

Study on the Method of Process Quality Monitoring and Embedded System in Low Vulume, Multi-Product Manufacturing

【作者】 殷建军

【导师】 吴昭同; 余忠华;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 机械制造及自动化, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 为了保持市场竞争力和满足顾客需求,现代制造企业大多转向了多品种、小批量制造模式,这对现场质量控制提出了新的挑战。本文针对这种复杂多变的制造环境中实施统计质量控制(SPC)过程中所面临的困难展开研究,在分析国内外研究及应用的基础上,探索了SPC方法、过程调节方法及其应用策略,研究和开发了面向复杂制造环境的嵌入式SPC系统,并以轴承套圈加工对象为例进行了工程应用。 全文共分为七章: 第一章,阐述了质量控制在现代制造企业中的重要意义,对统计质量控制、过程调节方法和与SPC集成系统等方面的研究现状和所面临的困难进行了评述,在此基础上引出本论文的主要研究内容。 第二章,针对多品种、小批量制造过程特点,分析了现有过程质量监控的SPC方法,特别是基于过程建模的EWMA控制图方法,全面系统地研究了EWMA控制图的效能以及参数优化等问题;在此基础上,将嵌入式技术和网络技术应用于过程监控,建立了多总线综合网络平台的过程质量监控体系。 第三章,从成组技术概念出发,以EWMA控制图的ARL为指标来研究制造过程的统计聚类,构造基于统计聚类的混合样本空间S,混合样本空间S的控制图进行分析:引入边界约束和MADM方法对S空间的聚类进行判别,形成零件族,对同一零件族采用统一的控制图控的策略,最后给出应用步骤。 第四章,过程调节是提高制造质量的重要手段,本章围绕过程调节方法与应用策略展开研究。首先,引入Kalman滤波方法建立了过程质量的调节模型与调节方法;接着研究了评定过程质量波动的平滑梯度指标函数LC(n),在此基础上提出了相应的应用策略,实现了与SPC方法的有效集成,经模拟试验与工程应用验证其可行性。 第五章,网络技术的发展,特别是Internet/intranet技术的发展,使得过程质量控制由分散质量控制转向全面的、集散型的过程质量控制,本章就多总线综合网络的应用、面向网络环境的嵌入式SPC系统的体系构架、软件组织以及系统实时性、安全性等嵌入式SPC系统的基本问题与关键技术展开深入的研究。 第六章,在前面研究结果的基础上,针对微型轴承套圈各磨削工序的特点,研究面向微型轴承制造的嵌入式SPC系统,包括几何尺寸、表面粗糙度、以及圆度等参数的检测与控制。给出了基于LVDT传感器的SPC单元的优化设计方法以及进一步提高测量系统精度的在线补偿技术,讨论了嵌入式SPC单元系统软件设计与实现;通过测量系统分析方法(MSA)对该测量单元的性能进行了评定。结果表明:该系统性能稳定、精度高,并且具有成本低、网络功能与大容量数据存储的优点,有较好的推广价值。 第七章,总结了全文的研究内容与结论,并展开了未来的研究工作。

【Abstract】 To remain competitive in the global market and meet customer demands for high quality and low cost products, industries have been changing to run a multi-specification and small-batch production mode. . But it is a challenge to statistical process control (SPC) in complicated and changeful manufacturing environment , because traditional SPC only applies to large batch production. The dissertation makes a systematic and profound research on the method、 application strategy of SPC, and process adjustment method. Embedded SPC system is developed in complicated and changeful environment. Last, this system is applied successfully in bear ferrule manufacturing.The whole thesis is divided into seven chapters.Chapter one, the significance of quality control in modern manufacturing industry was described. The development of statistical quality control、 process adjustment and integrated SPC are introduced, and then the research topic is put forward about this thesis.Chapter two, under the background of multi-production, small-batch and the development of network technology, the SPC methods of process quality monitoring are analyzed, especially EWMA control chart based process model, The capability and parameters optimization of EWMA control chart is systematically and profoundly studied . The process quality monitoring system based on the network level of multi-bus is set up using embedded and network technology.Chapter three, from the concept of group technology (GT), statistical cluster is studied using average run length (ARL) of EWMA control chart as index, the mixed sample space S based on statistical clustering is formed, control chart of mixed sample space S is annalyzed. Statistical cluster criteria are developed using boundary restriction and multi attribute decision making (MADM), the strategy of forming a part family and using a uniform EWMA control chart in one part family . In the end of this chapter, the basic criteria and the steps of application of statistical cluster are introduced.Chapter four, Process Adjustment is an important method for improving manufacturing quality, This chapter researchs process adjustment method and its application strategy. First,the model of manufacturing process is set up using Kalman filter method; Index function LC(n)of Energy Smooth Grade for evaluating quality process is studied. Application strategy of proposed adjusting is given, integration of SPC and process adjustment is realized. This method is validated with simulated data and practice.Chapter five, with development of network, especially Internet/ Intranet, process quality control is changed from separated control to comprehensive and concentration-separation’s quality control. This chapter studies key technology and problems about the system frame of embedded SPC system facing network environment, software organization, system real-time and safety.Chapter six, Considering the characteristic of grinding work-procedure an embedded SPC system for manufacturing miniature bearing ferrule is studied. This system also includes the control and measurement of geometry dimension, surface roughness and form. Optimizing design method based LVDT sensor and on-line compensating technology to improve measuring precision is given. The software design and realization of embedded SPC unit is discussed. The capability of embedded SPC unit is evaluated by measuring system analysis. The result shows that this system has stable performance, high precision, network function, large data memory andlow price.Finally, chapter seven makes a conclusion of the whole dissertation and puts forward the future research in this field.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 08期
  • 【分类号】TP399
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】1241