

Study on Management Mode for Spruce-Fir and Broad-leaved Trees Mixed Forests in the Over-logged Forest Region of Changbai Mountain

【作者】 王铁牛

【导师】 郑小贤;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 森林经理学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 长白山过伐林区云冷杉针阔混交林的经营关系到该地区经济社会发展和生态安全。然而,国内对云冷杉针阔混交林经营理论和技术体系的研究尚处在试验探索阶段,且已有的研究多数为单项研究,难以全面指导云冷杉针阔混交林的经营实践。当前实践中,由于缺乏必要的经营理论指导和经营技术,云冷杉针阔混交林经营比较粗放,其结构逐渐被破坏、功能在退化。因此,为了适应新时期我国对林业主导功能由木材生产转向生态环境建设的历史性转变,为了满足该地区经济社会发展对云冷杉针阔混交林经营实践的需要,迫切需要开展云冷杉针阔混交林经营模式研究。 本研究为了恢复和改善云冷杉针阔混交林结构、提高其经营水平与整体效益,在对研究对象现实林结构特征分析结果的基础上,以区划、调查、经营目标、目标结构以及结构调整等为主要研究内容,提出了云冷杉针阔混交林的经营模式。经营模式不仅对发展云冷杉针阔混交林经营理论具有理论价值,而且对于指导云冷杉针阔混交林经营实践具有现实意义。 本研究综合采用理论与实践相结合,定性判断与定量化、模型化相结合,野外调查与科学分析、推理相结合的方法,对云冷杉针阔混交林经营模式开展了深入地研究,主要取得了以下研究成果: (1) 从树种结构、年龄结构、空间结构、更新结构、生长及收获等方面系统研究了云冷杉针阔混交林结构与生长特征,掌握了研究对象林分结构信息,为云冷杉针阔混交林结构调整及经营模式的构建提供了依据。 (2) 率先提出了过伐林区划体系、区划指标、区划方法与调查指标体系、调查方法及测算方法,并设计了林分调查表,为过伐林区划、调查提供了理论依据和方法。 (3) 提出了研究对象经营总目标和二级、三级目标结构及其量化的指标体系,为云冷杉针阔混交林经营模式的构建提供了依据。 (4) 利用林分总蓄积、总株数、针阔比以及小、中、大径级林木株数与蓄积9个结构因子绘制了可视化的目标结构和现实林分“结构树”。它不仅能够简单、直观地描述复杂的林分结构信息,而且还能直观、简洁地比较现实林结构与目标结构存在

【Abstract】 The management of spruce-fir and broad-leaved trees mixed forests in the over-logged forest region of Changbai Mountain concerns steady development of economy and society and safe ecology directly. But at home, the research on management theory and technology system of spruce-fir and broad-leaved trees mixed forests is still at test stage. The most existing results are separate studies, so it is difficult to guide management practice of spruce-fir and broad-leaved trees mixed forests in an all-round way. In the long-term management practice, because of lacking essential management theory and technology, the management of spruce-fir and broad-leaved trees mixed forests is extensive generally. As a result, the forest structure is destroyed gradually, and the function is degrading. In order to meet the historical transition of forestry’s leading function from timber production to construction of ecological environment, and to meet the need of managing practice of spruce-fir and broad-leaved trees mixed forests during development of society and economy, it is required to study management mode for spruce-fir and broad-leaved trees mixed forests urgently.In order to resume and improve forest structure of spruce-fir and broad-leaved trees mixed forests, to raise management competence and whole benefit, this research put forward the management mode for spruce-fir and broad-leaved trees mixed forests which was on the basis of structure characteristic analysis of existing forests. The main research contents are zoning, investigation, management aim, objective structure and structural adjustment, etc. The management mode is going to have both theory value and realistic practical significance during managing spruce-fir and broad-leaved trees mixed forests as an ecosystem.This research deeply studied the management mode of spruce-fir and broad-leavedtrees mixed forests by many study methods, such as combining theory with practice, combining qualitative judgment with ration and model, combining investigation in field with scientific analysis and reasoning. The main research results are as follows:(1) Studied structure characteristics by tree structure, age structure, space structure, regeneration structure, growth and yield etc., and grasped structure information of objective forests to offer the basis of structural adjustment and management mode for spruce-fir and broad-leaved trees mixed forests.(2) Took the lead in proposing zoning system, zoning index, zoning method, investigation index system, investigation method and calculating method. Designed forest questionnaire to offer theoretical foundation and method for zoning and investigating in over-logged forests.(3) Proposed general management aim of research object, objective structure in second and tertiary levels and quantitive index system of objective structure to offer the basis of management mode construction of spruce-fir and broad-leaved trees mixed forests.(4) Drew visual "structure Fig. "of objective structure and existing forests by nine structure factors including total forest volume, total tree number, ratio of coniferous trees to broad-leaved tress, and tree number and volume of all diameter classes, which could not merely describe structure information of complicated forests simply and intuitively, and also compare existing forests structure with objective structure, and then get their differences to, so that offer intuitionistic basis of structural adjustment and management mode for spruce-fir and broad-leaved trees mixed forests.(5) For the first time put forward the method of controlling cutting trees with objective trees, definition of objective tree, structure of objective tree, and procedure of confirming objective tree to offer the basis of structural adjustment in spruce-fir and broad-leaved trees mixed forests.(6) Proposed scientific and quantitive management mode including zoning, investigation, management principles, management aim, objective structure, and management technology system of structural adjustment etc. to offer theoretical foundation
