

Status, Habitat and Conservation of Main Ungulates in Cibagou National Nature Reserve of Tibet, China

【作者】 吴鹏举

【导师】 张恩迪;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 生态学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 西藏慈巴沟国家级自然保护区位于西藏东南部,具有典型的高山峡谷地形特征。当地降水量大,低海拔处气候温暖,随着海拔的上升,温度呈现出明显的梯度变化。当地生物多样性非常丰富,汇集了不同区系的哺乳动物,仅偶蹄类动物就有9种之多,而且大都是受国家重点保护的物种。到目前为止,对当地仅有两次初步的资源性质的调查。对这些动物生态学还缺乏系统的调查和研究。 为了掌握当地野生偶蹄类动物现状、生态学特征及其保护现状,尤其是羚牛和鬣羚的栖息地选择和种间关系,从2001年8月到2002年7月,笔者在西藏慈巴沟自然保护区开展了为期一年的生态学研究工作。从2001年8月到11月,在野外专门设立样线观察羚牛和其它偶蹄类动物的集群现象,除此之外,在其它对羚牛和鬣羚的生境调查的时间里随时观察和记录到的羚牛和其它动物。在观察时,记录羚牛的集群大小、类型、时间、地点、海拔、尘境和彼此之间的距离等,如果发现羚牛的新鲜脚印,跟踪并作相应的记录。从2001年11月末开始,沿着慈巴沟随机选择起始点,向着垂直于等高线的方向从低到高每隔250米机械设置10m×10m的固定样方,样方的四个角用木棍固定,并做好标记。在每个样方内,记录样方植被类型、海拔、坡度、坡向、坡位、距水源的距离、乔木密度和灌木密度、竹林密度、郁闭度和隐蔽度等,在冬春夏三个季节检查样方是否被偶蹄类动物利用,并分辨和记录动物种类。在2002年春季,沿着已经设置好的样线为中点检查两边各5m内的动物痕迹。分别记录遇到的动物的新鲜痕迹,包括粪便、脚印、毛发和卧迹等。同时记录痕迹点的海拔、植被类型和坡位等。对当地野生捕猎和保护现状的调查采用了问卷调查、访问记录和查阅统计资料等方式。本研究采用了Vanderloeg选择系数W_i和Scavia选择指数E_i以衡量羚牛和鬣羚生境选择性的指标;用判别分析分析羚牛和鬣羚生境选择各自的季节分离程度以及它们在相同季节之间的分离程度,对各个因子利用性差异利用非参数估计中的两个独立样本的Mann-Whitey U检验进行检验分析;用种间联结分析羚牛和鬣羚空间区域的主要格局;用生态位理论和相关测度式分析偶蹄类动物,尤其是羚牛和鬣羚的种间关系等。 研究结论如下: 1、慈巴沟自然保护区内的偶蹄类动物证实有9种,即羚牛、鬣羚、野猪、黑麝、林麝、斑羚、赤斑羚、黑麂和岩羊,对麂类动物分类存有分歧,但本次从分子生物学和形态学方面初步断定是黑麂。在相对数量上,羚

【Abstract】 Cibagou Nature Reserve lies in southeast Tibet, which terrain is characteristic of high mountains and deep valley, and which climate is warm and rainy, and what’s more, its temperature takes on an obvious vertical change. Complicated terrain and rainy climate give birth to the great richness of species and abundance of plant vegetation type. It contents abundant animals belonging to different faunas, and the ungulates in the reserve amount to 9, and most of them are protected species by the State. However, there had been only two preliminary surveys in the area by 2001, and it had been lack of systematic research on these animals in the reserve.To understand the status, ecology and conservation of the ungulates, especially habitat selection and interspecific relationship, we conducted one-year survey in the Cibagou Nature Reserve of Tibet from August 2001 to July 2002. From August to November 2001, transects were set to observe the behaviors of takin and other ungulates, and in addition to these, observations were made during the study on habitat of takin and serow. Size of ungulates, grouping type, time, place, altitude and vegetation type were recorded. From November 2001, 14 transects perpendicular to contours were set randomly along the Cibagou valley from south (the entrance of Cibagou Nature Reserve) to north of the reserve, and a total of 187 sampling plots (10m × 10m) were set every 250m from the bottom to upper position. For each plot, we recorded the variables including vegetation type, altitude, slope degree, slope aspect, slope position, distance from water, arbor density, shrub density, bamboodensity, shelter, canopy cover. Plots were checked to examine if any recent tracks (including pellets, footprint, bedding sites, etc) left by the animals in winter, spring and summer and to decide if used by takin or serow. In the spring, we checked the new tracks left by all the ungulate in 10m wide along the transect set already, and identified the species and noted the altitude, vegetation type, slope position and other variables of the sites of the new tracks. In this study, some methods including questionnaire, interviewing and information collecting were used to study hunting on and conservation of these ungulates. Vanderloeg coefficient & Scavia index was used to evaluate the selectivity of vegetation and other variables for takin and serow, and the discriminant analysis was used to analyze seasonal and interspecific change of habitat selection, and the Mann-Whitey U was used to test the difference of two variables of non-parameter. In analyzing interspecific relationship, interspecific association test, the discriminant analysis and ecological theory and correlative measurement were used.The conclusions of the study are listed below as:1. There are 9 species of ungulates in Cibagou Nature Reserve, which are takin, serow, black musk deer, forest musk deer, goral, red goral and blue sheep. For the classification of the muntjac, but based on the result of the molecular research, we identified it as black muntjac. Among all the species of ungulates, the population of takin was the largest, then followed by serow and wild boar; because of heavy poaching on musk deer, they have probably been on the verge of extinction in the reserve. Serow and black muntjac were isolated, and wild boar usually lived with 2-5 group, while, the size of group of takin were 1-17 in autumn, winter and spring, which was further less than that of takin distributing in Shaanxi and Sichuan. In this survey, male-group and "leader" of takin were observed, which had been less found in other study.2. The survey in transect belts found the surveyed ungulates distributed from 1600 to 3700m in elevation, but each of them had relative concentrated zone of altitudinal distribution. Takin and serow gethered on 2500~3400m, and wild boar on 2200-3100, and black muntjac on 1900-2800, and (red) goral on1600-2500, while (red) goral covered more altitudinal zones than others species. The results revealed that takin and serow most used Fargesia-conife

  • 【分类号】Q958.1
  • 【被引频次】6
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