

Conform and Restructure

【作者】 雷振东

【导师】 刘加平;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 建筑历史与理论, 2005, 博士


【摘要】 随着农村城市化与现代化的迅猛发展,乡村聚落,作为乡村社会活动的载体和容器,也不可避免地步入了一个前所未有的转型时空。由量变集聚到质变转化,乡村聚落各个层面旧有的形态结构逐步开始解体,而重构的形态结构却兼融合理与不合理,代表进步也充满了危机,其中诸多的环境矛盾问题显然已经成为束缚其可持续发展的重要障碍。 本文以关中地区为例,从人居环境科学角度,探讨乡村聚落各个层面环境转型的矛盾问题及其良性发展途径。主要采用调查问题、分析问题和解决问题的务实性基本研究方法,运用专业理论知识,融合社会、经济等等其它学科的科学知识,透过关中乡村聚落转型中的诸多混沌现象,剖析其演进的动因和动力机制,从理论高度进行科学反思,提出其整合与重构的基本方向和途径,并实践性地探讨了灵泉村传统聚落有机更新的适宜性模式。 首先,论文总体把握关中地区乡村聚落环境形态转型的现实状况、特征与问题,明确指出乡村聚落环境形态“空废化”及其衍生的聚落环境形态“分散化”是其转型中存在的主导性问题,同时又是本地区严重的普遍性问题;乡村聚落形态结构的转型是聚落内外社会经济与环境诸多因素复合作用的结果,返回来它又严重反效应于聚落的各个方面及层面。乡村聚落环境形态的可持续性发展,必须紧扣国家发展战略,依循乡村聚落城市化和现代化的趋势和特点,兼顾其环境演变的基本特征,基于整合的思想、高效的目标和长远的利益,从区域、聚落、邻里和宅院各层面全面推进,从社会、经济、环境和管理各领域综合应对。其中,论文创新性提出“空废化”的概念及其量化分析指标。 其次,论文从理论高度,深入剖析了乡村聚落形态结构的演变规律,提出了整合与重构的乡村聚落有机更新方法论思想,总结了地区建筑学思想理念,尝试性触及乡村聚落规划思想与方法的适宜性变革。其中,最核心的要点为:其一,基于经济欠发达地区外部资金投入的无力而适宜性提出“整合”与“重构”的关中地区乡村聚落转型思路;其二,基于关中乡村聚落群的流变趋向与潜在效应而提出“扩大乡村聚落”的概念,并在此基础上提出了重构本地区村镇体系结构关系的基本思路。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of civilization and modernization, rural settlement, as a container and carrier of country society activities, has inevitably entered an unprecedented transition space-time.As a result of the transformation from quantitative change to qualitative change, the conformation structure of all the sections of rural settlement disjointed stage by stage. But the reconstructions have something reasonable as well as unreasonable. They represent advancement and also full of conjuncture. Meanwhile, many environment conflicts become vital obstacle as a halter ties the sustainable development of rural settlement.This article takes Guanzhong Region as an example, looks into it from the visual angle of human settlements science, and also discusses the conflicts problems in environmental transformation together with the optimization way of developing related to all parts of rural settlement. Author mainly adopted on basic research method seriously by investing, analyzing and resolving. He applied professional theory, blended other fields of science such as sociology , economics etc., and looked into lots of the chaos phenomenon in the transform course of rural settlement in Guanzhong Region, then he anatomized its evolutional drivers and dynamical functions, and also he showed an earnest reviewing on academic level, put forward basic orientation and avenue of its over-sewing and reconstructing course and at last he took Lingquan village as a model object, probed into the organic renewal of traditional settlement ,from programming and practicing aspects.First of all, this paper sees through the total to grasp the actual status, characteristics and issues of the transformation of environment modality of rural settlement in Guanzhong Region. It points out definitely that the vacantization of the environment modality of rural settlement and the decentralization derived from it are the main problems in its transformation course. Meanwhile they are very serious and ubiquity problems in autochthonic regions. The configurative transformation of rural settlements is a result rooted in the complex actions of environment and social economy’s internal and external factors, and in reverse, it has serious and negative effects on each aspect and section of settlement. The sustainable development of the environmental modality of rural settlement, need to abut upon in the wake of the

【关键词】 乡村聚落转型空废化整合重构
【Key words】 Rural habitatTransformationDisusingConformationRestruction
  • 【分类号】TU984-092
  • 【被引频次】27
  • 【下载频次】2734
  • 攻读期成果