

The Research and Application of Digital Signature

【作者】 赵泽茂

【导师】 刘凤玉;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 随着计算机网络技术的发展,信息安全问题日益突出,其核心技术基础之一的数字签名技术,被广泛地应用于军事、通信、电子商务和电子政务等领域,它在身份认证、数据完整性和抗否认等方面具有其它技术无法替代的作用,而且随着电子签名法的实施,这种应用将变得更加普遍。 本文比较系统地对数字签名理论、方法和应用进行了研究,重点研究了数字签名中的若干关键技术问题。 根据各种不同的签名方程的构造特点,比较完整地探讨了签名方案的构造及其参数选取的方法。包括:1)给出了ElGamal型数字签名方程参数选取的一般方法,推广了选择签名的方法和范围。2)提出了一种基于椭圆曲线的具有消息恢复的认证加密方案,并指出在单向函数为同态函数的情况下存在两种已知明文的伪造攻击,从而说明选取符合一定条件的签名方案可以有效地避免这样的攻击;结合消息链接恢复特性,提出了相应的认证加密方案,该方案较好地解决了消息加密认证、消息链接恢复及传输量较大等问题。3)提出了一种基于椭圆曲线的具有消息恢复的签名方案及其参数选取方法。 对于盲签名,考虑到信息拥有者是否被签名人追踪的问题,提出了广义弱盲签名方案的构造方法,该方案几乎包含了目前所有该类签名。结合代理签名和盲签名的特点,利用多元线性变换来刻画用户与代理签名人之间变量的传递关系,从而提出了一种基于椭圆曲线的代理盲签名方案。 利用椭圆曲线上的Weil配对的双线性性质,提出了基于ID的盲签名方案,该方案以ID为基础的公钥代替以数字证书为基础的公钥,节约了验证签名时的时间开销,减少了交互的次数并节省了存储空间。 基于公钥自证明的思想,提出了一种具有消息恢复的自认证加密方案。该方案实现了通信双方对彼此公钥的自证明和信息接收者可以从签名中恢复消息等功能,且具有第三层次的信任等级、较少的计算时间开销和较高的安全性等优点。 基于盲签名技术提出了一种匿名电子投票协议,该协议除满足电子投票的基本性质外,较好地解决了选票碰撞以及投票者的中途退出等问题,而且还可以有效地防止一人多票或一票多投现象的发生,即使管理机构和计票机构勾结,在计票前可同时保证选票的秘密性和公平性。还从实用的角度对电子投票系统原型进行了研究,对电子投票系统进行了设计,编程实现了其中的核心算法及部分功能。

【Abstract】 The information security has become more and more crucial with the development of computer and network technologies. The digital signature is one of key techniques in information security, especially in the authentication, data integrity, and non-repudiation. It has been widely used in military, communication, e-commerce and e-government, etc., and will become more and more popular after the e-signature law is put in practice.The main interest of this dissertation is on the theory and method of digital signature and its application. The research focuses on some key problems of digital signature.Based on the characteristics of various signing equation, problems such as constructing signature scheme and chooing parameter of signing equation are fully investigated in this dissertation. Some significant results are obtained, including: 1)a method of choosing the parmeters of signing equation to generate ElGamal signing equation, this method extends the available range of choosing signature. 2)a new elliptic curve authenticated encryption scheme with message recovery. It is pointed out that there are two forgery attacks with known plaintext under the one-way function is homostasis function, all of these indicate some signature schemes satisfying certain conditions can avoid the forgery attack. 3)a new elliptic curve authenticated encryption scheme with message linkage recovery, which solves the problems such as message encryption and authentication, message linkage recovery and load of transmitting data.4)an elliptic curve signature scheme with message recovery, and the generalized forms of constructing signing eqauation and methods of choosing parameteres of signing equation.With the consideration of whether the owner of message is persuing by signer in blind signature, this dissertation proposes a method to generate ElGamal weakly-blind signature scheme, which contains almost all of the known type of weakly-blind signature scheme. Using multi-linear transform formula to describe the relationships among the variables held by user and proxy signer, this dissertation proposes a proxy blind signature based on elliptic curve cryptosystem.Using the bilinear theory of Weil pairing defined on elliptic curve, a new ID-based blind signature scheme is proposed. In this scheme, ID-based public key is not the public key stored in certificate. This scheme can omit the process of getting public key from the system in verification phase, therefore decrease interaction time and reduce the store space.Based on self-certificated public key, an authenticated encryption scheme with message recovery is proposed. In this scheme, both sides of communication can self verify
