

Model Study of the Tectonic-magmatic-metallogenical System in Tongling Ore Cluster Area

【作者】 王庆飞

【导师】 邓军; 黄定华;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 矿物学、岩石学、矿床学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 铜陵矿集区构造-岩浆-成矿系统是板内环境下成矿作用的典例,该系统内的构造变形、岩浆活动和成矿作用均各自呈现出复杂表象,也显示出三者之间具有紧密的内在联系;通过引入复杂性系统模型研究的思路,对构造-岩浆-成矿系统进行了逐层解析,力图查明复杂表象下的简单控制机制,并澄清各地质作用之间的内在联系。矿集区盖层复杂形变场是于印支-燕山期在先压后剪的简单机制下形成的。力学分析和物理实验不但验证上述观点,还定性重塑了区域三维变形场,并获得了一些关于区域构造演化和多层结构变形的新认识;结果表明矿集区经历了“挤压-剪切-旋转-拖带”四步变形过程,形成了不规则边界、角顶部的“拖带盆地”和复杂的三维变形场,后者则发育“上褶下断”和“上断下褶”两个基本构造组合。趋势面分析验证区域中部除受纵弯作用外,还受到底部东西向岩浆活动的顶托。最后通过数值模拟,半定量重现了区域地层的三维形态。成矿岩浆具低密度、低粘度、富含挥发份的特征;构造、岩浆、矿点的分形统计结果显示盖层褶皱系是岩浆就位的主要场所;理论分析和地质事实证实,北东向高角度逆断层及基底断裂系是浅层岩浆输运的主要通道;“剩余空间”法研究表明浅层岩浆活动的整体规律为“深部向中间集中,浅部向四周扩散”。据上述事实,本文提出浅层岩浆的输运方式为脉动“岩脉”式,岩浆输运方式决定了岩浆侵入时间的相对集中及各成矿岩体化学组成的整体相似。岩浆输运-定位过程受“上褶-下断”构造组合制约,该构造网络与其内部的流体输运过程组成一“元胞”,该“元胞”在不同尺度均有发育,具体表现形式会因实际地质背景不同而稍有差别。根据“元胞”属性和实际地质背景,推断深部岩浆输运的方式为“中尺度渗流”。借助野外观测、古地理环境分析、成矿时代测定、稳定同位素分析、区域沉积岩成矿元素聚类分析、典型矿床成矿元素主成分分析等多种手段,判定成矿流体活动主要集中于燕山期。流体物理化学参数和矿床地质特征表明成矿热液具有阶段性演化的特点,流体早期活动受浅层岩浆输运方式制约而以不混溶作用为主,晚期则呈现出多种流体混合的特征。“上断-下褶”构造组合是成矿流体输运-定位的网络,该网络具有自相似特征,在该网络内流体运移方式为“顺层侵入,切层上侵”。流体输运过程及其阶段性演化的特点控制着矿床(矿点、矿床类型和矿种)空间分布的自相似性和成矿多样性。通过对铜陵矿集区构造—岩浆—成矿系统的模型研究,本文认为板内复杂成矿系统表现出的复杂表象是整体统一景观下的细节差别,其整体景观由简单机制制约,细节不同由局部差异或“尺度效应”所导致。“模型研究”为板内复杂成矿系统探索的新视点。模型研究主要内容包括:(1)从公认地质事实出发,借助各种方法逐步推进、相互验证,把握整体特征;(2)引入复杂性科学思想,建立符合地质事实简约物理模型;(3)由于现阶段难以建立研究对象的显式定量方程,逻辑推断和物理实验就成为建立并验证模型、开展模型研究的主要手段。

【Abstract】 The tectonic-magmatic-metallogenic system of Tongling ore cluster area is appropriate for investigation of the intraplate metallogeny. The structural deformation, magmatic activities and ore-forming processes in this system show complex manifestations independently and close interrelationship among them. In order to determine the simple control mechanism for the complexity in the system and clarify the interrelationship among the three different geological events, the system was studied step by step via Model Study (MS), which is an effective analysis method for complex system. The structural deformation was studied from four interrelated aspects. Firstly, in virtue of the field observation, it is suggested that the complex deformation field of the caprocks in Tongling area was mainly developed during Indosinian-Yansanian epoch, and the caprocks had experienced two-stage deformation, the first stage of which is compression, and the second is shear. Secondly, mechanical analysis and analogue experiment not only verify the above view, but also qualitatively remolded 3D deformation field and drew some new knowledge about tectonic evolution and deformation characteristics of the caprocks with multi-layer structure. The detailed results showed that the area experienced four deformation processes, i.e. “compression-shearing-rotation-drag”, therefore, drag basin developed at the opposite corners, the irregular boundaries and the complex 3D deformation field formed. In the 3D deformation field, two basic structural assemblages (SA) with the property of self-similarity were developed, one of which has the form of folding in the upper part and faulting in the lower part (SA1), while the other has the form of faulting in the upper part and folding in the lower part (SA2). Thirdly, trend surface analysis indicated that the middle part of Tongling area underwent jacking process due to the WE magmatic activity from the bottom besides buckling. Finally, 3D shape of strata was semi-qualitively recurred by numerical simulations. Ore-forming magma is characterized by low density, low viscosity and high volatile content. The statistics of the fractal calculation of structure, magma and ore deposits revealed that it was fold that controlled the emplacement of magma. Theoretical analysis and geological facts validated that the NE high-angle reverse faults and the basal faults were the flow channels for shallow magma. Furthermore, the study of “surplus space method”pointed the migration pattern of shallow magma could be expressed by “concentrating to the middle in depth and spreading all around in shallow”. Based on the cognitions above, it was put forward that shallow magma in Tongling area intruded as “dyking/dike”model, and the variance of chemical compositions in different magmatic bodies was resulted from the impulsive motions of dikes. In general, the transporting and locating of dikes were controlled by SA1. The SA1 and the magma movement in this network constitute the “Cell”, which was well developed in different scales and its specific form varied with the practical geological settings. According to the attributes of the “Cell”and its local geological background, it is deduced that the magma in the middle and lower crust transported as the mode of “mesoscale pervasive flow”. It is confirmed that the metallization centralized mainly in Yanshanian epoch through the field observations, paleogeographic environment analysis, metallogenic chronology, stable isotopes and REE analysis of ores, cluster analysis of metallogenic elements of regional sedimentary rocks and principal component analysis of metallogenic elements of ores in typical ore deposits. Additionally, fluid physicochemical parameters and field phenomena made it clear that ore-forming fluid had the feature of multi-stage evolution. In the early stage, fluid activity was influenced by rapid decrease of magma external pressure, during which fluid immiscibility dominated; while in the late stage, fluid activity was affected by magma

  • 【分类号】P618.41
  • 【被引频次】7
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