

Study on Laser Assisted Microprocessing for Fabrication of Monolithic OEICs

【作者】 吴云峰

【导师】 叶玉堂;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 光学工程, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 单片光电集成器件(OEICs)是利用光电子技术和微电子技术将光电子器件和微电子器件集成到同一衬底而形成的新型器件,可完成光发射、接收和信号处理等多种功能,具有功能强、可靠性高、体积小、成本低等突出优点。相控阵雷达、大容量光纤通信系统、光互连、光计算以及光神经网络等都越来越迫切的需要宽带、高速、高可靠的单片OEICs器件。但由于单片OEICs要将光、电两类结构、性能完全不同的器件集成在同一衬底上,从材料生长到制做工艺都有很大的技术难度,需要解决各种光电兼容问题,因此至今尚未完全实用化。半导体的激光微细加工技术具有“低温处理”、“局域升温”的独特优势,将该技术应用于单片OEICs的制做,有利于解决其中的光电兼容难题。 本文的工作就是围绕单片OEICs的激光微细加工技术开展的,主要的研究结果和创新之处如下: 1) 用激光微细加工的方法制做出了InGaAs/InP平面型PIN光探测器,响应度为0.21A/W。这向用激光微细加工方法制做出单片集成光接收机的目标迈出了关键的一步。研究了探测器制做中的激光诱导扩散和激光辅助合金工艺。分析了影响探测器性能的因素,总结了原有工艺的不足,提出了相应的解决方法。 2) 研制出了激光微细加工中微小区域的温度分布和变化的计算机测量系统。该系统首先在提高了原系统温度分辨率的同时,扩展了测量范围。在温度为600℃时,系统的温度分辨率可达到0.2℃,测量区域的最小直径可达到18μm。系统还利用精密电动平台的精确定位功能和温度信号的实时采集、存储功能,实现了微小热斑温度空间分布和温度随时间快速变化过程的测量。 3) 研究了激光微细加工中的精确对准问题,提出了相应的解决方法。a)根据激光微细加工区温度分布的特点,设计了搜索算法,实现了测温系统和激光微细加工中微小区域的横向对准。b)从理论上分析了直径仅数十微米的激光微细加工区的温度测量与一般红外辐射测温的对系统纵向对准要求的区别,提出了相应的系统调焦方法,实现了测温系统对激光微细加工区的纵向精确对准。c)提出了不可见的10.6μm激光焦斑和激光微细加工微小窗口

【Abstract】 Monolithically optoelectronic integrated circuits (OEICs) integrate optoelecronic components and electronic components onto one chip. It has the advantages of high speed, high reliability, cost-effective, and small size. In applications such as phased array radars and fiber-optic communication systems, monolithic OEICs will be the key components. However, The fabrication of monolithic OEICs is confronted with the incompatibility problem between optoelectronic and electronic components. Though enormous efforts have been made to overcome this difficulty, the problem has not been solved perfectly. Laser assisted microprocessing of semiconductors have the advantages of "low temperture processing" and "direct writing". It is promising to use this technology in the fabrication of OEICs to solve the incompatibility problem.The purpose of this work is to develop the laser microprocessing technologies for the fabrication of monolithic OEICs. The main conclusions and contributions include:1) As the fundamentals of the fabrication of monolithically integrated optical receiver, a planar InGaAs/InP PIN photodiode has been fabricated using laser assisted microprocessing. The responsivity of the fabricated Planar InGaAs/InP PIN photodiodes arrived 0.21A/W. Laser induced diffusion and laser assisted alloying were introduced, and the experimental results were presented.2) A computer-controlled temperature measurement system for the small region in laser assisted microprocessing has been developed. The system can realize the real time temperature measurement of the small laser-exposed region nonintrusively. The system reached a temperature resolution of 0.2 ℃. The measurement region diameter of 18 μm was also obtained.The system can be used to measure the tmerature distributions and the temperature changing versus time in the small region.3) Some precise alignment technologies in the laser assisted microprocessing are proposed, a) Algorithm had been designed to cooperate the move of themotorized stage and the acquisition of temperature data. It follows that the measurement of temperature distribution and the accurate location of the highest temperature region were realized, b) The requirement of focusing is stringent in the temperature measurement of the laser-processed region. A focusing method was proposed to solve this problem. The method utilized the calculated focal lengths at different wave bands, and the measured temperature distributions of the same object at different objective distances, c) A method has been proposed to realize the precise alignment between the small invisible laser spot and the diffusion window, d) The alignment between the diffusion window and the etching area in the second ion mass spectrometry analysing has also been realized.4) The temperature rise in a semiconductor substrate induced by a 10.6 μ m focused CW CO2 laser beam has been investigated experimentally. The thermal runaway phenomenon was observed. Then its mechanism was analyzed. A numerical method has been proposed to calculate the stable temperature rise when the optical absorptivity of the substrate increases with the substrate temperature. Then methods including preheating the substrate and feedback controlling the temperature of the exposed region have been proposed to avoid the thermal runaway phenomenon.5) Two methods have been proposed to uniform the temperature distribution in the small processed region, a) It was first proposed to uniform the temperature distribution through modulating of the intensity incident on the surface using a mask. The key of this method is calculating the laser intensity distribution that can induce uniform temperature rise in the diffusion region. The numerical method to solve this problem was described. The results show that when the mean temperature rise in the processed region is about 500 K, the maximum temperature difference of 3.9 K can be achieved, and the temperature distribution approaches "top-hat", b) Another method changes the laser intensity distribution at the focal plane using binary optical elements (BOE). The ideal intensity distribution was calculated firstly. And a genetic algorithm was proposed to design the BOE. The results suggest that this method can also uniform the
