

A Study of Sino-Ryukyu Friendly Relationship on Historical Remains

【作者】 孙清玲

【导师】 谢必震;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 专门史, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 琉球古国是现在日本冲绳县的前身,从洪武五年(1372)与中国政府正式建交,直至光绪五年(1879)被日本吞并为止,中琉之间的封、贡关系延续了500年之久。对明清中琉友好关系遗存的调查与发掘,是近年来中琉关系史研究向纵深发展的一个重要分支,同时也为进一步加强中日两国友谊提供了最直接的历史借鉴。为保证双方的顺利交往,明清政府与琉球王国成立专门的接待机构、开辟有利的造船基地和航海港湾,修建相关的宗教寺庙,这些遗迹成为中琉友好交往史上的伟大丰碑;而来华死难者的坟茔墓碑、北京故宫所珍藏的琉球贡品、琉球册封使及其从客的著述遗墨,则成为这段友好交往史的有力见证。日本至今尚有后人到中国寻根问祖,追溯曾为琉球社会发展做出杰出贡献的先祖——“闽人三十六姓”及其后裔在中国留下的历史踪迹;而我们也曾沿着当年琉球贡使所走的路线,勘探他们当年为中琉两国的友好历史所付出的艰辛努力。本文借助历史文献与档案的描述,力图运用历史学、考古学、人类学等学科的研究方法以及现代多媒体技术,对日本冲绳地区、福州地区、闽南地区、进京贡道和北京地区的中琉友好关系遗存做一考察,主要从机构、宗教、航海造船、人物、碑刻、墓葬、物品等方面,向世人展示中琉友好交往的历史,并从中探讨中琉友好交往历史的遗存对今天中外友好关系发展的历史意义和现实意义。

【Abstract】 Okinawa originated from ancient Ryukyu. The diplomatic relation between China and Ryukyu was established as early as 1372 A.D., and the offering-and-tribute relations of the two countries lasted for 500 years until the year 1879 when Ryukyu was annexed by Japan. The survey and exploration of the historical remains about the friendly Sino-Ryukyu relations during the Ming and Qing Dynasties has recently become an important branch in this field, which provides direct historical references for reinforcement of the Sino-Japan friendship. To promote the bilateral communication, the Ming and Qing governments together with Ryukyu set up special receptive agencies and built ship making basements, favorable harbors and religious temples. All these historical sites become great monuments for the bilateral communication, and the tombstones for dead Ryukyuan in China, the Ryukyuan tributes and their manuscripts or paintings in the Forbidden City of Beijing witness the" friendly contact in history. Up till now, the Ryukyuan descendants still come to China in search of their roots, seeking their outstanding forefathers who made great contributors to the Ryukyuan Kingdom and historical sites left by the 36 family trees and their descendants in Fujian. Meanwhile, Chinese scholars, following the route of Rykyuan tribute officials, try to explore their hardworking for the Sino-Ryukyu friendship in history. Based on the historical documents, the thesis will make a survey of historical remains about agency, religion, navigation and ship making, people, inscriptions, tombstones and exhibitions in such areas as Okinawa, Fuzhou, South Fujian, the tribute routes and Beijing, through research methods of history, archaeology and anthropology and multimedia techniques. The thesis will reveal the friendly history of Sino-Ryukyu relations to the world and explore the historical remains indicating the Sino-Ryukyuan contact, which is of both historical and practical significance for the current development of Sino-Japan relation.

  • 【分类号】K248
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】630