A Study of Architectural Styles in Macao Metropolis during the MING & CHING Periods
【作者】 邢荣发;
【导师】 郭声波;
【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 中国古代史, 2005, 博士
【摘要】 明清時期的澳門城市建築發展,在三個半世紀裡經歷了從農村到半農村半城、繼而城市化後進入現代,期間在城市建築風格上存在過耶稣會風格時期、歐陸風格時期及葡式折衷主義風格時期三個階段。早期耶穌會風格的教堂建築風格,對其後世在澳門的教堂產生過影響。而18至19世紀的澳門城市建築,又經歷過一段歐洲各式風格並存的歐陸風格時期。到鴉片戰爭前後,澳門城市在經過經濟、政治及人口的巨大變化後,要在頹敗不堪的城市面貌中重新建立“尊嚴”而產生了具有葡萄牙殖民色彩的葡式折衷主義風格時期,這是澳門城市建築找到定位的時期。在這個三面環海的小鎮型城市,建造伊比利斯半島城市般的歐洲古典建築物縮小版,相得益彰地表現了小城的特質,這些葡式折衷主義風格的建築物,以精緻小巧形式建造於澳門半島城市中各個角落,為澳門留下豐富的建築文化遺產。
【Abstract】 The Macao metropolis had being developed from a village to town, and proceeded from town to modem city, there were 3stages of architecture style which including Jesuit Style, European Style and Portuguese-Eclectic Style within three and a half century during the MING and CHING period. The Jesuit Style had even brought about some influence to some churches building that had been built later in Macao. Within the 18th to 19th century, there were a number of European Style buildings along Praia Grande district, which was because many European stayed here for trading. But after the traders had changed their trading port to LING-DING Island, the sight Macao metropolis started worn-down. And after the Opium War, the only architectural styles were founded in this small peninsula, which was Portuguese-Eclectic Style. It was too suitable to build up the Macao city image and leave a plenty of architectural heritage in Macao city.
- 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学 【网络出版年期】2006年 01期
- 【分类号】K879.1;K296.59
- 【被引频次】7
- 【下载频次】678