

The Research on the Correlations of Structure and Sediments Feature in Central of Tarim Basin

【作者】 陈新军

【导师】 蔡希源; 樊太亮;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 矿产普查与勘探, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 本论文以构造地质学、沉积学、层序地层学和盆地分析等理论为指导,综合利用露头、钻井、测井、地震等多种资料,对塔中地区构造—与沉积特征及相互关系进行了综合研究和分析。主要有以下几点: 1、构造背景及特征研究:考虑到塔里木盆地演化受构造运动的控制作用显著,本文从区域地质背景出发,着重分析了塔里木盆地的构造活动、构造格局以及塔中隆起的断裂构造特征。断裂系统主要由塔中Ⅰ号、塔中Ⅱ号等断裂组成,纵向上分层,平面上分带,形成演化具有随时间迁移的特点,并具有较强的浅深层地质结构差异的双层结构。 2、层序地层划分与研究:在吸收前人研究成果的基础上,充分利用塔中地区二维地震剖面,结合钻(测)井资料,识别出塔中地区寒武—奥陶系的多级不整合面,在此基础上通过连井对比、井震结合等方法对塔中地区寒武—奥陶系进行了层序地层划分,建立了塔中地区寒武—奥陶系综合层序地层格架。 3、构造与沉积演化特征及相互关系研究:塔中地区的构造演化经历了4次大的沉降与抬升,它对中央隆起带和塔中地区构造格架的形成、油气聚集起了重要的控制作用。在建立等时地层格架的基础上,细致的对寒武—奥陶系沉积相和沉积体系进行了研究,总结了塔中地区寒武—奥陶系主要沉积相类型、沉积序列、沉积相纵向演化以及各个层序的沉积相平面展布特征,指出了地层沉积格局严格受古地理背景、构造和海平面变化控制的规律。 4、构造古地貌对岩溶发育的控制:从构造不整合出发,分别分析大型不整合面和小型不整合面对岩溶发育的控制作用。大型不整合面由全球性大规模海平面下降造成的,受构造和海平面共同控制,暴露时间较长、规模较大,它在区域上控制了两次强烈的暴露岩溶事件的发育,其溶蚀深度较大。小型不整合面由海平面变化以及与之伴生的沉积物供应速率变化造成,暴露时间较短、规模较小、局部发育、对岩溶作用影响的深度相对较浅,通常随着下一次海平面的上升而结束其岩溶作用。 5、构造古地貌对礁、滩相沉积的控制:从古地貌研究出发,以塔中地区寒武—奥陶系礁滩相储层的主要类型、特征和分布规律的研究为基础,分析古地貌阶地、断裂坡折带对礁滩相储层发育分布的控制作用。研究表明:古地貌坡折带往往控制着相带和礁滩相分布,并随着海平面的变化而迁移。 此外还以裂缝发育分布特征的研究为基础,分析构造裂缝发育与构造断裂之间的关系:越靠近断裂,裂缝越发育,密度越大,反之,裂缝就不甚发育,总体上认为裂缝宏观分布受构造控制。例如塔中Ⅰ号断裂与塔中Ⅱ号断裂带的交会部位构造裂缝非常发育。塔中地区经历了多次构造运动,形成多期构造断裂,也发育了多期裂缝,总体看来,裂缝分布与构造断裂分布基本一致。 最后,结合塔中地区寒武—奥陶系生储盖组合以及油气藏形成条件,对塔中地区寒武—奥陶系储集体进行了分析评价,指出了二个有利勘探区带区带:一是塔中大型潜山及围斜区;一是寒武—下奥陶统台缘坡折带和中上奥陶统台缘坡折带。

【Abstract】 Based on the theory of tectonics, sedimentology, Sequence stratigraphy and Basin analysis, the paper comprehensive analysis feature of structure and deposition and correlation about them of Tazhong area in Tarim basin by comprehensive utilize various data such as outcrop, core, seismic and well logging data.1、The research of structure background and feature: Based on the region geology background, The paper emphasize analysis structure movement, structure configuration of Tarim basin and fracture feature of center of tarim uplift for region structure movement notably control the evolvement of Tarim basin. The center of tarim uplift locate in the middle of two depressed, it can capture oil and gas easily. Based on the old-uplift background, the center of tarim uplift develops multi-sub-structure zones, and has important features of subarea in east-west, strip in south-north.2、 The research Sequence Stratigraphy: Combined with the former achievement, the paper distinguish two Ⅰ grade inconformity, two Ⅱ grade inconformity and several Ⅲ grade, Ⅳ grade inconformity from Cambrian-Ordovician of Tazhong area by utilize fully 2-D seismic profile and combine with the well logging and core data. On the basis of that, the author makes divisions of Cambrian-Ordovician sequence stratigraphy of Tazhong area, and builds up the Cambrian-Ordovician general sequence stratigraphic framework through combination of well and seismic and by means of well connection contrasts. The Cambrian-Ordovician formation of the Tazhong area can be divided into two magnitude sequences and eight supper sequences, i.e. Three supper sequences in Cambrian includes three larger cycles of sea level rise and fall, but the amplitude of sea level change is not wide. The facies in Cambrian mostly involves the restricted platform, tidal flat and lagoon of the evaporated platform, thick-bedded gray dolostone and develop dull pelitic gypsum rock. Two supper sequences in Lower Ordovician generally developed on the background of sea level rise. And that the depositional environment came through the evolvement process of tidal flat facies to the restricted platform and then to the open platform, stratigraphic lithology also changes from thick-bedded grayish brown dolostone to thick-bedded brownish gray limestone.3、 The research on the features of structure and sediment evolvement: The structure evolvements of central of tarim happened four great subside and rise, which has important control actions to the form of central uplift zones, structure framework and congregate of oil and gas. On the basis of the isochronous stratigraphy framework, the depositional facies and depositional system of Cambrian-Ordovician were researched carefully, the paper summarizes the major types, the deposition sequence the longitudinal evolvement features of Cambrian-Ordovician depositional facies, and the plane distribution rules of the depositional facies of each sequence, and points out the features and distribution of depositional systems are strict controlled by the sea level change, structure and palaeogeography background. Not only structure uplift controlled development of source rock, fractures have different control actions to different areas sediments, furthermore palaeo-relief have important influence to stratum sediments, specially to middle-upper Ordovician stratum.

  • 【分类号】P548.2;P512.2
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】1513