

Studies on National Work Safety Assurance Theory and Application

【作者】 王端武

【导师】 王志宏;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁工程技术大学 , 安全技术及工程, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,随着我国经济的快速发展,我国事故伤亡人数也逐年增加,1991年至2004年,我国事故死亡人数年均增长4.27%。2004年,全国各类事故死亡人数近14万,每天因各类事故夺走370多人的生命。每年由于生产事故而受伤的人数达70万人。每年近100万个家庭,由于生产事故受到伤害。我国安全生产问题不仅严重制约国民经济的健康发展,而且影响我国的国际声誉。安全生产关系人民群众的生命财产安全,关系改革发展和社会稳定大局。搞好安全生产工作,切实保障人民群众的生命财产安全,是全面建设小康社会、统筹经济社会全面发展和构建社会主义和谐社会的重要内容,是实施可持续发展战略的组成部分,是政府履行社会管理和市场监管职能的基本任务,是企业生存发展的基本要求。 我国安全生产落后的原因是多方面的,有经济增长方式粗放的原因,有管理落后的原因,有生产力水平低下的原因,也有人员素质低的原因。但我国还没有建立起较为完善的安全生产保障体系是重要的原因之一,安全生产保障体系与发达国家的差距巨大,不适应安全生产的需要。建立安全生产保障体系是我国安全生产工作适应全面建设小康社会和构建和谐社会的要求,保证国家经济发展安全和促进我国社会经济的全面、协调、可持续发展具有重大意义,对尽快从根本上扭转我国安全生产的被动局面,保证人民生命财产安全具有重要意义。 鉴此,本文对国内外安全生产保障现状进行了分析与比对研究;对国家安全生产保障相关的理论进行了论述,对安全生产保障的综合构成、环境影响因素及其作用规律进行了研究,提出国家安全生产保障的协同理论。在安全生产保障协同理论基础上,为了科学合理地对各子系统协调和优化配置,并为国家安全生产管理与控制提供快捷和科学的决策信息,首次提出采用神经网络模型来反映考虑各子系统之间及各子系统与总的保障体系之间的协调关系。在安全生产保障协同理论指导下,对国家安全生产保障体系构成、运行机制和保障机制进行了具体设计,提出资源整合、协同规划、协同建设的思路和措施,可供国家进一步完善和优化国家安全生产保障体系借鉴和参考。 本论文对今后一段时期我国安全生产形势进行了分析预测,认为我国仍处于事故的高发时期,实现国家确定的奋斗目标任务非常艰巨。并依照安全生产协同保障理论,提出了从政府监督管理、法制建设、技术装备保障、信息保障、投入保障、人力

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the development of national economy, the number of fatalities resulting from workplace accidents increases. From 1991 to 2004, the fatality rate due to workplace accidents increased by 4.27% annually. In 2004, the death toll approached 140,000 ; or in other words, various accidents take away more than 370 lives every day. The number of people injured in workplace accidents approached 700,000,and nearly 1,000,000 families suffered great losses therefrom, both on a yearly basis. Work safety concerns has not only restrained the development of national economy, but also damaged our country’s reputation. Let there be no doubt that work safety performance is closely linked to peoples’ lives and property, to the overall situation of reform and development, and to social stability. And clearly, work safety plays an important role in building a well - off society, in coordinating the social and economic development, and in constructing a harmonious society. Improved work safety is an important element in realizing sustainable development strategy, a basic target of the government in social management and market supervision, as well as an essential ingredient for an enterprise’s growth and prosperity.The lavish economic development model, out - of - date management approaches, unadvanced productivity and inadequate capability of the workforce have resulted in problems of work safety in our country. However, one of the major factors to be blamed for the unsatisfactory work safety situation in China is the lack of a comparatively satisfactory work safety assurance system. There is a big margin between the work safety assurance system in China and those in developed countries . Establishment of a sound work safety assurance system will be essential to the building - up of a well - off and harmonious society; it will ensure the all - round, harmonious and sustainable economic development of the country, and play an important role in the fundamental improvement of work safety situation and the protection of peoples’ lives and property.In view of the above, this article makes a comparative study of work safety assurance status quo in China and other countries, explains the existing theories as work safety assurance at the national level is concerned, examines the general makeup of work safety assurance, influential factors as well as their practical implications, and sets forth a synergetic theory on work safety assur-

【关键词】 安全生产保障体系协同理论研究
【Key words】 work safetyassurancesystemsynergeticstheoretical studies