

Emergy Analysis and Comparative Advantage Research of Cropping System in Jilin Province

【作者】 张大瑜

【导师】 高旺盛; 刘兴土;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 本文应用能值理论与方法对东北平原粮食主产区吉林省粮食生产系统,三大粮食作物(玉米、大豆和水稻)生产系统以及吉林省不同农业生态区典型县域三大作物生产系统分别进行了能值分析,在此基础上建立了粮食生产区域比较优势分析模型,对吉林省典型县域三大粮食作物比较优势进行了实证研究。主要研究结果如下: (1) 吉林省粮食作物生产系统净能值产出率和能值投入率均较高,分别为2.03和6.18,说明粮食生产技术水平较高,此粮食系统发达,运转的效率高,同时环境承受的压力也较大。环境资源的能值投入对吉林省粮食生产具有一定的贡献,占总投入能值的比例为14%。在总能值投入中,购买能值为主比例为86%,在购买能值中,工业辅助能为主比例为85%,在工业辅助能中,化肥贡献最大,说明吉林省粮食生产的集约化程度较高。 (2) 吉林省三大粮食作物玉米、大豆和水稻的净能值产出率的排序为大豆(1.63)>水稻(1.13)>玉米(0.98),能值投入率为水稻(7.59)>玉米(6.60)>大豆(4.00),说明大豆生产具有较高的净能值产出率和较低的能值投入率,应进一步增加购买能值投入水平,以提高大豆生产水平。玉米的净能值产出率小于1,说明投入不经济,投入结构不合理,系统的能值转化效率不高,小于全国平均水平;主要作物产品的环境压力指标排序为玉米(8.27)>水稻(7.59)>大豆(4.39),反映大豆投入水平低,对环境压力最小,是最具有开发潜力的粮食作物,还可以进一步加大能值投入力度;三大作物产品的宏观经济价值排序为玉米(6659元/hm2)>水稻(6041元/hm2)>大豆(3808.5元/hm2),按市场价格计算,玉米为4582.5元/hm~2,水稻为8187元/hm~2,大豆为3904元/hm~2,说明玉米的市场价格不能足以补偿生产的能值成本,应建立生态补偿机制,对玉米进行补偿,补偿标准建议玉米为2076.5元/hm2。从目前的情况看,由于水稻和大豆的市场价格高于其宏观经济价值,因此水稻和大豆的生态补偿可通过市场调节来完成。 (3) 不同农业生态区典型县域玉米生产的能值比较分析结果:汪清、舒兰、公主岭和大安四县(市)农业集约化程度高,能值流量以购买能值为主,分别占总能值用量的85.02%、82.90%、89.24%、89.49%;净能值产出率分别是0.57、1.62、1.25和0.70,其中舒兰和公主岭高于全省平均水平(1.03),市场竞争力较强:环境压力为6.37、5.83、9.27和16.99,其中公主岭和大安高于全省平均水平(8.27)。 (4) 不同农业生态区典型县域大豆生产的能值比较分析结果:汪清、舒兰、公主岭的能值流量以购买能值为主,分别占总能值用量的77.46%、73.85%和78.74%,说明大豆生产集约化水平都较高;工业辅助能值分别占总能值的57.33%、44.51%和56.06%,舒兰大豆生产对工业辅助能的依赖性低于汪清和公主岭。净能值产出率分别为1.24、3.06和2.05(全省平均水平1.63),反映出舒兰的大豆市场竞争能力最强;环境压力分别为3.61、3.15和4.51,公主岭高于全省平均水平(4.39)。 (5) 不同农业生态区典型县域水稻生产的能值比较分析结果:汪清、舒兰和公主岭的能值流量以购买能值为主,分别占总能值的84.70%、84.18%和90.99%,其中公主岭高于全省平均水平85.70%;工业辅助能值分别占总能值的68.14%、66.83%和79.27%,其中公主岭高于全省平均水平70.90%,反映水稻生产的集约化程度均较高;净能值产出率分别是0.90、2.01、和1.14,其中舒兰的水稻市场竞争能力最强;能值投入率分别为5.86、5.66和10.67,舒兰低于全省平均水平7.59,说明其水稻生产成本较低、市场竞争力较高。 (6) 构建了基于能值理论的比较优势分析模型,结果表明:玉米生产的比较优势指数排序为舒兰(2.01)>公主岭(1.58)>大安(0.85))汪清(0.70),舒兰和公主岭具有明显的比较优势;大豆生产的比较优势指数排序为舒兰(1.78)>公主岭(1.11)>汪清(0.74),舒兰和公主岭具有明显的比较优势;水稻生产的比较优势指数排序为舒兰(1.71)>公主岭(1.03)>汪清(0.76),舒兰具有明显的比较优势。

【Abstract】 Emergy input-output, macro-economic benefits, environmental pressure and net emergy output of maize, soybean and rice in Jilin province and its typical areas are analyzed applying emergy theory and methods in this paper, and comparative advantage analysis model of these areas is established based on above analysis, and some case studies are carried out. The main results are following:(1) Net emergy output ratio and emergy input ratio of cropping system in Jilin province are both higher,they are 2.03 and 6.18.This shows that production technology level is high while its environmental pressure is severe. Proportion of environmental emergy is 14% of total emergy, Proportion of purchase emergy is 86%,among purchase emergy, Proportion of industrial assistant emergy is 85%, among industrial assistant emergy, the propotion of fertilizer is the highest, this shows that intenvisim degree of crop production in Jilin province is higher.(2) Main crops emergy comparative results. Net emergy output ratio is soybean (1.63) > rice (1.13) > maize (0.98), it showed that soybean productivity is higher, and maize output-input ratio is unreasonable; environmental pressure is maize (8.27) > rice (7.59) > soybean (4.39), it showed that environmental pressure of soybean is smallest; macro-economic benefits is maize (6659yuan/hm2) > rice (6041yuan/hm ) > soybean (3805.5yuan/hm ), and according market price the macro-economic benefits is 4582.5Yuan/hm2, 3904Yuan/hm2 and 8187 Yuan/hm2, it showed that market prices of maize is insufficient to compensate emergy cost, so ecological compensate mechanism should be setup and compensate amount of maize are 2076.5Yuan/hm2. Because market price of soybean and rice are higher than macro-economic benefits, the ecological compensation can achieved through market.(3) Emergy comparative results of maize in different ecological areas. Agricultural intension in Wangqing, Shulan, Gongzhuling and Da’an are higher, emergy flows of maize are mainly purchase emergy, and their purchase emergy proportions are 85.02%, 82.90%, 89.24% and 89.49% of total emergy; net emergy output are 0.57, 1.62, 1.25 and 0.70, and those of Shulan and Gongzhuling are higher than province average. Environmental pressure in Wangqing, Shulan, Gongzhuling and Da’an are 6.37, 5.83, 9.27 and 16.99, and those of Gongzhuling and Da’an are higher than province average.(4) Emergy comparative results of soybean in different ecological areas. Emergy flows of soybean in Wangqing, Shulan and Gongzhuling are mainly purchase emergy, and their purchase emergy proportions are 77.46%, 73.85% and 78.74% of total emergy, it showed that intension of soybean is higher; industrial assistant emergy proportion are 57.33%, 44.51% and 56.06% of total emergy, and they are lower than maize and rice, and it also showed that industrial assistant emergy proportion in Shulan is lower than the other areas; net emergy output are 1.24, 3.06 and 2.05(the province average is 1.63), and it showed that market competition in Shulan is strongest. Environmental pressure are3.61, 3.15 and 4.51, and those of Gongzhuling is 4.39 higher than province average.(5) Emergy comparative results of rice in different ecological areas. Emergy flows of rice in Wangqing, Shulan and Gongzhuling are mainly purchase emergy, and their purchase emergy proportions are 84.70%, 84.18% and 90.99% of total emergy, purchase emergy of Gongzhuling is higher than provincial average; industrial assistant emergy proportion are 68.14%, 66.83% and 79.27% of total emergy, and Gongzhuling is higher than provincial average, and it showed its higher intension; net emergy output are 0.90, 2.01 and 1.14, and it showed stronger market competition in Shulan. Emergy input are 5.86, 5.66 and 10.67, and those of Wangqing and Shulan are lower than province average, it showed lower costs and stronger market competition in these areas.(6) Setup comparative advantage analysis model based on emergy theory. The analysis results show in the following: comparative advantage index of maize production is Shulan (2.01)>Gongzhuling (1.
