

The Structural Characteristics of Beier Depression and It is Controlling of Reservoir

【作者】 沈华

【导师】 陈发景;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 矿产普查与勘探, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 贝尔凹陷是海拉尔盆地南部的一个次级凹陷,凹陷内油气资源丰富,是海拉尔盆地重要的油气勘探区之一。贝尔凹陷的构造样式复杂,既有伸展构造体系成因的多种伸展断层和其控制的伸展断陷、断凸组合,又有横向和纵向分布的传递带以及晚期反转构造。本文利用伸展构造研究的理论和方法,进行了构造几何学、运动学的研究,以地质研究为基础,应用LAMDMARK 地震解释系统、BSMD 平衡剖面软件、多幕回剥沉降史分析软件,研究了贝尔凹陷构造-沉积演化特征,构造对沉积体系的控制作用特别是传递带对砂体的物源作用以及构造对成藏的影响,主要取得成果如下: 1、通过对贝尔凹陷几何学、运动学分析贝尔凹陷是在海西期褶皱基础上发育的陆内伸展断陷,晚侏罗-早白垩世的构造演化可分为晚侏罗世伸展断陷期前热隆张裂阶段、早白垩世断陷期和晚白垩世伸展断陷期后坳陷发育期。根据不整合面和其间断陷三期沉积旋回还可以可把伸展断陷的演化划分成3 个伸展作用幕和3 个缩短作用幕,其中最后一期缩短作用幕挤压程度高,导致构造明显反转。2、贝尔凹陷伸展作用和缩短作用的交替进行贯穿了凹陷的演化过程,白垩纪发育的3 个断陷作用幕和3 个缩短作用幕控制了3 期沉积旋回和伸展构造与反转构造的叠加。幕式伸展作用和缩短作用控制着贝尔凹陷的构造样式和沉积体系。3、着重进行了伸展构造体系的传递带研究,总结了贝尔凹陷传递带类型,探讨了断陷盆地对沉积体系及传递带对物源的的控制作用。4、从构造演化、几何学、运动学多个角度,提出继承性伸展断陷控制烃源岩的分布范围,幕式断陷演化和沉积旋回控制了生储盖组合、以及断裂作用的规模和程度,制约着油气的运移和聚集。

【Abstract】 Beier depression in the southern Hailaer basin is rich in hydrocarbon and an important target area. The structural style of Beier depression is very complex, which not only includes all kinds of extensional faults, extensional faulted-depression and faulted-up lift associations ,but also has transverse and longitudinal transfer zones, and reversal structures formed in later period. Making use of theories and methods about extensional structure, the structural geometry and kinematics are studied. Based on the research of geology, by use of LAMDMARK seismic interpretation system, BSMD balanced section software and software of sedimentation history analysis, the characteristics of structural -sedimentary evolution in the Beier depression, the influence of structure on sedimentary system, and especially the influence of transfer zone on source area of bodies and the relation of structure with accumulation of hydrocarbon are analysed. The conclusion can be drawn as follows: 1.Through the analysis of geometry and kinematics, Beier depression is a intra-continental extensional faulted-depression which developed on Hercynide basement. Structural evolution of the Beier of pre-extensional depression in late Jurassic and early Cretaceous era can be divided into three stages: hot up lift stage in late Jurassic, extensional faulted-depression stage in early Cretaceous, and sag stage of post-faulted depression in late Cretaceous. Based on unconformity surface and three sedimentary cycles, the evolution of extensional faulted-depression can be divided into three episodic extension acts and three episodic contraction, among which the latest episodic contraction is the most intense and causes structural reversion. 2.The alternation of extension and contraction occurred during the whole evolution of depression, the three episodic faulted-depression and the three episodic contraction formed in Cretaceous controlled three sedimentary cycles and the superimposition of extensional and reversal structure ,that is the structural styles and sedimentary systems in Beier depression were controlled by episodic extension and contration. 3.In this paper, the transfer zones of extensional systems are studied with emphasis, the types of transfer zone in Beier depression, and it′s influence on

  • 【分类号】P542;P618.13
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】449