

Occurrence and Distribution of Polycyclic Musks in Wastewater Treatment Plants and the Preliminary Study on Their Removal

【作者】 曾祥英

【导师】 傅家谟; 盛国英;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(广州地球化学研究所) , 环境科学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 合成麝香是天然麝香的廉价替代品,主要用在洗涤用品、化妆品、香水等中。根据结构的不同,合成麝香可分三大类:硝基麝香、多环麝香和大环麝香,其中应用得最广泛的是多环麝香,这些化合物随着人们的日常生活,如洗涤、沐浴等首先进入生活污水中。 多环麝香与多环芳烃、多氯联苯等化合物性质相似,具有较强的亲脂、憎水性,容易吸附在有机物上,在环境中难降解,有很强的生物富集作用,呈现一定的雌激素活性。在污水处理过程中,水中的多环麝香极易吸附在水中的有机颗粒上,最后富集在污泥中;水中残留的多环麝香随着污水处理厂最后出水的排放而进入到环境水域中;富集在污泥中的多环麝香也会随着污泥的处理(应用到绿化草地或者填埋到地下)而进入到环境中。环境中的多环麝香会通过食物链富集在生物体内和人体内。环境科研工作者已经在各环境领域,如表层水、海水、水体沉积物、大气以及鱼、虾、贝类等生物样品中检测到了合成麝香,在人体脂肪组织、血液、乳汁中也检测出了相当含量的合成麝香。 中国是生产合成麝香的大国之一,但对于环境中多环麝香的污染状况尚未展开研究。本研究借鉴多环芳烃、多氯联苯的分析方法,并参考外国文献报道的多环麝香的分析方法,建立了一套快速、简便、经济、实用的分析固体基质中多环麝香的分析方法和一套分析液态基质中多环麝香的分析方法。 对三种类型的市政污水处理厂的外排污泥进行了初步的研究。GD1处理的是60%生活污水和40%工业废水的混合污水;GD2处理的主要是生活污水,GD3厂处理污水中70%是工业废水,包括一些日化产品生产厂家的生产废水以及30%的生活污水。从分析研究表明:在三个市政污水处理厂的外排污泥中,多环麝香含量相当高,其中:开许梅龙(DPMI)为0.599-2.870 mg/kg干污泥,萨利麝香(ADBI)为0.192—0.210 mg/kg干污泥,粉檀麝香(AHMI)为0.112.0.227 mg/kg干污泥(其中一个厂的样品中未检测出), 佳乐麝香(HHCB)为5.416-21.214mg/kg干污泥,吐纳麝香(AHTN)为0.715.6.195 mg/kg干污泥,在三个厂的样品中均未检测出特拉斯(ATII)。从实验结果可以看出,HHCB和AHTN是两

【Abstract】 Synthetic musks, including nitro musks, polycyclic musks and macrocyclic musks, are inexpensive substitutes for natural musks. Polycyclic musks are representatives of synthetic musks. They are widespread used as fragrance materials in detergent, soap, cosmetic, perfume, shampoo, body lotion, personal care products, etc. These compounds enter domestic sewage after application.Polycyclic musks exhibit same properties, hydrophobic and lipophilic, bioaccumulation as polycyclic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). These nonpolar compounds prefer to be adsorbed to organic particles in water, are persistent in environmental and show weak estrogenic activity.Domestic sewage and industrial wastewater are treated in Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTPs). Polycyclic musks enter environmental through sewage sludge (application to land, burial underground) and effluent from WWTPs. At last, polycyclic musks are bioaccumulated into biotas and human body through food chain. Researchers in environmental field have detected synthetic musks in almost every apartment of environmental, such as surface water, seawater, sediment, air and biota samples. Polycyclic musks have also been detected in human adipose tissues, blood and breast milk.Hitherto, little is known about the distribution and extent of possible contamination with the polycyclic musks in China, although China is one of the main countries producing synthetic musks. The aim of this study is developed a rapid, economic analytical method for polycyclic musks from solid matrix and from water.Sewgae sludge samples were collected from three municipal wastewater treatment plants (GD1, GD2, GD3), two household products plants (A, B) and one food plant (C). GD1 serves 700 thousand inhabitants with a daily capacity of 300,000 tons, of which 60% is domestic sewage, and 40% from industrial wastewaters. GD2 serves 1200 thousand inhabitants with a daily capacity of 220,000 tons, which primarily treats domestic sewage. GD3 serves 60 thousand inhabitants with a daily capacity of 30,000 tons and receives 30% domestic wastewater and 70% industrialwastewater including effluents from household products production.Polycyclic musks were Soxhlet extracted, separated and analyzed from these sludge samples using GC and GC-EI-MS. DPMI, ADBI, HHCB, AHTN are found in all samples, and ATII is not found in any sample. AHMI is detected in 5 out of 6 samples. HHCB and AHTN are the two major polycyclic musks found in highest concentrations in sludge. The sludge from 3 municipal wastewater treatment plants, contains HHCB, AHTN, ADBI, DPMI at concentrations between 5.416-21.214, 0.715-6.195, 0.192-0.210 and 0.599-2.870 mg/kg (dry), respectively. The highest concentration is found in sludge from a household products plant at 703.681 mg HHCB /kg (dry). The lowest concentrations of HHCB and AHTN are found in sludge from the food plant. The results indicate that, a) HHCB and AHTN are the two main components of polycyclic musks detected in sludge, b) there are two sources of polycylic musks: domestic sewage and industrial wastewater.The distribution of polycyclic musks in wastewater are analysed according to the treatment procedure in one municipal WWTP. The results indicate that influent (including 70% industrial wastewater and 30% domestic sewage) contains considerable concentration of polycyclic musks, most of which were adsorbed to the particles in wastewater, for example, more than 88% of HHCB and 82% of AHTN were adsorbed to the particles; The characteristic of distribution of polycyclic musks in primary effluent is similar to that in the influent. The main removal route of polycyclic musks from wastewater is adsorption to the organic particles in sludge, while oxidative degradation in activated sludge plays a minor role in the removal.

  • 【分类号】X703
  • 【被引频次】11
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