

Theoretical Research and Real Example Analysis of Ecological Industrial Based on Recycle Economy

【作者】 冯久田

【导师】 李海婴;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 人类在进入工业时代特别是进入信息时代后,借助高科技的力量,不但创造了极其丰富的社会财富,而且不断地征服着自然、改造着自然。但与此同时,人类的生存和发展也受到了来自自然的种种威胁。人口爆炸似的增长、能源的枯竭、水资源的匮乏,废弃物的污染等等,带来的是自然环境的恶化,耕地的减少、生物的灭绝以及大气环境和水环境的污染。人类从未像今天这样受困于自身过度发展的恶果。面对社会的高速发展和生存危机的巨人矛盾,人类必须做出清醒的抉择。基于循环经济的生态工业理论的提出,正是对难以为继的传统的工业发展模式反思后的创新,是对人与自然界关系在认识上不断演进的结果。生态工业的发展只有短短的三十多年,人们对于该种模式的认识无论是在理论方面还是在实际运行方面都还存在着有待完善之处。本文试图通过对基于循环经济的生态工业的理论基础的研究和运行机理的分析,寻求到生态工业系统的集成途经,探索到生态工业系统的分析方法,从而找到支撑系统的构件和要素,为指导实际操作奠定良好的基础。 本文的主要研究内容总结如下: 第一章是导论部分,该部分主要介绍了论文的选题背景和研究意义,拟定了全文分析框架并确定了研究目标与内容,并阐明了研究的思路与方法。 第二章主要围绕着理论的回顾和评述而展开。该章首先对环境经济的理论进行了回顾;接着对生态经济的理论进行了研究,接下来深入分析了绿色经济的理论基础,并阐述了循环经济的理论基础进行。 第三章首先对工业的发展历史进行了回顾和反思,并在此基础上提出基于循环经济的生态工业的思想。在对生态工业的目标和原则进行了阐述后又进一步剖析了生态工业的内涵和本质并最后提出了生念工业发展的环境条件。 第四章内容围绕生态工业的模式的发展而进行的。首先介绍工业发展过程中最为常见的传统的单向性丌放模式,其次对演进的过程末端治理模式进行了沦述,接着分析了工业发展的新模式即生态工业的循环经济模式的内容,在此基础上介绍了生态工业的资源利用化模式,并在最后提出了生态工业的工业生态化模式。 第五章首先分析了生态工业系统对环境的开拓适应和系统内部的成员相互竞争、共生的机理;其次,用控制论的观点和协同论的观点论述了系统的反馈和协同机理:再次,运用自组织的理沦阐述了系统的循环再生和元素多样性的规律;最后,对于系统的生态发育和对风险的规避机理进行了剖析。 第六章主要运用集成的方法对系统各组成要素进行研究。首先,对生态工业

【Abstract】 The mankind draws support from Hi-Tech, has created the great wealth, and is conquering naturally constantly, transforming naturally. But meanwhile, human existence and development were come from all sorts of natural threats. Growth, inefficient consumption of the energy , shortage of the water resource like population explosion, pollution of the offal ,etc, it was the destruction of the natural environment that brought, the reduction, biological extinction and pollution of atmospheric environment and water environment of the cultivated land. The mankind has been never as stranded in the evil consequence of one’s own excessive development like today. In the face of the enormous contradiction of the crisis of high-speed development and surviving of the society, the mankind must make the sober choice. Based on recycle economy ecology industrial theory get out of, to review innovation after to hard to carry on traditional industrial development model, it is to people and result of the constant gradual progress on concept of nature relation. The development of ecological industry has short more than 30 years only, between people and the understanding of mode has a lot of perfect office also in operating actually regardless of theory. This text attempts to pass to the research based on theoretical foundation of the ecological industry of recycle economy and analysis of operation mechanism, seek the integrated method of the ecological industry’s system, try to find out the analytical method of the ecological industry’s system, thus find and support the systematic component and key element, settle good foundation for guiding practical operation.The main research contents of this text are summarized as follows:Chapter one a part of the introduction, this part has introduced the selected title background of the thesis and research meaning mainly, draft the full text has analysed the frame and confirmed the goal in research and content, has expounded the thinking and method studied.Chapter two mainly but can’t launch retrospect around the theory one and commentary. This chapter has reviewed the theory of environmental economy at first; Then has carried on research to the theory of ecological economy , and then analyse in depth the green economic theoretical foundation, the theoretical foundation of explaining recycle economy goes on.Chapter three reviewed and reviewed the developing history of industry at first, and propose the thought based on ecological industry of recycle economy on this basis. Had analyzed the intension and essence of ecological industry further and proposed environment one of the ecological industrial development finally after explaining the goal and principle of ecological industry One.Chapter four the development and carrying on around the mode of ecological industry of the content . Introduce the most common traditional opening the mode one-wayly in the industrial evolution at first, secondly has described the course end control mode of the gradual progress , then has analysed the new mode of the industrial development namely content of the recycle economy mode of ecological industry, the utilization of resources introducing ecological industry on this basis mode, and proposed the industrial ecology mode of ecological industry at the end.Chapter five analysed at first the ecological industry’s system meets the mechanism of vying each other , intergrowth with members within the system to theopen-up of the environment; Secondly, with the view and expounding the fact in coordination with the view of the theory and in coordination with mechanism in systematic feedback of cybernetics; Moreover, use the theory organized by oneself to explain systematic circulation regeneration and diversified law of element; Finally, the ecological development and analyzing the mechanism of evading of the risk to the system.Chapter six use the method of the integration to each make up the key element and carry on research to the system mainly. First of all, carry on integrated research to the material in the ecological industry’s system; Secondly , have analysed to the integrating of water; Moreover, integrating proposing studying the thinking to energy ; Finally , carried on further exploration of the integrated research of information in the system.Chapter seven through use different analytical method make every effort from different angle to is it move forward toward depth to study ecological industry. First of all , use industrial analytic approach of supersession impact on environment is it analyse to go on in the course of supersession to industry material; Secondly, the ones that adopted also to energy analysed detailedly, have utilized and widenned the road for the energy of industry’s system; Moreover , carry on the analysis of the different levels to the intergrowth relation of the system; Finally , analyse the improvement of the whole adaptive capacity changed to the environment in order to seek the system through the flexibility of such respects as the price , storage ,etc.Chapter eight expounded the reason and function of production relying on the route at first, foundation that is and then tamped from the setting-up that three respects of technology , management and legal system are the ecological industry’s system. Three respect through act on independently and mutual coupling, common to pave the way to the development based on ecological industry of recycle economy.But expansion of case of setting-up and development of the ecological industry of chemical industry of northern Shandong that chapter nine the content is rounding. First of all, have introduced the backgrounds of target enterprises; Secondly , analyse through the intergrowth to three industrial industries chain , have expounded the industrial current situation of the development of ecology of this target enterprise; Moreover , appraise the performance to the state of development of its ecological industry from different respects; Finally , analysed the policy of regulation and control of enterprise’s further development and pointed out the actual meaning of development of target enterprise.Chapter ten summary and prospect of the full text, should summarize the main content of the full text partly , proposed the innovation of the thesis is clicked, finally, looked forward to the relevant development of this researchBelieve that passes the theory based on ecological industry of recycle economy and positive research, will analyze and support such respects as the construction of the system ,ctc. to cany on deepening in theoretical foundation , operation mechanism , integrated research , method in research of ecological industry, and through combine case analysis , northern Shandong of chemical industry, can ecological development of industry in our country offer realistic directive significance.
