

Relevance and Adjustability: A Study of Translating Process in Cultural Image Renderings

【作者】 李占喜

【导师】 何自然;

【作者基本信息】 广东外语外贸大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 本文以文化意象的翻译为个案,从“关联—顺应研究路向”的语用学视角对翻译过程进行了研究。该研究视角是,本文作者在Sperber和Wilson的关联理论以及Verschueren的顺应论的基础上尝试性构建出的一个理论体系,其旨在研究翻译过程申译者大脑思维运作的动态过程。本文描述了译者的大脑信息处理机制如何促使他与原文作者和译文读者进行跨文化交际。本研究的范围涉及译者的思维能力,研究的目标在于揭示译者交际能力的潜在可能性。其主要目的是用我们构建的理论体系来阐释翻译过程。 “关联—顺应研究路向”是一个跨文化的、以译者为中心的理论范式。在该理论框架中,我们认为,翻译既是一个寻找关联的明示推理过程,又是一个动态的顺应过程。即,译者在原文认知语境中寻找关联,在译文认知语境中作出动态顺应。在翻译过程中,译者站在原文作者和译文读者之间与其进行跨文化交际。在正确认知处理原文作者的交际意图之后,译者是以确保译文读者认知和谐的方式与他们进行交际的。译者调动其现有的认知资源并发挥其主体意识在原文认知语境中寻找最佳关联,以及在译语认知语境中以变异、协商、顺应的方式进行语言选择。在找到与原文作者交际意图相匹配的最佳关联之前,以及在作出合适的语言选择传达其信息意图和交际意图之前,译者的思维运作处于不确定的状态。译者找到最佳关联,以及他的语言选择满足了译文读者的审美期待和接受能力,这时译者的认知资源才会得到最佳配置。 为了叙述上的便利,本文作者把整个翻译过程分为语篇释意的交际过程和语篇产出的交际过程两部分。不过,需要指出的是,在实际的翻译过程中,这两个交际过程往往是相互交错进行的。换言之,译者的释意过程和产出过程常常难以清晰地予以界定。在语篇释意的交际过程中,译者与原文作者或原文话语进行的跨文化对话是一个寻找关、联明示推理的交际过程。该过程是根据原文中的词汇信息、逻辑信息,以及百科信息和译者的审美素质来完成的。译者在原文话语中寻找关联,在大脑中构建语境假设并体味出相应的语境效果,从而充分理解原文作者试图传达的信息意图和交际意图。在这一释意的过程中,译者会努力正确认知处理与原文作者交际意图相匹配的最佳关联。 语篇产出的交际过程是一个译者动态顺应译文读者的交际过程。译者使用译文语言传达原文作者的意图是一个不断进行语言选择的过程。该选择过程具有变异性、协商性和顺应性的特点。译者在语篇阐释交际过程中得到的最佳关联的引导下,有意识地从译文话语构建成分的不同层面进行语言选择,在确保译文读者认知和谐的前提下,来传达原文作者的信息意图和交际意图、或者对其信息意图进行操纵。同时,译者会从不同的心理角度顺应译文读者,换言之,在顺应的过程中,他会考虑译文认知语境中的社会、文化语境,语言语境;他的心理动机;以及译文读者的审美期待和接受能力等等。 在本研究中,本文作者借鉴社会心理学理论,诸如,He ide:的认知一致性理论,FeS t inger的认知不和谐理论,Kelly的动机理论等,尝试性地提出 “译文读者为中心的认知和谐原则”。其旨在揭示译者语言选择背后的心理动机。我们认为,翻译过程中译者的态度应该是,尽可能传达原文作者的信息意图和交际意图,以及对作者信息意图的操纵都必须以确保译文读者的认知和谐为前提。也就是说,当译文读者作为译文话语的能动接受者在理解和欣赏原文作者的意图时,这些话语能够在其犬脑中产生认知上的一致性。因而,译者的译文选择和语用翻译策略必须聚焦于传达原文作者的意图,以及对原文作者信息意图进行操纵,而不会让译文读者付出不必要的推导努力来获得:l)原文作者试图传达的语境效果;2)译者为了迎合译文读者的审美期待和接受能力而对原文作者信息意图进行操纵性重构而传达的语境效果。简言之,译者的译文选择不应该让译文读者在阅读译文话语与译者进行交际时,在理解和欣赏原文作者的意图方面在心理上产生压力。

【Abstract】 The present research is a pragmatic exploration of the translating process in cultural image renderings from the perspective of Relevance-Adjustability Theoretic Approach (RATA in short). This approach is tentatively cultivated by the author on the basis of Sperber’s and Wilson’s Relevance Theory and Verschueren’s Adaptation Theory to investigate the workings of the translator’s mind. It intends to give an account of how the information-processing faculties of the translator’s mind enable him to carry on cross-cultural communication with the original author and his target audience. The domain of this research is the translator’s mental faculties and it is the aim of this study to explore the possibilities in terms of the translator’s communicative competence assumed to be part of human minds. The primary purpose of this study is to use my tentative RATA to account for aspects of the translating process.RATA is a new cross-cultural and translator-centered theoretical paradigm. In this paradigm, translating is both a relevance-seeking, ostensive-inferential process and a dynamically-adjusting process. The translator searches for relevance in the source cognitive environment and makes dynamic adjustment in the target cognitive environment. In the translating process, the translator stands at the center of cross-cultural communication between the original author and the target audience. He communicates with the audience by ensuring their cognitive consonance after processing correctly the author’s communicative intention. He mobilizes his cognitive resources available and develops his subjectivity to search for the optimal relevance in the source cognitive environment and to make linguistic choices in the target cognitive environment in a variable, mediating andadjustable way. The translator’s mental operation is in an indeterminate state before he finds the optimal relevance to the author’s communicative intention and makes appropriate linguistic choices to convey the latter’s intentions. His cognitive resources will be optimally allocated when he finds the optimal relevance and his linguistic choices successfully satisfy the audience’s aesthetic expectations and acceptability level.For the convenience of expression, I intend to divide the whole translating process into Discourse-Interpreting Communicative Process (DICP) and Discourse-Producing Communicative Process (DPCP). But it needs to be pointed out that in the actual course of translation the two sub-processes are constantly intersecting; in other words, the translator’s interpreting and producing seem to go hand in hand constantly.In DICP, a cross-cultural mental dialogue between the translator and the original author or utterances is a relevance-seeking, ostensive-inferential process. This process is carried on according to the source lexical information, logical information, and encyclopedic information as well as the translator’s aesthetic qualities. Working his way through the source utterances to search for relevance, the translator constructs their contextual assumptions in his mind and understands what contextual effects are intended in the context, thus forming a comprehensive hypothesis of the author’s intended intentions. In this process, he makes every effort to process correctly the optimal relevance to the author’s communicative intention.DPCP is a dynamically-adjusting process from the translator to his intended receptor audience. His use of target language to convey the author’s intentions is a continuous choice-making process characterized by variableness, mediation and adjustability. Guided by this optimal relevance, the translator consciously makes linguistic choices at the different levels of the target utterance-building ingredientsto convey the author’s intentions or to manipulate the latter’s informative intention by ensuring the cognitive consonance of the receptor audience. Meanwhile, the translator adjusts his choices to the audience, motivated by his different psychological aspects. In other words, he has to take into consideration the s

  • 【分类号】H059
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