

Study on the Mechanism of the Administration in China’s Forest Management

【作者】 苏春雨

【导师】 寇文正; 陈谋询;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 森林经理, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 当前,我国的林业正处于一个重大的转折时期。国家的经济体制由传统的计划经济向社会主义市场经济体制转换;林业的建设由以木材生产为主向以生态建设为主转变;森林经营由传统的经营方式向可持续经营转变。这三方面中的任何一个方面的单一转变都会对森林的经营、管理和相关的政策产生深刻的影响。这三个方面同时转变,相互作用,彻底改变了森林经营政策制定的基础、方向和内容,迫使森林资源经营管理重新进行系统的设计和全方位的改革。 本研究立足于适应社会主义市场经济体制,协调森林的经济效益与生态效益的矛盾,促进森林的可持续经营,在分析当前森林经营管理中面临的众多矛盾的基础上,从宏观政策管理的角度,对新时期森林经营管理及相关政策的基本框架进行了系统的设计,提出了森林经营管理的基本要素,并以此为基础,对森林经营管理机制进行了设计。在构建宏观管理系统的基础上,将构成系统的各组分作为子系统进行了深入研究,以不同的形式提出了管理的主要内容和实现途径。 本研究的主要目的是从根本上揭示我国森林经营管理中面临的各种矛盾和问题的根源,以及协调各种矛盾,解决问题的系统途径。通过研究分析认为: 市场机制、产权机制、行政干预、生态机理是森林资源经营管理的四项基本要素。这四项基本要素相互联系,共同作用构成了影响整个森林资源经营管理体系形成和发展的基本框架。在这个框架中,市场机制是平台,产权机制是基础,政府干预是保障,生态机理是科技支撑。在森林资源经营管理中,产权管理起到基础性地位,产权清晰是政府干预和技术支撑发挥作用的前提;政府干预对保障森林资源的合理配置和森林可持续经营起着重要作用,但也必须建立在产权的基础上;同时,行政权、产权以及行政权在各级行政机关之间的配置,取决于森林经营单位的可持续经营能力,以及基层林业行政主管部门的行政能力。实行分区管理,分类经营是解决我国森林生态系统多样化与管理政策一致性矛盾,充分发挥森林生态系统自身功能的途径之一,可以按照森林可持续经营管理的要求,将全国划分为若干管理区,在各区内,选用生态价位和生态敏感性两个标准的一系列指标划分经营类型,实现森林经营科学分类,科学经营。

【Abstract】 At present, the Chinese forestry is being at a significant transforming period. The national economic system is transforming from the traditional planned economy to the socialist market economy; the forestry development is transforming from timber production oriented to ecological maintain oriented; the forest management is transforming from the traditional management ways to sustainable management. Any transformation of the above three aspects will produce tremendous influence to the forest management and related policies. The joint effect of the three ones thoroughly changes the basis, orientation and contents of the policies and drives the systematic re-designing and reforming of the forest management administration.By analysing the causes of the conflicts in the current forest management and administration, based on adapting the socialist market economic system, coordinating the economic and ecological benefits of forest and improving the forest sustainable management, form the point of macroscopic policy administration, this study puts forward the elements of forest management administration, and designs the basic frame of the forest management administration and related policies systematically. Based on which, the forest management administration mechanism is designed. Based on the designed macroscopic administrative system, each component is analysed further and the main contents and realizing ways of the administration are put forward in different forms.The main objective of this study is to reveal essentially the various contradictions and their sources faced by Chinese forest management and administration, find a systematic ways in the forest management and administration that could coordinate various contradictions. The main conclusion of this study is as follows:These four basic factors, market mechanism, property right mechanism, administrative intervene and ecological mechanisms make up the basic elements of forest resourcesmanagement administration system. These four basic interconnected elements compose the basic frame that shapes the formation and development of China’s forest management administration system. In this frame, the market mechanism is platform, the property right mechanism is basis, the government intervene is guarantee, the ecological mechanism is scientific support. In the forest management administration, property right administration is in the basic position and clear property right is the prerequisite for government intervene and scientific support to make effect. Government intervene is very important to ensure the rational disposition of forest resources and the forest sustainable management, but it also must be based on the property right. On the other hand, the administrative right, property right and the disposition of administrative right in the administrative organizations at all levels are decided by the sustainable management ability of the management units and the administrative ability of the basic-level forestry authorities. Administrating by regions and managing by classification is one of the ways to solve the contradiction of diversified ecological systems and even management policies. Based on the sustainable management requisitions, whole country can be divided into several administrative regions, and each region can be composed by the management groups that are classified according to a series of index coming from the standards of ecological importance and ecological sensitivity.
