

Studies on the Comprehensive Analyses of Forest Resources and Its Management in the Fragile Ecological Area

【作者】 孔庆云

【导师】 寇文正; 高兆蔚;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 森林经理学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 生态脆弱区是在特定自然、经济、社会条件下,人与自然长期综合作用形成的特殊区域。在人口、社会、经济发展与资源、环境矛盾尖锐的今天,生态脆弱区环境条件已成为制约区域社会和经济发展的主要因素。鉴于生态脆弱性差异及其成因复杂,必须在充分分析基础上,采取相应的管理方式、方法改善生态脆弱区环境。长期以来,生态脆弱区森林资源管理沿用一般管理方式,影响森林资源与环境的稳定、健康发展。从社会、经济、环境多角度,运用社会、经济、系统、生态、森林资源管理、统计等多学科的理论、方法对生态脆弱区进行系统性研究,探索分类管理方式,协调森林资源与社会、经济、环境的关系,降低区域生态脆弱性,实现区域可持续发展,具有十分重要的理论与实践意义。本研究在国内外生态脆弱性研究基础上,以内蒙古大兴安岭东南麓森林边缘带生态脆弱区3个旗市为主要研究对象,以福建省古田县为辅助研究对象,通过野外实地调查和资料分析,开展了生态脆弱性相关概念、评价指标体系、生态脆弱性评价,生态脆弱性与社会、经济、森林资源及其相关管理关系,区域管理主体——乡镇之间的生态脆弱性差异和分类、各主要类型的管理对策等一系列研究并取得了相应结果: (1)生态脆弱区生态脆弱性相关概念、评价指标、成因分析的研究。根据生态脆弱区的特点,借鉴国内外生态脆弱性研究成果与方法,提出了生态脆弱性概念,建立了区域生态脆弱性评价指标体系框架。针对试验区实际,采用系统诊断、定量分析方法,对区域生态脆弱性进行评价和成因分析,确定其生态脆弱性主要成因是:人口对环境和资源的胁迫力大、经济与气候不利、区域政策与管理协调性差。 (2)生态脆弱区森林资源与生态脆弱性关系研究。依据生态脆弱性定量分析结果和区域森林资源现状,进行生态脆弱性和森林资源关系分析,进一步阐明森林资源在改善区域生态环境的作用,表现在森林资源数量、质量、组成、结构、分布特点等多方面影响区域生态环境。进而依据区域经济、环境和社会对森林资源的需求,提出了制定森林资源管理的目标和森林资源发展规划的设想。 (3)生态脆弱区森林资源管理现状分析。在试验区森林资源经营现状调查、分析的基础上,通过调查问卷查明试验区森林资源管理中主要存在的22个问题,在系统诊断的基础上,确定出区域森林资源管理问题的根源,是缺乏长远规划、政策贯彻不力、林权证依法变更不及时、毁林现象普遍而查处不力、规划设计不科学等8个问题。 (4)生态脆弱区森林资源管理机制的研究。针对生态脆弱区特点、森林资源现状,从微观管理角度提出森林资源分区分类管理;依据生态脆弱性主要成因分析和区域森林资源管理主要存在问题,从宏观管理角度出发,提出试验区森林资源管理机制改革建议。同时提出:不同地区生态脆弱性成因的主导因子不同,同一地区有相似的

【Abstract】 Fragile ecological area is the special area formed by comprehensive and long-term action between man and nature under the specific natural, economic, social conditions. Its environmental condition has already become the main factor restricting regional social and economic development under the current circumstances of acute contradictions among population, society and economy development, resources and environment. Since there is differentia of ecological vulnerability which has complicated original cause, the environment in fragile ecological area must be improved with corresponding to the modes or methods of management on the basis of complete analysis. Regional forest resources management has long followed the traditional managing mode, which has interrupted the stabile and healthy development of forest resources and environment. So it makes great sense, both theoretically and practically, to carry out systematical research on fragile ecological area via multi-disciplines, e.g. sociology, economics, system science etc. for discussion on modes of classification and management from a multi-point view of society, economic and environment. It will coordinate the relation between forest reserves and the society, economy, environment, reduce regional ecological vulnerability and realize regional sustainable development.The research is based on the studies on ecological vulnerability at home and abroad and it was carried out in 3 counties or cities of the fragile ecological area of Daxinganling Mountains in Inner Mongolia and Gutian County in Fujian Province. By fieldwork and data analysis accordingly, this dissertation has discussed and studied the concept of ecological vulnerability, the indicator system of assessment on ecological vulnerability, and it has make an analysis of relationship among ecological vulnerability, society, economic, forest resources and its management. It has also explicated the differences of ecological vulnerability between countries, which are principal parts the regional management, made a scientific classification of fragile ecological types and brought forward the countermeasures. The main conclusions are as following:(1) The research on the indicators for analysis and assessment, the cause of vulnerability and the concept concerning ecological vulnerability. The dissertation hasput forward the ecological vulnerability concept and set up the frame of indicator system to assess ecological vulnerability, using the results and method of domestic and international research for reference. Through system diagnose and quantitative analysis, it has appraised and analyzed the cause of the ecological vulnerability, brought forward the main causes of ecological vulnerability according to the real situation of trial area, which can be concluded as the heavy stress on environment and resources, unfavorable economic and climatic conditions, inconsistent regional policy and management and so on.(2) The analyses of relationship between vulnerability and forest resources in fragile ecological area. The analyses of relationship between vulnerability of ecosystem and forests resources had been done by using the result obtained from quantitative analyses of vulnerability of the ecosystem and the present situation of forest resources of the certain area. It indicates forest resources will improve the ecological environment quality to some extent, which can be incarnated in the quantity, the quality, the constitution, the structure and their distribution characteristics of forest resources. According to the demand of forest resources that regional economy, environment and society claim, the dissertation lays out the goal of the management and makes out the plans for the development of forest resources.(3) The analysis on the status of forest resources management in the fragile ecological area. According to the investigations and analyses of the current situation of forest resources management in the test area, the dissertation brings forward the main 22 problems concerting forest resources management through
