

Economic Analyses:Systems of Environmental Resources in Western Development

【作者】 巩勇

【导师】 鲍敦全;

【作者基本信息】 新疆大学 , 人口、资源与环境经济学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 在实施西部大开发战略中,怎样解决环境资源短缺和恶化等导致的一系列社会、经济和环境资源问题,选择一条符合国情的西部可持续发展的道路,谋求社会、经济、环境资源与各方面相互促进、协调发展的合理发展模式,是我们共同关注的重大课题。本研究通过从西部大开发环境资源制度与经济协调发展的理论与方法的分析出发,运用产权经济学、公共经济学、福利经济学、交易费用经济学、组织经济学等多经济学分支学科。在以经济学分析方法为主的前提下,对制度的价值、效率进行理性的分析,探讨环境资源系统物品运行机制的规律,寻求机制变革的突破口,阐述在实施西部大开发战略中环境资源制度对西部经济发展所起的重要的作用。本文认为,实现西部环境、经济、社会三者可持续发展,必须探寻适应西部大开发的新方法、新机制,建立和实施面向市场的利益机制。我们的基本观点是实施西部大开发战略,不仅思想要更加解放,思想的起点要高;要树立以人为本、全面协调可持续的科学发展观;而且要制定富于成效的政策和制度体系,特别是有关改革开放政策和优惠政策,应该给予比东部更加宽松的对外开放和改革政策,要进一步推动建立西部大开发中的统筹城乡发展、统筹区域发展、统筹经济社会发展、统筹人与自然和谐发展、统筹国内发展和对外开放的有效体制和机制,从而以新的发展观和价值观争取实现西部的跨越式发展。本文分为七章二十一节。第一章导论部分,主要是介绍论文的选题意义、国内外研究现状、研究方法、研究目的以及主要观点; 第二章主要介绍环境资源的概念、环境资源的分类以及我国环境资源制度的基本方针、原则和制度,认为“环境资源保护与可持续发展战略”作为我国环境资源保护制度的基本方针,是随着社会、经济和环境资源条件的不断发展而发展形成的,包括三个方面的内容:一是环境资源的保护内容;二是可持续发展战略;三是人与环境资源和社会经济发展的和谐统一;

【Abstract】 Throughout the process of implementing Western Development, the main topic what we shall be focusing on is about how to solve a series of problems such as shortage of resources and deterioration in environment occurring in society, economy and environmental resources, to choose one practical course of sustainable development fitting our state situation, and to seek rational patterns of development which harmonize the relationship in society,ecnomy, environmental resources and other aspects concerned. This research paper starts from the analyses of theory and means on systems of environmental recourses and joint development of economy, fully utilizing many branches within economics such as in property ownership, public benefit, welfare distribution, transacting fare and appropriate distribution. And with the primary manner of economics as its first step , the major role played by system of environmental resources in economic development has been emphasized in the Strategy of Western Development by analyzing the rationality of value and efficiency in practicing systems, exploring the rules of circulating products and seeking the breakthrough of systematic reform. Also the paper holds that the realization of sustainable development of environment society and economy in western region surely depends on seeking new means and mechanism suitable for this area, and establishing and exercising profitable rules of market orientation. In carrying out such a great strategy, our basic view means not only even wider emancipation of fixed idea but also much higher point of thinking way, and what’s more, we shall adhere to the right orientation putting people in the first place as well as harmonizing all the sides of sustainable development, meanwhile we shall draw out more effective policies and regulations, especially preferential ones and the ones pertaining to reform and open up. With the aim to put sprung-up development into reality in the new direction of values, the government surely provides the western region with more flexible policies than the east one in reforming and opening up, and further makes it crop up to develop effective system with harmony on two sides, such as in urban and rural economy, one area and another, man and nature, as well as abroad and at home. The whole paper consists of 21 sections in seven chapters, which are briefly introduced as follows: Chapter 1 Introduction: Mainly focusing on introduction about significance of research paper, existing researched results inside and outside our state, and methods and goals of studying. Chapter 2 First part of body: On one hand, introducing the concepts and their classification in environmental resourses, on the other hand, stating cardinal principles and regulations. “Strategy on Protection of Environmental Resources and Sustainable Development”, as a primary principle, has formed with consecutive improvement of condition in society, economy and resources of environment, which contains three parts: content of protection in environmental resources; strategy of sustainable development: integral one between man and environmental resources, and development of society and economy. Chapter 3 Main Discussion on Environmental Resources: In the western region, the present problems about the deterioration and declining of ecological resources on a whole are attributed to the cause of nature and history. Actually, the successful implementation of Western Development requires formulation of one set of effective and feasible policies. In doing so, proper policy and strategy are the soul of such development, is vital in environment protection and ecological improvement andinitial stage of forming principles in environmental resources. Chapter 4 Putting forward general theory on analyses of environmental resourses: Nowadays, in spite of increasing development in economy and social civilization, why does humanity run into trouble in this respect? Generally speaking, modern crises on both ecology and its relevant resourses appeared to be covered by those on basic values; however, forming “ecological values”shall be viewed a revolution, resulting in reviewing what they have performed before. As human beings are integral part of nature, the previous ideology about “economic development stands for everything”is sure to turn into the one about rational and sustainable development, thus analysing systems of environmental resourses on basis of general theory in economics. Chapter 5 Economics analyses are made for various limitations to environmental resources and their practice, such as the involvement of right, benefit and cost, so that theoretical evidence is provided for the reduction of expense and enhancement of efficiency in the Great Western Development. Chapter 6 As for environmental resources, taking advantage of models to display the patterns to specify innovative theory from economics and making analyses in both distribution of deciding right and its changing validity, and in transacting rules of discharging sewage in this area. Chapter 7 Conclusion: Establishing and strengthening New Systems of Administration in environmental resources. In carrying out this strategy, how can we initiate from one higher stage? First, better emancipating outmoded ideology and holding the orientation of development in putting persons in first place and in making all-round sustainable promotion. Second, drawing out fairly effective patterns of policies and regulations, especially in preferential ones pertaining to reform and opening up, providing the western region with more flexible policies than the east one,but not less, and taking it into consideration for common development manner to perform on two sides just as in urban and rural areas, different regions, society and economy, humanity and nature, domestic and external factors, which helps sprung-up development earlier come into true in the Strategy of Western Development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 新疆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 08期
  • 【分类号】F124.5
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1013