

Research on Structural Absurd Tendency about Pre-Qin Numismatic Wordage

【作者】 陶霞波

【导师】 臧克和;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 在戰國文字研究方興未艾的今天,先秦貨幣文的研究依然處於一種低迷的狀態:在服務於錢幣學研究的大前提下,研究者多從文物考古、歷史文化和文獻内容等角度對錢文進行研究;文字學意義上的文字本體研究則側重於單字考釋和字彙編撰,而近年來日漸完善的漢字學理論却未在該類文字材料上得到驗證,從漢字發展史的角度,研究構形系統、形體特點、演變規律也未充分展開。這些不能不說是古文字研究尤其是戰國文字研究的遗憾和缺失。因此,本文從材料的實際面貌和自身特點出發,運用現代信息技術,立足於文字本體和文化環境的多維研究,根據已有的研究成果對貨幣文的文字系統和構形系統進行了梳理、統計,通過與相關文字類型的比較研究,歸納貨幣文文字形體變異的若干特徵,在探討分析這些特徵的過程中,揭示文字構形在書寫壓力下趨向無理性演變这一漢字形體發展規律。 本文共有6個部分。緒論部分綜述了先秦貨幣文的研究情況,根據現有的研究得失和材料的特點確立研究角度,根據研究角度劃定材料的範圍、確定研究的方法。其後5部分是對構形無理性趨向的各種表現進行的專題研究:第一章,無理性之直线化。首先於宏觀處對貨幣文中的直线化傾向進行量化統計,再於微观處就代表字符的形體演變與兩周金文进行比照研究,揭示貨幣文中直线化用筆的特點和趨勢,並結合文字書寫活動分析其原因;第二章,無理性之輪廓化。同樣先從全局上認識輪廓化構形,歸納該現象在貨幣文中的特點,再通過個案研究,尤其是與兩周金文的比較,就輪廓化構字對漢字結構理據的破壞進行再認識;第三章,無理性之借用。該章就貨幣文中構字元素的借用和錢紋借用分別作了討論,并就構字元素的借用與金文进行比較,表明在貨幣文中“借用”這一富有理性的簡省方式同樣造成了構形的無理性;第四章,無理性之十以上數字的文字表示法。這一章就貨幣文中材料豐富的數詞作了量化研究,在梳理了十以上數字文字表示法的歷史演變情況之后,通過對先秦貨幣文中十以上數字文字表示法的排列方式和構詞理據的考察分析,展現了貨幣文在十以上數字文字表示法的多樣性和隨意性,體現了其對傳統文字的突破;第五章,無理性之傳形。該章首先對“傳形”這一概念的源流和發展進行了檢討,在此基礎上對先秦貨幣文中“傳形”現象作了系統考察,並結合貨幣的鑄造工藝對該現象作出原因分析。

【Abstract】 Now, the research on Pre-Qin numismatic wordage is much slower than on Zhan Guo wordage. As working for the research on numismatic wordage, most scholars study wordage form the archaeology, history culture and literature. In the philology, the research on wordage is stressed on explaining the single word and compiling the dictionary. The developing philology theory has not been embodied from numismatic wordage. Based on the development history of Chinese characters, we have not started the research on the system of structure, the feature of shape and the rule of evolution. It is really regret in the research on Paleography, especially on Zhan Guo wordage. So, the thesis is based on numismatic materials and features, using the modern digital technology, studying the essence of words and the environment of culture, editing the systems of words and structure, summarizing the feature of structural mutation by comparing other types. The thesis reveals that the structure of wordage shows the absurd tendency.The thesis has six chapters. The preamble overviews the situation of the research on Pre-Qinnumismatic wordage, establishes the angel of research from the experience and materials, then, corroborates the extent of materials and the method of research. The subsequent five chapters are stressed on the structural absurd tendency. The chapter one, the absurd tendency is straight. It first makes statistics for the straight absurd tendency of numismatic wordage, compares the development of shapes with the words from the Inscription on bronze of Zhou Dynasty, then, reveals the feature and the tendency and analyzes the reason with actual behavior of writing. The chapter two, the absurd tendency is outline. It also begins at studying the content of outline and its features, then, researches deeply its destruction on the structural reason through the single cases and comparison. The chapter three, the absurd tendency is borrowing. It discusses the borrowing in the Chinese elements and decorations, also compares with the words from the Inscription on bronze and shows that the borrowing takes the absurd tendency by simplifying reasonably. The chapter four, the Chinese figures which are upwards of ten in the absurd tendency. It researches the abundant figures and edits the history development, analyzes the permutation and theory, shows the diversity and contribution for the traditional wordage. The chapter five, the order of words is changing in the absurd tendency. It talks about the concept and the development, explores the details in Pre-Qin numismatic wordage, and analyzes the reason with the craft of coin.

【关键词】 先秦货幣文構形无理性
【Key words】 Pre-Qin numismatic wordagestructureabsurd
  • 【分类号】H121
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】379