

【作者】 周扬波

【导师】 何忠礼;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 中国古代史, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 本文的主题是研究宋代士绅以结社方式形成的社会影响,旨在探讨士绅以民间身分发挥的社会功能。其中“士绅”界定为拥有一定影响的知识阶层,“社”界定为民间自发组织。由于宋代士绅结社在中国结社史上具有承前启后的重要意义,并且是中国古代士绅结社格局的奠定时期,因此具备作为研究对象的典型意义。 宋代士绅结社大致可以分为乡约、经济合作会社、民间救济组织、军事会社、文艺会社、耆老会六类,各自在不同领域发挥了重要功能。乡约是宋代理学家首创的民间教化组织,代表着理学社会道德实践的一极,在宋代尽管推行程度有限,却对作为乡里重要组织的明清乡约起到了重要影响,是后者的源头和榜样。经济合作会社是最古老的会社形式,在宋代又有了重要创新,总共可分为传统私社、义役、义约等类别,是民间互助和救济的重要手段。民间救济组织亦属宋代的创新,包括社仓结甲、乡曲义庄组织、粥局、救济义约,其理念深受理学影响,对宋代民间救济作出了重大贡献。军事会社作为民众自相组织的武装团体,对宋代保境御敌做出了重要贡献,并对宋代乡兵制度起到了一定影响。文艺会社包括诗社、学术会社、莲社等类型,是知识阶层交游网络的重要形式,对宋代文化、教育、政治等方面起到了重要影响。耆老会主要以致仕官员为主组成,成员的身分优势使其成为地域士人交游网络的核心,并对朝政和乡里秩序都具有重要影响。六大种类形成的结社格局,基本为元明清继承和发展。 以上会社从功能来说,大致又可分为控制型、应对型、怡情型三大类型,分别起着填补政府权力空间、整合民间资源、建立交游网络的功能,充分反映出宋代士绅阶层作为民间领导阶层的活动能力。宋代士绅结社主要分布在南宋,反映出士绅阶层在规模壮大后,开始成为民间自我组织的主体。士绅在结社层面上与政府的价值取向不尽一致,但在实际运作中,绅权与皇权却是处于互相交织的状态,二者的合力造就了宋代士绅结社的基本面貌。

【Abstract】 The communities incorporated by the gentry of Song Dynasty played an important role in the society. This dissertation focuses on such communities and the social functions of the gentry as civilians. The "gentry" in this dissertation are defined as the intellectual class of certain influential statues, and the "communities" here are defined as the institutions spontaneously incorporated by the civilians. The gentry communities of Song Dynasty established the structure of the communities incorporated by the Chinese ancient intellectual class, which had an inheriting and enlightening position in the history of the incorporation of the communities, which are of typical value for research program.The Song gentry communities can be classified as Xiangyue, economic corporation communities, civilian’s corporate almsgiving institutions, military communities, literature communities, and Qilaohui, each of which had a certain influence in different fields. Xiangyue, a kind of institutions originated by the neo-confucians of Song Dynasty for the purpose of civilizing the local society, represented the institutions of one of the schools of the social moral practice of the neo-confucians, which are the resources and models of those in Ming and Qing Dynasty though they were advocated finitely in Song Dynasty. The economic corporate institutions, the most ancient kind of communities, which were innovated and developed in Song Dynasty, can be classified as traditional private communities, Yiyi, Yiyue. They are important means for the civilians to give mutual help to each other and establish almsgiving institutions. The civilians almsgiving institutions were also innovated in Song Dynasty, including the institutions of Shecang, XiangquYizhuang, Zhouju and Yiyue. These institutions were greatly influenced by the neoconfucians. They made great contributions to the almsgiving among civilians in Song Dynasty. The military communities, civilian’s spontaneous military communities, made great contributions to the defense of the territory of Song Dynasty and influenced the country military system of Song. The literature communities, including poetry communities, academic communities, and Lianshe, were important ways for web communication of the intellectual class, having an important effect on the social culture, education, and politics. Qilaohui, chiefly consisted of the retired officials, became the communication centre for the local elites because of their membership, which influenced both the government of the countryside and the policy of the royal court. These six kinds of communities established in Song Dynasty were inherited and developed by the dynasties of Yuan, Ming, and Qing.In the sense of the social functions, these communities can be classified as the following types: resources controlling, accidents response, and feelings entertaining. They played some role in making up the blank of the governmental power, integrating resources from the civilians, and establishing communicating web, which showed the dynamic ability in leadership among the civilian class. These communities were established and distributed in the Southern Song Dynasty, the phenomenon of which reflected the fact that the gentry class became the self-organized body among the civilians when they grew powerful. The types of the formation of the gentry institutions were not totally similar to those of the royal government. However, in the practical management, the power of the gentry and royal were mutually interrelated, the connection of which formed the structure of the gentry communities in Song Dynasty.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 07期
  • 【分类号】K244
  • 【被引频次】20
  • 【下载频次】1629