

Theory and Case Study of Regional Sustainable Tourism Development of Arid Area

【作者】 韩春鲜

【导师】 熊黑钢;

【作者基本信息】 新疆大学 , 人口、资源与环境经济学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 研究干旱地区区域旅游可持续发展首先面临的问题是什么是旅游,什么是区域旅游可持续发展。目前,对旅游的属性认识存在着“旅游不是产业,而是一种社会现象”和“旅游是经济现象,是产业”两种观点。对旅游的定义也大致可分三类:一类是旅游者角度的定义,一类是旅游供需方角度的定义,另一类是综合角度的定义。对旅游属性和定义的不同认识,必然会导致旅游可持续发展研究内容有所差异。本论文在分析前人旅游研究成果的基础上,提出:“旅游研究的是离开惯常居住地的人的活动,满足他们需求的产业的活动,以及两类活动与目的地的社会文化、经济和自然生态环境之间的相互影响和相互作用”的定义,认为旅游研究的内容包括三部分,即:旅游者及其活动,旅游产业及其活动,两类活动与旅游目的地之间的相互影响和相互作用;定义旅游业是:“旅游经营者为满足旅游者在旅游活动中的各种需要,而向旅游市场提供的各种物品和服务的综合性的产业”;旅游业产品“是指旅游经营者为满足旅游者在旅游活动中的各种需要,而向旅游市场提供的各种物品和服务的综合。一个完整的旅游业产品由旅游交通、旅游住宿、餐饮供应、旅游吸引(物)、娱乐项目、旅游购物、旅行社服务七种产品组合而成”,认为旅游业产品只是旅游产品的组成部分;并从旅游者活动角度出发,定义旅游产品“是旅游者在外出旅游过程中所消费的旅游业产品和旅游目的地公共产品的总和”。目前,旅游可持续发展研究方法主要有:利用自然资源与环境经济学方法对旅游业可持续发展进行评价;研究和使用容量和旅游规划等管理手段实现旅游地可持续发展;利用企业管理理论和方法研究如何实现旅游目的地旅游产品与产业竞争力持续发展,以达到旅游可持续发展目的;研究与提倡对旅游目的地环境影

【Abstract】 There are different viewpoints about tourism attribute, some researchers consider tourism is not industry but a sort of social phenomenon, the others regard it as economic phenomenon and a sort of industry. There are also many tourism definitions which can be divided roughly into three types: one is tourism activities definition, one is tourism supply and need side definition, and the other is comprehensive definition. The different understanding of tourism attribute and definition would make different content of regional sustainable tourism development research. Therefore, the paper should cope with the problems of what is tourism and what is regional sustainable tourism development at first. After analyzing the tourism definitions given by tourism researchers, this paper defines tourism is “the activities of persons traveling outside usual environment, the activities of industry meet their needs, and the interaction between the two types of activities and the environment (social culture, economic and natural ecological environment) of tourism destination”. The contents of tourism are tourists and their activities, tourism industry and its activities, the interactions between those activities and tourism destination; defines tourism industry is “the comprehensive industry which operators offer goods and service to tourism market to meet the need of tourists activities”; and defines the tourism industry product is “the aggregate of good and service supplied to tourism market to meet tourists need by tourism operators. A whole tourism industry product is made up of seven products which are tourism transport, tourism accommodation, restaurant, tourism attractions, recreation, tourism shopping, and travel service”. Considers tourism industrial product is a component of tourism product, and defines tourism product is “the aggregate of tourism industry product and the common product of tourism destination, which consumed by tourists as they are touring”. So far, approaches used to study sustainable tourism development could be divided into five types, there are: using approaches of natural resources and environment economics to study sustainable tourism industry development; using tourism managerial approaches such as carrying capacity and tourism planning etc., to manage tourism area so that sustainable tourism development can be attained; using some business management approaches to research sustainable tourism industry product and industry competition, to make tourism area sustainable development; researching ways of tourist activities which had less affection to environment of tourism destination, such as ecotourism, alternative tourism to achieve sustainable tourism development; and establishing assessment indicators system of sustainable tourism development to monitor and manage sustainable tourism development. Most sustainable tourism development research has been centered on enclavic places or “purified”spaces, such as scenic spot, natural reservation area etc., but less attention has been paid to tourism region, which are composed of several tourist attractions scattering in the region, and the service facilities of accommodation, restaurant, shopping etc. are centered in the city. To this sort of tourism region, sustainable tourism development is affected not only by tourism social welfare and tourism industry profit but also by regional environment quality. Especially in the arid region, the fragile ecologic environment has been affected by agriculture and industry production, which has influenced the regional tourism product quality and has made effects on the regional sustainable tourism development. Researching on this sort of tourism region could make us analyze the factors which affecting sustainable tourism development compressively, which is useful to local government to establish the regional sustainable strategies. This paper suggests regional sustainable tourism development definition and its content according to sustainable tourism development ethics and basic tourism conceptions researched above, that is “managing tourism industry and regional resources and regional environment, improving quality of regional tourism industrial product and environment, so as to meet present benefit of the host population, the tourism industry and tourist, while not debate those benefit of the future. Its content are about tourism social welfare (host population welfare and tourist benefit), regional tourism industry economic sustainable development, and regional environmental quality. Then analyzes the theory and approach of arid area regional sustainable tourism development. Outlines the content of regional sustainable tourism development research, that is: tourism social welfare, capacity of sustainable tourism industry, and oasis system quality, and establishes assessment indicators system of regional sustainabletourism development of arid area, which is made up of overall target level, sub-target level, indicator level and factor level, in which the regional sustainable tourism development of arid area is the overall target, sub-target are composed of tourism social welfare, capacity of sustainable tourism industry development. Under the sub-target level, there are seven indicators and thirty-seven factors, and each value of indicators weigh are gotten through Delphi survey. Then establishes the assessment standard of the regional sustainable tourism development of arid area according to assessment value, that are stages of non-sustainable development, basic sustainable development, sustainable development, and better sustainable development. Then choices Turpan as the case study of the theory of regional sustainable tourism development of arid area, because Turpan is not a typical arid area, but an important tourism region in Xinjiang. Researches shows that Turpan regional tourism development is in the stage of development according to the theory of “tourism area cycle of evolution”offered by Bulter, its tourism social welfare and capacity of tourism industry sustainable development just attains to the tourism sustainable development standard, regional environment is in the stage of basic sustainable development because human oasis has utilized lot of water resources of the oasis system, and the majority of which is underwater, and utilized by agriculture mainly, which has a lot of influence on Turpan tourism sustainable development. Indicators values of the regional assessment indicators system of tourism sustainable development of Turpan came from statistic investigating to population whom living around the Turpan scenic spot and to tourists whom touring on Turpan, Delphi survey, and consulting the document. The final assessment value shows that Turpan sustainable development is in the basic sustainable development stage. At the end of the paper, several suggestions are offered to improve Turpan sustainable tourism development according to the values of assessment indicators.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 新疆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 08期
  • 【分类号】F592.7
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1065