

Study on Forest Rights System on Sustatinable Forest Management in Collective Forest Area, South China

【作者】 徐秀英

【导师】 马天乐; 刘俊昌;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 林业经济管理, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 南方集体林区是我国主要林区,分布着我国重要的江河湖泊,其森林资源的生态地位十分重要。解放以后,南方集体林区林权制度经过了多次变革,遗留下来许多问题。20世纪80、90年代后,各地出现了森林、林木、林地使用权的有偿流转,通过市场来配置生产要素,促进了森林可持续经营,但存在着市场化机制不健全的问题。1996年,为了实现森林可持续经营的目标,我国开始进行森林分类经营试点,将森林资源按照其主导利用功能人为地划分为公益林和商品林。实行分类经营后,产生了公益林的产权不安全问题。南方集体林区的产权问题错综复杂,已严重地影响森林可持续经营。本文旨以已有的新制度经济学、法学的相关理论为基础,对南方集体林区林权制度的历史变迁进行比较静态分析,通过调查并结合相关的法律法规,分析存在的产权问题,针对存在的产权问题,研究南方集体林区林权制度改革的主要内容,以实现森林可持续经营。主要结论是: (1)南方集体林区林权制度存在的主要问题可能是制度本身的问题,也可能是制度执行中的问题。综合来看,南方集体林区林权制度存在的主要问题有产权界定不明确,产权缺乏安全性,产权的市场化运行受阻。这些问题的存在已严重地影响了森林的可持续经营。 (2)南方集体林区林权制度改革的总体设计包括改革的方向、目标、主要内容和变迁的方式。改革的方向是坚持集体林地所有权不变,改革的目标是实现森林可持续经营,改革的主要内容是林权明晰化,林权的有效保护,林权的市场化运作,改革的方式是诱致性制度变迁与强制性制度变迁相结合。 (3)南方集体林区林权制度改革的首要任务是明晰产权。应明确林权主体,根据变化了的形势,设置新的权能,合理分配各项权能,界定所有者与经营者之间的责权利关系。 (4)需要规范和弱化政府权力和建立相应的法律来保障林权的安全性,集体林区林权的安全性研究需突破产权制度本身的范围,改革林地征用制度,建立公益林征用(管制占用)补偿制度,改革商品林采伐限额制度。坚持公民财产权与政府行政权平衡的观点,从私人财产权法律保护的角度来探讨公益林补偿问题。 (5)必须从拉动林权市场需求与供给、合理确定价格、降低交易成本等方面来推动林权市场化运作。南方集体林区公益林产权的市场化具有一定的经济基础,应根据各地实际探索公益林补偿市场化、建设与管护市场化的新形式。

【Abstract】 Collective forest area, south China has contributed to form the main forestralized areas in China, where several important lakes and rivers are located. Hence, the ecological concerns have been considerably paid towards protecting the limited forestry resources in this area. After liberation (1949), the legacy on the regulation of collective forest area, south China has experienced a series of changes, as result, many problems have been exposed. During 1980s to 1990s, the phenomenon of commericalizing the usage legacy for forests, wood and the place where forests grow profitably is discovered to be widely existed in a variety of places. Though this form of commercial trade is constructed on the basis of marketing forces, through which all kinds of different factors would be organized and contributed to enable to improve the sustainability of the forestry management, the marketing system has not been fully developed in China whereby. For fulfilling the objectives of sustainable development of forests in China, the attempts to diversify the management forms by categegorizing different forests were adopted in 1996. In China, forests are norminately categorized into two types according to their dominant functionality: public forestry and commercial forestry. Soon the issue about the property insecurity towards the public forestry was floated onto the surface after adopting the attempts of categorizing forests into two. The complexity of property issue existed in collective forest area, south China has profoundly decreased the sustainability in terms of forestry management. This paper attempts to investigate and analyse this property issue through comparing the historical and systematical shift of collective forest area, south China on the basis of existed law, economic regulation and the related theories. According to the findings of the existed problems around the property issues, the detailed contents for the forestry property legacy reformation will be given to enhance the sustainability of forestry management. The main conclusion has been summarized as the below:(1) The main problems existed in collective forest area, south China could be caused by the system itself or just caused during in the process of execution. In summary, the regulation associated with the property legacy of collective forest area, south China wasnot well defined. As result, the property legacy lacks security; and the commercilzation towards the property legacy driven by the marketing forces could be stucked. All these may seriously deterioriate the sustainability of the forestry management.(2) The blue print for the reformation towards the legacy property as to collective forest area, south China including the direction, objective, the main contents and the shifted styles for this reformation has been delineated. The direction of the reformation is to maintain the aggregated ownership without change; the objective of the reformation is to achieve the sustainable forest management; the main content of the reformation is to clear the property legacy, to form the efficient protection towards the forest property, achive coomercialization of the forest property under the marketing driving forces; and the reformation style should bind the compulsory shift and the incompulsary shift together.(3) The fundamental task of the reformation for the collective forest area, south China is to separate the property and the ownership, which could also be represented as the followings: the subject of the forestry must be clearly defined; the new generated property legacy ought to be instantly adjusted according to any shift caused by the new situation, the property legacy must be constructed on the basis of rationality; and finally the relationship regarding to the responsibility and power between the owners and the managers ought to be clearly defined.(4)In order to ensure the safety of forest rights, strategies such as weakening government power and establishing relative law seems necessary to be adopted. The study on safety of aggregated forest rights needs
