

A Research on Eco-economical Efficiency of Agriculture International Trade

【作者】 周升起

【导师】 姜学民;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 生态环境问题国际化发展趋势和国际贸易作为利益“传递”渠道的特点,使得越来越多的国家和地区关注和重视贸易和生态环境问题。农业普遍、独特的外部性和多功能性,农业与自然生态环境之间密切的相互依赖性,又使得农产品贸易成为贸易与生态环境研究领域关注的焦点。从过去单方面追求贸易的经济利益,向实现贸易的生态环境、经济与社会综合利益的转变,是农产品贸易应重点研究的课题。 生态经济效益原理、生态环境价值原理及其评价方法,构成了农产品贸易生态经济效益评价的理论及方法基础。对生态环境价值的评估计量,有助于更准确评价人类活动对生态经济系统的影响,尤其是对生态环境系统变化的影响。农产品贸易的生态经济效益是指:一定时期内,农产品国际贸易活动对国家或地区生态环境容量和质量、对于经济与社会发展带来的某种影响,及其这种影响的变化。 农业生产分布的广泛性、自然与经济再生产的不可分性,使得农业的外部性表现出更强的普遍性、特殊性和长期性。而由外部性引发的农业对社会经济发展的多功能性,决定着农业的非商品产出功能与商品产出功能对国民经济和社会发展具有同等重要的贡献,而且随着农业商品产出在整个国民经济商品产出中的比重不断降低,农业的非商品产出功能对人类社会发展将发挥越来越重要的作用。这就要求未来农业发展要追求经济、社会和生态效益的协调和统一。 世界各国对农业多功能性及“非贸易关注”的重视,进一步强化了农业在现代经济社会发展中的重要战略地位和意义:农业具有不可替代性;由过去单纯强调农业的经济功能和经济贡献,到强调农业的多功能性,是对农业重要作用认识的升华;追求农业的经济、社会和生态效益的协调——即生态经济效益,是农业发挥战略作用的需要;农业多功能性和“非贸易关注”应该成为我国调整和制定农业和农产品贸易支持政策,促进农业可持续发展的重要理论依据。 国际贸易作为一项经济活动,除具有一般经济活动外部性的“共性”外,由于其连接国内与国际市场,是产品从生产到消费过程的中间环节。因此,其所带来的外部性一部分是自身经济活动的结果,另一部分是对生产过程外部性的“扩散”。随着国际贸易规模的逐步扩大,贸易外部性对各国经济、社会以及生态环境的影响将日益增强,但各

【Abstract】 At present, more and more countries have pay attention to the problems about trade and environment because the ecological environmental problem has become an international issue and the international trade has the characteristic being the benefit transmission channel. Furthermore, the agriculture international trade has become a focus in the area of world trade and environment due to its universal, unique externality and multifunction features, especially to the closer mutual dependence of agriculture and natural ecological environment. It is the tendency of pursuing the synthesized eco-environmental, economical and the social benefits of international trade makes the eco-economical efficiency of agriculture international trade be a key research topic.The foundamentals of eco-economical efficiency, the theory of eco-environmental value and the relavent evaluation methods form the theoretical and methometical basis for evaluating the eco-economical efficiency of agriculture international trade, which means the impacts and the changing tendency of agriculture international trade activities on country’s eco-environmental quality, economic growth and social development.The widespreading of agriculture production, its character of integrating natural and economical reproduction makes agricultural externality show more popular, special and long-term features. The social and economical multifunctionality caused by agricultural externality determines that the agricultural non-commodity output function and the commodity output function have played the same important role in the development of national economy. Moreover, the agricultural non-commodity output function will play a more important role in the development of human society along with the decreasing proportion to the agricultural commodity output in the entire national economy commodity output. Therefore, it requests that the agricultural development should pursue the coordination and the unification of the economical, social and the ecological environment benefits.Various countries have paid a lot of attention to the agricultural multifunctionality and"non- trade concerns" that has strengthened the important strategic status and the significance at the modern economic society of agriculture: the agriculture has vicariousness; the changed understanding to the important function of agriculture from the purely emphasized the agricultural economical function and the economical contribution to the agricultural Multifunctionality; the pursuit to the coordination of the agricultural economy, social and the ecological environment development, that is the ecology economic efficiency is the function need of the agriculture; the agricultural Multifunctionality and "non- trade concerns" should become the important theory basis to the adjust with the formulation agriculture and the agricultural production trade support policy and the promotion to the agriculture sustainable development.As an economic activity, besides "the general character" to the externality of the general economic activities, international trade is the bridge linking production and consumption of products because it makes domestic market connect with international markets. Therefore, the externality is not only its own economic activity result, but also the diffuse to the production process externality. Along with the international trade scale gradually expansion, the trade externality has more influence to the various countries’ economy, social as well as the ecological environment day by day. However, the differences of policies about the domestic economy development and the trade development between the various countries will determine the influence degree of national economy, society and environment caused by trade externality.The different externality of the different trade way, the trade commodity structure has different influences to various countries. From the theoretically analysis, we can know that under the same production technology, the negative externality of the commodity exported under the general trade way is much smaller than that under processing trade. At the same time, the externality of the exported labor-intensive commodity is much smaller than that of the exported resource-intensive commodity. As to the imported commodities, it is opposite. This has indicated that we can obtain more externality benefits through the adjustment to the trade structure and the trade policy. The international trade Multifunctionality also comes from the trade externality, in addition, it has the long-term characteristic and the macro characteristic that has laid the theory basis to the dynamic ecology economic efficiency whichincludes the economical, the society ecological environment benefit, through international trade including agricultural production trade.Traditional international trade theory can not explain influences that international trade put on ecological environment benefit, as well as environmental conditions put on international trade because traditional international trade theory mainly places its emphasis in the economic interests of trade. But as more and more countries use policies of environment and trade and domestic environmental policies to limit and even prevent the imports, research on the relation of trade and environment and the competition of environment has been paid more attention to. Though there are no definite conclusions, more and more countries put emphasis in the effects between trade and environment when they formulate their trade policies. As China is the great country in production and export of agricultural goods, we must change our emphasis from pursuing the economic and social interest of agricultural products to the comprehensive interest including environmental interest when we make trade policies and implement strategies of agricultural goods.The unification between natural reproduction and economical reproduction in agriculture has determined that the trade of agricultural products has inevitably natural ecological and environmental benefit. There are many results through real diagnoses and observation experience about the negative and positive influences of agricultural production on climate, land use effects, agricultural landscape, biodiversity as well as ecological equilibrium. Since agricultural products have the features of water resource and land resource intensity, the grain trade should display obvious water resource and land resource benefit and the data analysis has proved this fact. But the change in the water resource and land resource benefit of the grain trade can not certainly keep pace with the change of grain net trade turnover. This indicated that the realization of the water resource and land resource importation benefit or economic effect through expanded grain trade does not certainly depend on the pursuit to grain trade deficit, which is same to other agricultural products. This discovery provides important political analytic basis for us to use the content of hypothesized water or water consumption in unit products, land utilization amount of unit products of different agricultural products as the criterion. And it can help us distribute agricultural factor resource reasonably, adjust agricultural products quantity, processing and structures of importation and exportationvarieties and realize the unification of economic benefit, social benefit and ecological and environmental benefits.The agricultural product trade has played an important role in the development of national economy, including the contribution to foreign exchanges, the contribution to other products, the contribution to the market and the contribution to factors, etc. But along with the drop of agriculture’s status in national economic development and the change of its role, and though its absolute trade turnover and increasing rate continuously rise, its proportion decreases in entire foreign trade, which reflects that the actual contribution of agriculture to the development of national economy is decreasing. However, the status of the agricultural products’ trade in the development of agricultural economy has been increasing, which shows that the trade of agricultural products is playing an increasingly important role in the development of agricultural economy. It is very important to the development of agriculture and rural economy to keep the sustainable and healthy development of agricultural products.It is the production and marketing features of agricultural products that decides the employment benefit of its trade, which is different with the employment benefit of the trade in other normal processing industries and most manufacturing industries. But the analysis of data shows that the pulling role of the import of agricultural products to employment also constantly increases as the proportion of labor intensive agriculture rises. As to China, whose agricultural population occupies the preferential place, it is still the main choice to display the employment benefit of agricultural products through displaying labor force comparison superiority and expanding the exportation of labor-intensive agricultural products in the very long future. Grain trade, as the large amount agricultural products, has played a very important role in the social stability and the safety of Chinese grain in these years. But the developmental strategy of the grain trade should continuously be adjusted complying with the content of grain safety, which should be transformed from simple satisfaction to multiple goals of the need of people’s "grain ration" to guarantee of "food safety", adjustment to grain planter structure and structure of agricultural and rural industry, improvement of water resource and land resource utilization, etc.From the viewpoints of pursuing eco-economical efficiency, considering the present natural resources and eco-environmental conditons of China, as well as the internationalcompetition power of the agricultural products, we should take new trade development strategies for agricultural product. They are the "dynamic comparative advantage" competitive strategy and "ecological trade" development strategy. To ensue the fulfillment of above-said two development strategies, we should put into effect new policies and measures as follows: limited and selective free trade policy within WTO multilateral trade system; reinforce the cooperation of agriculture industrial policy, trade policy and environmental policy; implenmenting more effective human capital investing policy; carrying out ecological agriculture and sustainable agriculture developing policy; actively cultivating new comparative factors; putting into effect flexible food scurity and foodstuff trade policy; building up the evaluation index system for evaluating the eco-economical efficiency of agricultural international trade.
