

【作者】 周玲强

【导师】 黄祖辉;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 管理学, 2005, 博士


【摘要】 目前我国生态旅游认证方面的研究与实践处于起步阶段。浙江省试点建立生态旅游认证标准对生态旅游景区进行认证,这对我国生态旅游项目开发与生态旅游区建设具有重要的理论和实践意义。 论文系统地总结了国内外生态旅游认证标准和可持续发展指标体系研究的最新进展,在此基础上提出了119个生态旅游认证指标。通过对30位专家的访问和对浙江省40个自然景区的实地调查,采用德尔菲法(Delphi)和因子分析,对指标进行筛选,构建了生态旅游认证指标体系。指标体系由环境、社会、生态环境管理和旅游体验四个主题构成,下设10个子主题,即自然资源、景观质量、社区参与、员工培训、能源利用、环保投入、废弃物处理、交通与商品、解说系统、行为引导,共42个指标。采用层次分析法(AHP)确定各项指标的权重。 参照中华人民共和国国家标准,结合景区目前的最佳实践和专家的意见,制定了以浙江省实际情况为基础的生态旅游认证指标的评分标准,并用这些标准对浙江省太湖源景区、龙王山自然保护区、中国大竹海、莫干山风景区和藏龙百瀑五个景区进行实证评估,确定了这五个景区需要持续改进的关键行为领域,即提升解说系统质量、完善社区参与机制、加强员工培训、改善生态环境管理。 为进一步研究政府在生态旅游认证过程中应该扮演什么样的角色,笔者通过对杭州市及其下辖的临安、淳安,宁波市及其下辖的奉化、宁海、象山,温州市及其下辖的永嘉、乐清,绍兴市的新昌,湖州市的安吉,丽水市及其下辖的部分县市,金华市的永康等地政府相关部门、旅游企业、旅游者三方面的调查数据及资料的分析,总结出当前我省地方政府对生态旅游管理的现状及存在的主要问题。在此基础上,对生态旅游管理及研究相关的部分政府部门管理人员和专家学者进行了Dematel法问卷调查,分析了在生态旅游认证过程中政府部门所应解决的主要问题,及其之间的关联度和影响度,并得出了3条问题链及相应的解决方案。在以上分析的基础上,笔者阐述了政府在生态旅游认证标准推广过程中的行为及其具体的管理手段。

【Abstract】 At present, research and practice concerning ecotourism certification are just in their initial stages. This thesis is an attempt to design an index system about ecotourism certification of scenic zones, which is applicable to real situation of Zhejiang province. It will contribute a lot to the development of ecotourism projects and construction of ecotourism destination.Based upon a systematic review of the latest achievements in the research on ecotourism, its certification standards and sustainable development indicators, the thesis brings forward a set of 119 indicators for ecotourism certification. After a consultation with 30 experts and an investigation in 40 natural areas in Zhejiang province, the author uses Delphi and factor analysis as tools to identify effective indicators and thus develops an ecotourism certification indicator framework. The framework consists of four themes, ten sub-themes and a total of 42 indicators. The four themes are environment, society, ecological management and tourism experience while the ten sub-themes are natural resources, landscape, community participation, staff training, energy consumption, environmental protection investment, waste disposal, vehicle management, merchandise, interpretation system and behavior regulation. Analytic Hierarchy Process is used to work out the weight of each of the 42 indicators.With reference to China national standards, successful practices observed in scenic areas, and advice contributed by experts, the author sets up the evaluation standards on the basis of the real situation of Zhejiang province. The evaluation standards are used to assess five scenic areas in Zhejiang province: Taihuyuan scenic area, Longwang Mountain Nature Reserve, China Big Bamboo Sea, Moganshan Mountain and Canglong Baipu scenic spot. The author analyzes the ecotourism practices in these areas and detects four major behavior fields where sustained improvements are to be made in the future: upgrading of quality interpretation system, improvement of community participation mechanism, strengthening of employees cultivation and environmental management amelioration.In order to explore further what roles the government should play during the whole process of ecotourism accreditation, the author analyzed the data of government, tourist companies and tourists from Hangzhou, Lin’an, Chun’an; Ningbo, Fenghua, Ninghai, Xiangshan; Wenzhou, Yongjia, Leqing; Xinchang; Anji; Lishui and Yongkang, etc. The main problems in governmental tourism management being pointed out, Dematel method is then conducted to the government administrators and experts who have corresponsive comprehension on ecotourism and government operation. Three plans to solve problems are thus concluded after an analysis of mutual-relation and mutual-impact of these problems is made. Based on the above-mentioned researches and analysis, the author sets forth suggestions on government behavior and concrete management methods during the popularization process of ecotourism accreditation standards.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 04期