

【作者】 林文建

【导师】 李学武;

【作者基本信息】 北京中医药大学 , 针灸学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 阳痿是指青壮年男性,在性生活时,阴茎不能勃起或勃而不坚,不能进行正常性生活的一种病症,为临床常见的男性性功能障碍。阳痿作为病名虽沿用已久,但其涵义模糊而广泛,且病名隐含贬意,病人易于产生沉重心理压力,不利于治疗。故美国国立卫生研究院将阳痿正名为“勃起功能障碍”(erectiledysfunction,简称ED),ED明确指出病变部位在阴茎,将ED定义为: “阴茎持续不能勃起和(或)不能维持勃起,以达到满意性生活”。对临床诊断治疗有了精确的概念。据统计,男性性功能障碍发病率有逐年上升的趋势,严重影响了男性的生活质量及家庭幸福。 时至今日,治疗阳痿(ED)虽已有特定的治疗药物,但仍不足以满足日益增多患者个体所需。从近数年来许多的医学临床报告中显示,针灸治疗阳痿具有其独特疗效,相关实验暨报导亦证实针灸有调节人体神经及其内能的功效作用。针灸能激发大脑皮层的兴奋性,进而调整脑内各类神经递质、受体的状态功能,而达到治疗阳痿的目的。因此,于临床上运用中医针灸治疗阳痿已是一个医学科研的新趋势。 天灸疗法是以辛热刺激性药物贴敷于穴位,使局部充血红赤,甚至发泡如同艾火灸燎效应的一种方法,具有穴位刺激和药物吸收双重作用,与穴位药物贴敷法和现代医学经皮给药法十分相似。其局部刺激起温经通络、温阳散寒、行气活血的效果,通过经络调衡作用,达到补虚泻实、平衡阴阳、祛病保健的作用;其药物渗透进入血液循环,发挥药理作用,并可借经络的传导功能,使药物直达病所。因此,天灸具有疗效显着、使用方便等优点,深受历代医家所推崇,随着现代医学透皮吸收和经皮给药的开发和应用,天灸这一古老方法的开发创新有着十分重要的意义。 本次实验以氢化可地松与腺嘌呤所致肾阳虚证的阳痿模型,运用督脉经所属穴位及肾俞穴进行天灸操作,藉由动物行为与性激素等内分泌检测来观察天灸治疗对动物模型的影响。由自主行为学检测所示,天灸加药物治疗对模型小鼠的自主行为能力表现较好,证实天灸疗法确有其“温通气血、扶正祛邪”的临床运用功效,且相关的实验观察中,亦观察到天灸可提高个体的机能与性行为能力。交配实验结果显示,天灸可提高肾阳虚阳痿模型小鼠的交配率,天灸加药物治疗组与模型组相比较,天灸加药物组其疗效均优于模型组(P<0.01),可见天灸对肾阳虚证阳痿模型小鼠可提升其交配率及血清中睾酮含量,使该组小鼠整体表现趋近于正常空白组,且天灸于改善小鼠耐寒及附壁游泳能力结果亦显示天灸疗法的治疗效果;于性激素检测上,天灸可提升腺嘌呤所致肾阳虚小鼠血清睾酮、T3、T4、ACTH,降低雌二醇(E2)的效用,说明天灸确有其温阳益肾的治疗作用。

【Abstract】 Impotence refers to failure of penis to erect,or the impotence erection without durability beforethe decline phase of the men’s sexual function. Clinically, it is common diagnosed as male sexualfunctional disorder.Then name of impotence hasused for aperiodoftime. However,themeaning isambiguous and broad. The disease implies depreciation that causes the patient suffer frompsychological pressure, and also interfere with the treatment. Therefore, American National HealthCare Research Center has officially named the disease as“erectiledys function”,abbreviated as ED. ED is clearly points out the pathological disorder of penis,and it defines when penis fails to erector cannot sustain durability in order to perform satisfying sexual intercourse. This is accurate conceptto clinical diagnosis. The statistics show, the incidence of disease of male sex dysfunction has thetendency to rise year by year;this can seriously affect man’s quality of life and his family. Today,there are specific therapeutical medicines fortreating ED,but it stillcan’t satisfy the largedemand of the patients who are in need for treatment. In recent years of medical studies show thatacupuncture and moxibustion has its uniqueness intreating ED,relevant experiments and reports alsoverify that acupuncture and moxibustion regulates the human nerve system and internal energy.Acupuncture can stimulate corticocerebral excitatory,and to adjust all neurotransmitters and receptorsin the brain and achieve the goal of treating impotence.So,using acupuncture to treat ED in TCM hasbecome a new trend for better medical treatment. Medicinal Vesiculstion treatment is a pungent hot stimulating herbs patch on the acupoint, it cancause locally hyperemia and induce blisters to bring out toxins.It works with stimulating acupoint andherbal absorbing at the same time. The treatment is similar to the topical application of herbalmedicament on the point, and western dermatology treatment. The local area invigorates with warmmeridians to promote smooth flow of qi,warm and activate yang to expel cold,to promote circulationof qiand blood.Through the regulating of meridian and collateral, reinforce the deficiency and purgethe excessive, balance ying and yang, eliminate the sickness and enhance good health. As medicinepermeates and enters blood circulation, the pharmacology plays an important role, and alsoconducting the function of collateral channels, make the medicine work effectively. Therefore,Medicinal Vesiculstion has advantage of apparent effective ness and easy to use, this method washighly praise bythe well respected doctors. Moreover, with the modern medical theoryof absorbingmedicine through the affected areaor apply directly onthe area, the development of this old methodof the Medicinal Vesiculstion has significant in our treatments. The experiment is based on ED model group with deficiency of kidney yang cause byhydrocortisone and adenine, by apply Medicinal Vesiculstion on acupoints which belong to Dumeridian and Shenshu (BL23), to observe the influence on animal model by apply medicinalvesiculstion treatment on animal behavior, measure its sexual hormones and its level of endocrine.The test on self-behavior study indicates medicinal vesiculstion with herb has better self-control abilityin the mice model group, this result can prove the treatment of medicinal vesiculstion has its clinicaleffectiveness of warming qi and blood and strengthening body resistance to restore its normal function.On other relevant experiments also show that treating medicinal vesiculstion can promote theindividual functioning and sex ability. On the result of mating experiment indicates medicinalvesiculstion increase the number of copulating on mice model of kidney yang deficiency. Bycomparing two groups, medicinal vesiculstion with herb is more affective than the model group(P<0.01), which implies medicinal vesiculstion on mice model group of kidney yang deficiency hasincrease the number of times of copulating and increase testosterone in serum, and it also shows thisgroup is ver
