

On Bazhong Grottos

【作者】 雷玉华

【导师】 霍巍;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 石窟寺是一种重要的佛教遗存,是我们研究佛教艺术、佛教史及其与之相关的政治、经济、文化等一系列问题的重要实物资料。国际学术界已共同认识到,研究中国历史,就不能不研究佛教,研究佛教就离不开中国的石窟寺。四川是中国南方石窟最重要的分布区,是我国晚期石窟史上最重要的一环。学术界对中国佛教石窟寺的研究不可谓不多,成就不可谓不丰富,然而,在这些研究成果中,鲜有关于四川石窟系统研究的成果,四川石窟的许多基本情况尚不清楚。因此对于四川石窟当务之急应当系统梳理基本材料,建立起准确的时空框架,只有在正确的时空框架中,即把它们放在正确的时间和空间中去认识,我们的研究才有基础和有意义。 巴中和广元地处四川北部,是四川石窟最重要的分布区,它联系着四川与中原北方地区。对川北石窟的系统研究,是四川石窟研究的关键,广元石窟已由北京大学姚崇新博士作过分期研究,他的研究无疑是四川石窟研究的一个良好开端。然而巴中石窟的系统研究却是一片空白,因此,我在对巴中摩崖造像进行全面系统调查的基础上,对其基本材料进行系统梳理,利用考古学基本的研究方法,对巴中石窟的龛型制和造像组合的变化进行分析,结合纪年龛像,对巴中石窟现有龛像进行分期研究,对各期的时代作出推断,建立了巴中摩崖造像的时间序列,将现存隋唐龛像分为五期:第一期开凿于隋,下限到唐初,保存下来的龛像不多。第二期分为前后两个阶段,前一阶段开凿于初唐,相当于七世纪中叶,即贞观时期,龛像虽不多,但有一批较大的龛雕刻精美;第二阶段以七世纪末到八纪初的造像为主,即武周时期至开元初年,龛像明显增多,

【Abstract】 Grotto or the cave temple is an important Buddhist relic. It provides us with valuable information on the research of Buddhism, Buddhist history and its related political, economical and cultural issues. The international academic circle has realized researches have to be done on Buddhism in order to study Chinese history; In order to study Buddhism, the Chinese grottos have to be studied. Sichuan Province is the most important area where the southern Grottos are widely distributed. It is the most essential part in the history of later period of Grottos. The academic circle has done great research and achieved tremendously on the study of Buddhist Grottos, however, little studies have been done on Sichuan Grottos or nothing has been known about it. Therefore, what is crucial is to sort out the information, establish accurate frame of time and space to systematically carry on our research so that our study will have good foundation, thus be significant.Bazhong and Guangyuan are located in northern Sichuan Province. It is an important Grottos range area, which connects Sichuan with the Central Plains. The study on Northern Sichuan Grottos is the key to the research on Sichuan Grottos. Dr. Yao Congxin from Beijing University has done some researches on Guangyuan Grottos by stages. His researches are definitely the excellent outset for the study of Sichuan Grottos. However, Nothing has been touched upon on Bazhong Grottos by them. I have done systematic investigation on Bazhong Precipice Statues, have sorted out the related materials systematically, have analyzed the changes between Niche Mould and Statues in Bazhong Grottos by the basic archeological research means. I have also done some research on the preserved niche statues by stages, have concluded the corresponding historical period that each one of them belongs to, and established the chronological order for Bazhong Precipice Statues. The Niche Statues of Sui and Tang Dynasty are divided into five periods:1st Period—from Sui to the beginning of Tang, in which a few niche statues have been preserved.2nd Period—it can be divided into two stages: the first stage is from the beginning of Tang, so-called Zhenguan Period (around mid of 7th century). Although not many of the niche statues were preserved, they were all carved perfectly; the 2nd stage is from Wuzhou Period to the beginning of Kaiyuan Period (from the late of 7th century to the beginning of 8th century). There were increased number of niche statues, and the carvings were versatile. 3rd Period—from Kaiyuantianbao Period (prior to the mid of 8th century). It is the fastigium of Bazhong Statues. There were large numbers of statues, but the carving styles remained the same.4th Period—represented is The statues from Qianyuan Period (from the second half of 8th century to the first half of 9th century). There appeared a large number of the statues, and the forms and the contents were versatile. It had the tendency of simplicity.5th Period— represented is the Ji-nian Niche Statue between Huichang and Zhonghe Period (the second half of 9th century). The style was simple. All kinds of single statues were built. Small sized statues were in fashion. Many niche statues had height of only four to five centimeters or even less.On the basic of the researches by stages, the dissertation analyzes the origin, the historical background of Bazhong Grottos, etc, by the means of documentation, the Grottos materials are placed under the background of Chinese history and Buddhist history. Meanwhile, the geographical location of Bazhong is being considered to deeply study the Grottos from the frame of time and space. It is concluded: Bazhong began to build Precipice Statues under the influence of Buddhism in Sui Dynasty, while the whole nation were worshipping Buddhism. It reached the fastigium in Tang Dynasty, in which Wuzetian promoted Buddhism worship. At the beginning of Zhouwu Period, due to the war between Tang and Tufan, The entering passage to Sichuan was gradually changed from jingniu, Guangyuan to Micang, Bazhong, then completely through Micang after Tianbao Period. During this special period, the geographical position of Guangyuan was declining while the importance of Bazhong was increasing. As a result, the building of statues was prospering in Bazhong. Because it was located on Micang that connected The Central Plains and Shu, the statue style came from the two capitals, then widespread to the center of Shu and later came to this area. Besides their Bazhogn local style, Bazhong statues have not only the characteristics of the Northern circular arch but also those of Sichuan style that is characterized by circular arch with two-layer niche. The unique style has a lot to do with the climate ofSichuan where it’s frequently rainy. The statues of Bodhi, Bodhisattva, Guanyin, Dizang, God Pishamen, Guanyin Ruyilun, etc., all had the influence of that of Northern Central Plains. Some of the statues, such as the Two headed Statue, were probably directly from Hexi. After Tang Dynasty, the North States and the Southern States broke up, Micang lost its importance, Bazhong became a hinterland of Shu, and the building of Buddhist statues thus terminated.There are similarities between Bazhong Grottos and Guangyuan Grottos. However, there are differences as well. Both belong to the Northern Statues system, but the difference is that they were located on the different entering passages. The Northern statues were changing with the time passed. In the late Tang Dynasty, the Central Plains statue style came to Chengdu and its surrounding areas through Micang, Bazhong, Langzhong, Santai, and Mianyang, etc.Therefore, Bazhong Grottos had significant influence on those of West Sichuan and other places. However, Chengdu and Santai area were the center of West Sichuan Buddhism. West Sichuan was the destination for many dignitaries, and Bazhong was not. Many forms and styles of statues first entered West Sichuan, and then from there came to BazhongLastly, systematic researches have been done on some subjects in Bazhong area such as Statue of Boddhi, Amitabha and Fifty Bodhisattva, God Pishamen, Taoist statues. Their origins and characteristics have been discovered. The research shows that the Buddhist statue in Sichuan with the coronet and the necklace of jade and pearls is the statue of Bodhi, that is the statue of Sakyamuni after his subdue demons and became Buddha. It is not what some of the scholars proclaimed Darirulai or Fodingfu sitting with Statue of Mile in the same niche. Amitabha and Fifty Buddha were the most popular themes in Bazhong. They originated from Chongan, Beijing, entered Chengdu through Micang. Great modifications were made in Chengdu and its surrounding areas. Its popularity resulted from the widespread of Sukhavatti Belief. Some prospective has been proposed on so- called Esoteric Buddhism. They are not real Esoteric Buddhism. For instance, the popularity of God Pishamen in Sichuan resulted from the war between Tufan and Nanzhao, especially had a lot to do with the invasion into Chengdu by Nanzhao, but not from Esoteric Buddhism. As for the popularity of many statues related to Dizang in Sichuan, it was due to the need of the folk people, not because of the relation with Esoteric Buddhism. During Tianbao Period, the appearance of large number of Taoist statues in Sichuan had much to dowith the Taoist activities promoted by Emperor Tang Xuanzong. Therefore, in Bazhong, Buddhist and Taoist statue sharing niches were built.The comprehensive research has shown: Bazhong Grottos belong to the Northern Central Plains Statue system. Their forms and contents are mainly from Changan Area, but they have their own local characteristics. Their prosperity and decline are closely related to the function of Micang. The styles and the themes of the different periods have great deal to do with the political backgrounds of the specific times. Basically they don’t have the characteristics of Esoteric Buddhism or so-called Esoteric Buddhism statues.

【关键词】 巴中造像米仓道瑞像净土
【Key words】 BazhongGrottosMicangBoddhiPureland
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 04期