the modernization of agriculture. And then agricultural production entered a vigorous development phase after a short period of time of restoration, during which although there were many difficulties and setbacks, a worldwide recognized achievement had been obtained. The ten years of the Cultural Revolution was the time of stagnation and fluctuation for the New China’s agricultural modernization. There was not any advancement of the theory of the modernization of agriculture and agricultural production was badly impacted. After the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of Chinese Communist Party, the modernization of agriculture entered a rapid development period. Therefore, the thought of the modernization of agriculture was continuously advanced and improved. The construction of the modernization developed extremely fast and remarkable accomplishments were fulfilled. An unprecedented development wave of the modernization of agriculture swelled in.Ⅳ. HRA is a typical representative of socialist agriculture in China. For years, the modernization construction of HRA has always ranked as the top ones nationwide. In late 1990s, under the call of the realization of the modernization of agriculture by Comrade Jiang Zemin, HRA quickened the steps of the modernization of agriculture. Compared with most areas in the nation, HRA has better agricultural basis and more edges of fulfilling the modernization of agriculture. However, there are many hindrances in the course of fulfilling the modernization due to the impact of its more state-owned economy and the slow economic growth in recent years. How to take advantage of edges and conquer those hindrances remains the key to realizing the modernization of agriculture of HRA.V. Generally accepted measurement ways of the course of the modernization of agriculture are building up measurement indicator systems and measurement models. By building up the measurement indicator system of HRA’s course of the modernization of agriculture and analyzing it, such conclusion could be reached: in the indicators of HRA, some indicators’ values arecomparatively high, which means HRA holds edges in these aspects; some are just average compared with the national average level, which means these aspects are medium; still some others are lower than the national average level, which indicates that there is a bigger gap. With a comprehensive estimate, the paper comes to the conclusion that the target set by sections in Heilongjiang Province in point that the modernization of agriculture in HRA will be realized in 2010 can not be fulfilled by the scheduled time.Ⅵ. Countries like Britain and U.S.A., their modernization belongs to the indigenously-formed type1; while the modernization is confronted with great pressures in some underdeveloped countries, which falls in the responsive type of modernization. The Chinese modernization also belongs to the latter type. In the course of the realization of modernization of agriculture in HRA, "Compulsory means" should and must be taken, "in order to compensate for the premise of modernization. ...Finally it should be fulfilled by means of politics, i.e. national policies." In another word, since some measurement indicators’ values are lower in reality, practical and valid steps and solutions should be researched and developed so as to improve the modernization level of agriculture in HRA.Ⅶ. The modernization of agriculture is a very complicated systematic project, which covers almost the whole agricultural production and related fields. Thus, as far as the targets for the realization of the modernization of agriculture are concerned, there are certain tasks need to be done carefully, which takes certain conditions as guarantee and buttress as well. Agriculture-socialized service system, farm produce market system, agricultural qualified personnel’ educating-training system and agricultural support-protection system should be combined organically, which forms the buttress system of the modernization of agriculture in HRA.
