

The Study on Several Problems of Consumption Economy in Song Dynasty

【作者】 魏华仙

【导师】 李华瑞;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 中国古代史, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 本文以马克思主义关于生产、分配、交换、消费等四个环节相互关系的理论为指导,着眼于消费在四个环节中的紧密关系,选取宋代经济史现有研究中人们关注较少的几个问题来作具体考察,以期探讨宋代社会消费状况、消费水平以及消费对宋代社会经济尤其是商品经济的发展所起的作用。宋代城市节日消费,主要以宋代两大都市汴京和临安为中心,兼及地方州县城市如成都、福州、苏州等,通过对宋代所过的节气性和季节性节日及其主要活动内容的考察,我们看到城市商业繁荣,节日气氛更加浓厚。同时自给自备的消费方式被打破,通过市场购买节日物品的因素增长,出现了一个繁荣的节日消费市场,市场化是宋代城市节日消费的最大特点。但节日消费相对集中且高于平时消费;不同地方由于地理环境、风俗习惯等的不同,其节日消费也表现出不同的特点。不同阶级或阶层由于政治地位、经济收入差别很大,节日消费丰俭也不同。此外宋代一些地方节日消费用酒存在着由官府规定数量、指定地点,进行配售,且往往销售一些劣质酒的强制消费。宋代肉类消费具有两大突出特点,一是地域性,即北方以羊肉消费为主;南方以猪肉、水产为主;宫廷肉类消费结构也随着宋室的南渡而呈现出羊肉消费逐渐减少,猪肉、水产消费逐渐增多的特点;野味类肉食消费也以南方较为突出。这是由畜牧业和养殖业的区域性特点所决定的;二是阶级性,主要表现为:羊肉主要为高官、贵族、富商等阶层的消费品,而且出现了极其奢侈、浪费的畸形消费现象;猪肉、水产在宋代的消费阶层广泛。猪肉真正成为了大众化肉食消费品。鱼在人们的饮食生活中也越发重要。这不仅因为宋室南迁导致生态环境因素变化,还因为中国社会经济重心转移到了这一地区所致。宋代水果生产遍布全国,出现了种植规模大,为出卖而生产、脱离农业的专业化、商品性特点,尤其是太湖流域的柑橘和福建的荔枝生产。同时鲜果保存及干果品制作多样而先进,水果贩运业兴盛,大量南方水果北运,使水果消费突破了地方性。水果用途广泛,丰富了饮食品种。城市里水果价格一般处于低于鱼肉而高于蔬菜这一水平,其消费阶层主要是中上层有稳定生活来源的城市居民,而质优量少价贵的水果是富贵阶层的消费品,一般居民水果消费主要用做祭祀的供品、馈送的礼品和招待亲朋的食品,同时水果的非商品性消费在农村或产地较为明显。

【Abstract】 Guided by Marxist theory on the interactive relationship among the four elements of production, distribution, exchange and consumption and focusing on the close relationship of consumption with them, the article explores on the issues rarely researched on in the economic history of the Song Dynasty in order to investigate on the role of consumption condition, consumption standard and consumption itself upon the development of commercial economy as well as social economy in the Song Dynasty. City festival consumption in the Song Dynasty centered around Bianjing and Lin’an and spread to other smaller cities such as Chengdou, Fuzhou and Suzhou. By investigating on the seasonal festivals and their main activities in the Song Dynasty, we can have a glimpse of the then commercial prosperity of the cities and the rich festival atmosphere. Meanwhile the self-providing consumption pattern was out of date and there appeared prosperous festival consumption markets owing to the purchasing craze during the festivals. That consumption was mainly market-oriented. However, since it was too concentrated and weighed much more than any other time, different places showed different characteristics because of their different geography and customs. And different classes exhibited different consumption patterns because of their different political statuses and economic conditions. Spirits distribution was regulated by officials and people were often forced to buy those of low quality. Meat is non-staple food. Based on the relationship between production and consumption, the article explores on the relationship of meat consumption and animal husbandry related with it. We find that meat consumption in the Song Dynasty had three characteristics. Firstly, it had its local features: northerners mainly ate mutton while southerners mainly ate pork and game, which was determined by their respective localities. Secondly, it had its class features: meat consumption in the court from the North Song to the South Song transferred from mutton-centeredness to aquatic product-centeredness combined with pork, poultry and game; mutton was still expensive and there appeared abnormal extravagant phenomena. Thirdly, pork and aquatic products were widely consumed. Pork became popular and fish played a rather important role in people’s diet. This was not only due to ecological and environmental changes resulting from the southern capital transfer but due to the then social and economic center transfer. Fruit was produced far and wide in large amount for the sole purpose of market sales in the Song Dynasty. Its production was separated from farming and it was specialized and commercial, which was distinctly shown in the production of oranges in Taihu Valley and that of litchi in Fujian. At the same time there were various advanced ways to preserve fresh and dried fruit. Fruit transportation prospered, which made fruit consumption no longer locally limited. A lot of southern fruit were carried north. Fruit was widely used and it enriched food varieties. The price of fruit in the cities was generally lower than that of meat and fish but higher than that of vegetables. Its consumers were mainly upper-middle city dwellers with stable income. Rare, high-quality expensive fruit was intended for the rich. Ordinary people bought fruit as sacrifices, gifts or refreshments for relatives and friends. And fruit’s non-commercial consumption was distinct in the countryside or the producing places. Paper was widely produced in the Song Dynasty. There were much more raw materials and paper products. Its production technology and quality had been greatly improved. Officials used plenty of paper, which partly came from producers in the form of tax and partly from markets. Paper consumption increased because of the wide printing of paper money and paper credit documents. With the development of culture in the Song Dynasty more paper was used in calligraphy and painting. More and more books were printed and paper products came into great use. Since paper was closely related

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 05期
  • 【分类号】K244
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1534